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Communication Process Worksheet


Submitted By brittany19941
Words 564
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Communication Process

Complete the following table.

* Review the steps of the communication model on in Ch. 2 of Business Communication. See Figure 2.1. * Identify one personal or business communication scenario. * Describe each step of that communication using your personal or business scenario. Use detailed paragraphs in the boxes provided.

Steps of communication model | Personal or business scenario | 1. Sender has an idea. | Megan, a bartender at a restaurant, was hired to work from 4-9 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, with an occasional fill in. The schedules are permanent week to week, with an occasional change. Recently, the other bartenders have been calling off or not showing up, leaving her to work until 2 a.m. almost every night. This upsets her, as she is also a full-time teacher. Megan takes a couple days to think of a clear, concise way to explain the situation to her boss. | 2. Sender encodes the idea in a message. | Megan thinks that having a meeting with the other bartenders and her boss for scheduling purposes might solve the inconsistencies. | 3. Sender produces the message in a medium. | Megan chooses to talk to her boss via face-to-face communication on a Monday evening, rather than through an email or phone call, to hopefully better explain how the situation upsets her and her idea to resolve the issues. | 4. Sender transmits message through a channel. | Megan goes into her boss's office and is immediately warmly greeted by her boss. She explains that she is also a full-time teacher as well as working at the bar, and the recent call offs and no shows of the other bartenders has been putting added stress on her. She also explains the understanding of a permanent schedule, and asks if there is any way they could hold a

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