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Communication in Criminal Justice


Submitted By Caldera89
Words 1132
Pages 5
Communication in Criminal Justice Settings
Ashley Thompson
Erin Kirkpatrick
Communication is important to most professions and human relations in general. When it comes to a career in the Criminal Justice field, you must have great communication skills. Possessing these skills can keep you out of bad situations, and might even save your life. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal and to be able to do your job well, you need to know how to overcome potential communication barriers.
Communication in Criminal Justice Settings
Communication is a necessity when you are working almost any job. When you are working with the public, the people in a community you must be able to not only communicate your own point effectively, but also know what others are trying to tell you. People can tell you things with their words, but watching their body language, and observing their appearance can help you get information too.
Many people come from all walks of life, many different cultures and upbringings. You should understand some of the differences so you can interpret their actions correctly. There are appropriate verbal and nonverbal ways to communicate in different situations.
How you communicate in the streets is different than you would on the stand, while testifying in court. Your body language, appearance and choice of words are still very important.
Components of both Verbal and Nonverbal Communications.
There a few different components of both verbal and nonverbal communications. With nonverbal communications you have: eye contact, body language, and written communication. When you are speaking to someone, look at them in the eyes. Don’t stare them down to the point of awkwardness but, look at them and see what they are doing with their eyes. If they are trying really hard to stare you in the eyes or if they are darting their eyes all over the

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