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Community Service Hours Requirement

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Lyndsey Naworski
Service hours
Service Hours Requirement Service hours should be a requirement to graduate for multiple reasons. There are many forms of service that can be accepted; community, parish, and school and those are just three of many. Most people believe that service hours lead to being a greater, more intelligent person, along with the fact that it will automatically make our community a more enjoyable place. Because of these service hours the world will be a better place as well. Studies show that people who partake in community service hours are more likely to become voters, will have a higher level of self-efficiency, and that it builds that persons problem- solving skills. Students also find a sense of responsibility and pride behind the service hours. So not only are you helping the community, you are helping yourself. While working service hours, people are able to work out any conflicts they come across and it builds a tolerance of multiple things. Also some places that students go to to fulfill their hours, are counting on …show more content…
Just imagine if every high school in the United States required a certain amount of hours before graduation, this country would be a totally different place. There are approximately 20,000 high schools in America, each containing hundreds of students if not thousands. If everyone one of these students partook in helping their community, the U.S. would be a much more enjoyable and pleasant place to live. Organizations that offer service hours make a difference in the community already so high school student should join in and make a change. They they potentially helping themselves and their future generations to come. They make the community better now and it benefits everyone later. High school students now a day have a lack of responsibility and the requirement of service hours would definitely change

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