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Compare and Contrast Dog and Cats


Submitted By mavvl1
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Pages 6
Marianne Lewis
Eng. 121 English Composition
Contrast and Comparison of Cats and Dogs
Instructor Aimee Garten
February 13, 3012

Our amazing planet, Earth is home to a diverse amount of humans, insects, animals and other organism which share a common bond of directly and indirectly habitation. Americans own 73 million dogs and 90 million cats. They become best friends, soul mates, family members, and even surrogate children. Relationships with cats and dogs are some of the longest and most intimate of our lives ( 2012). The saying, “A dog is man’s best friend” may hold some truth for many, but dogs are not the only animal companion people enjoy. For many individuals, a cat is their best friend. Providing a loving home to either of these animals is a huge responsibility an owner may undertake. It’s an honor and a pleasure to possess either one. Cats and dogs are the two most popular domestic animals for companionship. Cats and dogs offer their owners different amounts of companionship and personal fulfillment. When you show them love they will unconditional return that love back. Even though cats and dogs share some of the same similarities, they are truly different in many ways. The similarities, and the differences are countless between cats and dogs, however, let’s discuss what makes them similar. First, we shall examine the similarities these two beings have in common. It’s evidently that both are of the mammal kingdom and both have hair for coating. They mutually have sharp teeth, tail, four legs, and claws. Cats and Dogs give birth to multiple litters at one time; this may be demanding on the mother and may produce rivalry, malnourishment, infection or death among the members. Mammals give birth to their young and both cats and dogs drink milk from their mother as baby kitten and puppies. They share a common parasites know as fleas, especially if they are outside pets or near other infested animals, and the infestation may be uncomfortable for both pet and owner. Another attribute of these animals are their domestication as well-kept pets. Cats and Dogs want love from their owners and will reciprocate their affection and love to loving owners with laps, licking, purring and barking. If you bond with them from birth and give love and devotion to either; they will show love unconditionally to their owners. Both animals love to be stroked, hugged or caressed which gives the owner pleasure and alleviates stressors from everyday life. Since I have completed my explanation of the similarities of these animals; let’s be informed of the differences between these superb beings. First, let’s accept the fact that Cats and Dogs are from two different classes of mammals. Domestic cats, no matter their breed, are all members of one species labeled: Felis catus. On the other hand, despite their many shapes and sizes all domestic dogs of the same species are labeled: Canis familaris. Dogs and cats come in a variety of size, shape and color, but their differences are mainly in size. Dogs are much larger than cats. Although, they are labeled differently in the mammal kingdom, big or small they produce an array of love and affection for their owners (National Geographic, 2012). Cats are known for seclusion, which means their main focus is devoted to their territory instead of other animals or human beings. Dogs on the other hand, are social beings and defend their territory by urinating on trees, rocks fence posts and other sites to let others know they reside in this territory. Another difference is that domestic dogs serve as more than companions; many earn their keep by working hard. Dogs herd livestock, aid hunters, guard homes, and perform police and rescue work. Some special animals even guide the blind—a poignant symbol of the dog's longstanding role as man's best friend (National Geographic, 2012). In contrast, domestic cats serve as independent host to their own interest. Cats are self-centered and independent, but will provide much pleasure and affection to its owner. Cats can be the sweetest animal providing a different magnitude of friendship and loyalty to its owner. Whether you’re a dog person or a cat person, there are numerous differences between cats and dogs and information keeps one knowledgeable of both. According to Health Pets with Dr. Becker, “Cats can be housetrained in an instant as long as they have access to a litter box. There's really no training to it, in fact. It's instinct. However, most dogs take considerably longer to housebreak, and some just never get all the way there. Unlike with Fluffy, housebreaking a pup is usually a hands-on, time intensive project. Cats and Dogs have a different amount of teeth for consumption of food. Cats have 30 teeth on the other hand, Dogs have 42 teeth. Cats can jump and climb, giving them more options when they need to hunt for food, or when they feel threatened. Dogs are earthbound, so they need their pack to hunt effectively. When a threat triggers their fight-or-flight response, they are more likely to react with aggression because their ability to flee from a predator is limited. Dogs are scavenging carnivores, which means although they are primarily meat-eaters, if necessary they can survive on plant material alone (remember, surviving is different from thriving). Cats are obligate or strict carnivores. Kitties cannot sustain life without eating meat in some form. Dogs in the wild catch their prey by running it down. They are long distance runners, not sprinters. Cats creep up on their prey and catch it by surprise. They are sprinters, not distance runners. Cats have retractable claws that stay sharp because they are protected inside the toes. Dog’s claws are always extended and become blunt from constant contact with the ground when they walk. The last contrast between Cats and Dogs is a dog's memory is only about five minutes long. Kitties can remember up to 16 hours”. Even though cats and dogs share some of the same similarities, they are truly different in many ways. These are the numerous differences and similarities of Cats and Dogs.

In conclusion, understanding the differences and similarities of both cats and dog brings knowledge and awareness to the reader. Cats are loyal to their owners as are dogs, but they display different style and social habits through play, work and love. Cats and dogs have numerous similarities and differences in behavior and social outlook. A major similarity is that they both are part of mammal kingdom. The principal difference is that dogs and cats are obedient by nature to those with the biggest heart of love toward them. My intent is to inform the reader of the similarities and differences amongst Cats and Dogs.


Becker, Karen Dr. (2011) Cats are Better Drinkers than Dogs,, Take Control of
Your health, Healthy Pets with Dr. Karen Becker, Retrieved from:, February 13, 2012
National Geographic (2012) Domestic Dogs, Canis Familaris, GEO WILD, Retrieved from:, February 13, 2012
National Geographic (2012) Domestic Cats, Felis Catus, GEO WILD, Retrieved from:, February 13, 2012 (2012) Why We Love Cats and Dogs, Nature, Retrieved from:, February, 13, 2012


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