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Comparing 1984, Nectar In A Sieve, And The Bible

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Writing has been in existence for thousands of years. Older pieces of writing hold insight into the past and carry messages the writers wanted to immortalize and save for future generations. Older pieces of writing may seem outdated and obsolete because humans now live in a new era; however, human nature does not change meaning that the messages of any piece of writing are important and relevant. The struggle against fate has been a theme in literature and storytelling for millenniums, from the Greek myths with their tragic heroes to 1984 and Nectar in a Sieve. These pieces of writing that contain such timeless messages are worthy of being known as literature and include works such as 1984, Nectar in a Sieve, and the Bible. The efforts people …show more content…
First century Christians expressed what they saw as success by saying that they were “hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). These Christians were persecuted and executed in horrific ways by the Romans and later in history by their own people. A noticeable Christian who struggled and died and yet succeeded was William Tyndale. Tyndale was ordered by the Catholic church to not translate the Bible. Given the Catholic Church’s great influence during that period and its power to torture and execute heretics, Tyndale actions were courageous and similar to Winston’s. He proceeded to translate and distribute his work to people who had once been denied access to the Bible which is supposed to be central to a Christian’s life. In the end, he was executed, but his work was significant: his translation became the basis for most subsequent English translations, beginning with the King James Version of 1611” (“William Tyndale”). Because he dared to struggle, he survived through his legacy which exposed many of the Church’s false teachings and awakened

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