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Show-Jumping Tradition

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“How to prepare for a show-jumping competition?” A myriad of people asked me this question since I have become a writer for a WeChat official account about equestrian. In the end of my first published article, I expressed that I would be blissful to hear and answer readers’ questions. As a result,
I decided to share my own experience of joining a show-jumping competition with him. If I am planning to join a show-jumping competition, the first step for me will be checking the time schedule. Although this step seems to be trivial, but in fact it is the quintessence of the entire process. By checking the schedule, I will be able to arrange my time properly. For example, I can decide when I am going to warm up with my horse. If I don’t check the schedule carefully, I may warm up with him too early and when it comes to my turn, the efficacy of warming up has already vanished. Therefore, I …show more content…
For this reason, saddle up my horse properly will help him to obtain a favorable condition. First of all, I will brush through his entire body in order to clean all the dirt. Then, I will put the saddle cloth, which is an equipment to prevent scratch caused by the saddle, on his back. The saddle must be settled on proper position since this will help me to put my leg right next to the horse’s belly, which is helpful for me to aid the horse when necessary. After the saddle is at its place, I will adjust the length of stirrup leathers, which is a strip of leather that connects the stirrup iron and the saddle. Normally, if the saddle I will use is the one that I have used for a long time, there will be a mark of the length that I am used to on the stirrup leathers, so that I can readily adjust them to that mark. However, there is no need to worry if my saddle is a new one and there is no mark on it, because the length of the stirrup leathers can be conveniently changed after I sit on the

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