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Communication Plan


Submitted By debsinschool
Words 1981
Pages 8


1984 : Moisson Montréal was founded by four volunteers: Pierre Legault, Frédéric Sawyer, Brian Martin and Peter Gantous. It was the first food bank in Quebec.

1995 : In its search for sustainable solutions to poverty and hunger issues, Moisson Montréal developed Renaissance, a social reintegration and professional training venture.

1998 : Moisson Montréal played a leadership role during the Ice Storm, offering humanitarian assistance to numerous municipalities. Some 300 tons of food were distributed daily – 5 times the average for that period.

2004: Moisson Montréal was actively involved the SOS Haiti project.

2007 – present: In collaboration with the Coalition énergie et construction durable (CEDC), Moisson Montréal’s focus was working on a large-scale project whose aim was to drastically improve its facilities. Construction and building management specialists devised an energy efficient concept from a sustainable development perspective.


Mission: To ensure optimal food supply to community organizations serving people in need on the Island of Montreal; to take part in the development of sustainable solutions to foster food security.

The organization’s involvement in the community is three-fold, acting as a food bank, gathering and distributing food free of charge to support Montreal organizations; it contributes to the implementation of sustainable solutions fostering the self-sufficiency of people enduring hardship; and in defense of basic rights, it aims to advise the general public and authorities of the problems that arise from hunger and poverty.

Vision: There does not appear to be a vision documented anywhere, either on the website or in the Annual Report. This should be an objective on the organization’s roadmap.

Values: Respect, fairness, commitment, integrity, solidarity

Governance: Board of Directors consisting of 13 individuals from a variety of sectors.


Moisson Montreal, a non-profit organization, is the largest food bank in Canada providing foodstuffs to more than 140,000 people affiliated with over 200 community organizations in the Greater Montreal area. The basis for its operations is the distribution of food that is not sellable due to packaging errors, but is nonetheless consumable. In fiscal year 2013, Moisson Montreal distributed the equivalent of $72 Million worth of food, while keeping its operational expenses at a minimal $4 Million. Its services include supplying emergency groceries, meal services, collective kitchens, workshops, food for soup kitchens and shelters, as well as providing low cost groceries and Meals on Wheels. Although a major contributor both to the working poor and the unemployed, Moisson Montreal has low brand recognition. In addition, hunger is not considered a ‘popular’ cause and Moisson Montreal is therefore not as widely supported as other organizations in the city.

“The current perception of the brand is that we are strictly operational with a mission to cater to a poor demographic during key periods of the year, Christmas being the most important one.” – Marie-Claire Lynn, Moisson Montreal

SWOT Analysis



Risks and Opportunities: Because its entire business depends on the availability of unsellable foodstuffs and the continuous commitment of Québec suppliers, Moisson Montréal is always at risk. Furthermore, because it promises a certain amount of food to each of its 200+ community organizations daily, the risk is even greater. Moisson Montréal is not simply provided a service, but a very tangible product and any business whose bottom line relies on the quality and consistency of a product is in an infinitely more precarious situation than those who offer services or mere assistance. Any number of things can occur along the distribution line from supplier to warehouse to distribution truck to end-user. Overhead and comestible security are always a factor.

Conversely, the opportunity Moisson Montréal gains in providing such a unique, full service product versus its competitors vastly outweighs the risk. Other food banks in the Montreal area are: Extended Hands, MADA, Multi-Caf, Mission of the Great Shepherd, Share the Warmth and Sun Youth. Although these organizations actively collect non-perishable food for redistribution to those in need, they are unfocussed, collecting a variety of donations including clothing, toys, etc. There is also not necessarily a consistency in their offering, as much relies on individual giving and whatever’s ‘left over’. For 30 years, Moisson Montréal has had a focus: harvesting food and resources to be able to distribute that food, quickly and consistently. As much as there tends to be short-term sacrifice when running a vertically-integrated operation, there is also much opportunity in the long term. By focusing more intently on one specific cause, mission and vision, expansion can eventually occur, creating even stronger ties in one’s existing network rather than looking toward greener grass and attempting to cover all areas. This is also true of non-profits.

Financial Highlights: Moisson Montreal Received grant of 77K in 2013; Expected to receive a larger one in fiscal 2014 (815K); overall = asset increase by over $1M YOY; Despite this, overall liabilities increased by $1M as well, with more payments going out to long term debt, and deferred contributions related to capital assets;

Liquidity: A current ratio greater than 1 indicates that a company has sufficient resources to pay its current liability. It is an approximation because it does not tell us how quickly the company can convert its non-cash current assets into cash to pay off its current liabilities. Hence, this ratio must never be used by itself, but in conjunction with other liquidity ratios.

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities

Current Ratio = 2.777 / 5.128 = 0.54

The above ratio indicates that Moisson Montreal is not in the best financial situation overall, however the quick ratio is a better indicator of the company's ability to cover its current liabilities since we're only considering that part of the current assets that are in cash, or can be converted to cash within the next 90 days. Below, we can see a quick ratio of 1.45, suggesting that Moisson Montreal can easily pay off its current liabilities because a sufficient proportion of its assets are liquid.
Quick Ratio = (Cash + Accounts Receivable) / Current Liabilities
Quick Ratio = (2.505 + 4.943) / 5.128 = 1.45

Past Fundraising Initiatives: Moisson Montréal’s initiatives are mostly partner-lead events, with the exception of the Golf Classic, which is run by the organization through corporate sponsorship and donations.

Moisson Montréal Campaign schedule by fiscal year (April 1 – March 31):

|End of May |Mass campaign |
|26 May |Golf Tournament |
|5-8 June |Grand Prix Formula 1 |
|24-25 July & Every weekend in October |La Ronde |
|September and November |Québec Food Truck Association |
|Mid-October |30th Anniversary Celebration |
|Mid-October to December 22 |Feed the Holiday Spirit |
|Dec 4 |Grande Guignolée des medias |
|March/April (around Easter) |Great Food Drive for Children |
|Saturday morning following the GFDC |Children’s Day |

Stakeholder Impact Assessment (Interest-Influence Grid)

GOALS (Kinda)

SMART: • Determine what is the vision of the organization • Better brand recognition, especially in English market • Broader visibility (overall) • Increase donor base • Define organization’s positioning and personality to promote it.


Monetary = $3Million to raise

– include target audience

• $1 in donations = $17 distributed • Hunger exists not only in the developing world but also in North America. • Hunger is a taboo subject, so a dialogue has to begin surrounding the problem. • Proudly Québécois and Canadian. • Largest food bank in Canada. • We cater to every culture, community and religion in need. • The three E’s: o Economy: enabling better access to healthy food to individuals and families in economic hardship. o Environment: Preventing food waste and being an example of environmental responsibility. o Education: Promote the development of skills among volunteers with multiple profiles.

DEPLOYMENT SCHEDULE (Kinda– Gantt chart or similar) • Fiscal year runs April 1 to March 31


Capital campaign? (3 – 5 years)…to discuss?

- Gain visibility and credibility through a celebrity spokesperson.

- Build a brand awareness campaign.

- Leverage ‘emotional’ rather than ‘operational’ to tug at the heartstrings.

- Develop a community outreach program to promote the organization.

- Attract donors through print, radio, television and transit.

- Capitalize on social media opportunities.


- Contact celebrity chef, Chuck Hughes to be our spokesperson.

o Chuck Hughes, celebrity chef and owner of popular haute-cuisine restaurants Garde-manger and Bremner would be the perfect spokesperson for Moisson Montreal. His ability to speak English and French fluently would greatly help non-profit reach a broader audience; especially 18 to 35 year olds. Chuck’s celebrity status would also open up the non-profit to potential networking opportunities; including other restaurants and suppliers. Chuck would make an excellent spokesperson because he has a fresh and hip personality that has a broad appeal to all Quebecers, particularity Anglophones.

- Develop community outreach program.

o The organization will also leverage Anglophone associations (universities, religious affiliations). By aligning themselves with religious affiliations, Moissan Montreal can obtain a wider selection of specialty foods (i.e. Kosher, Halal) to donate to individuals/families in need.

- Events

o Once a year Moisson Montreal will hold an open house and invite Montrealers see their operations. This will give Quebecers an insider look as to how the organization’s operations help those in need.

o Twice a year, Moisson Montreal will set up a booth at a Tradeshow. One possible tradeshow is Salon international de l’allimentation (SIAL). Chuck Hughes can attend the event, give cooking demonstrations and talk about his role with the organization. Need 2nd idea.. We can use something from list of activities

- Leverage social media to maximize message reach

o Using Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, frequent updates will be sent to followers providing reasons for people to become Moisson Montreal followers. The organization will post personal stories from recipients’ of Moisson Montreal showing how the organization made a difference in their lives. Using social media outlets will help the non-profit create a personal relationship with the audience by appealing to them on an emotional level.

o Contests will be held on a bi-annual basis to win free meals at Garde-manger and Bremner by donating.

- Develop print, radio, television and transit campaigns to maximize message reach o Mass advertising campaign targeting both French and English Montrealers. To target Anglophones, spreads will be placed in newspapers like the Suburban, Westmount Examiner, and West Island Chronicle. Anglophone areas like NDG, Westmount and West Island businesses…store displays, Point of Purchase. (NOT SURE WHAT WAS MEANT BY THIS…)

o Radio ads on Virgin FM96 targeting the 18 – 35 year old demographic. The frequency will be 15 spots, 8 times daily, over a two week period timed for Moisson Montreal’s thirty year anniversary.

o Transit ads targeting 18-35 students/young professionals. The ads will be placed on select metro stations (Atwater, Guy-Concordia and McGill) wall wraps over a two month period where a predominant English population flows through.

o Use Chuck Hugh’s cooking show to obtain free publicity on the Food Network. Also, utilize Chuck Hugh’s celebrity status on the French networks to spread the word about Moisson Montreal. This includes popular television shows like Tout le monde en parle which frequently have him as guest.

o University advertising through Zoom media. There will be advertising in bathroom stalls and cafeterias, campus cafés, bookstores and restaurants.

- Hire part-time and contractual staff o Hire social media manager to utilize social media tools and also handle all the aspects of media monitoring.

o Hire a marking manager whose tasks include solicitation and networking for the non-profit. This individual will also be in charge of attracting individual donors.

o Hire graphic designer as an external consultant who will create a new logo, newspaper ads, press kit and general campaign messaging.

o Hire program coordinator who will take care of all the administration and coordination tasks.

EVALUATION (see Pfizer chart for team contribution) • Self-evaluation • Evaluation of respective team members

BUDGET (Andrea to insert table, everything should amount to 250K)

REFERENCES (insert websites)


2013 annual report Financial statement

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