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Computer Science


Submitted By DeniLi
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Hans Journal of Data Mining 数据挖掘, 2013, 3, 1-5 doi:10.12677/hjdm.2013.31001 Published Online January 2013 (

City Atmospheric Quality Optimal Assessment Based on Combined Model*
Li Xiao, Xianghong Hu, Guoquan Zhang
College of Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou Email: Received: Oct. 9th, 2012; revised: Oct. 30th, 2012; accepted: Nov. 7th, 2012

Abstract: This paper puts forward a new atmospheric quality assessment method that is, according to the combinatorial theories, using Goodness of Fit method to get weights to combine three models which are air pollution index method, cloud model and Projection Pursuit Grade method. The combined model is applied to the Hong Kong atmospheric quality assessment; the results show the method increases the evaluation performance, possesses more reliability and comprehension, and provides a new idea for the city atmospheric quality synthetically assessment. Keywords: Combined Model; Atmospheric Quality; Assessment

肖 莉,胡湘红,张国权

华南农业大学理学院,广州 Email: 收稿日期:2012 年 10 月 9 日;修回日期:2012 年 10 月 30 日;录用日期:2012 年 11 月 7 日

要:本文提出一种新的空气质量评价方法,即应用组合原理,以拟合优度法确定权重组合三个模型(API 法,

云模型及粒子群投影寻踪法),并将之应用于香港空气质量评价中,实例表明该方法增加了评价性能,具有较强 的可靠性和全面性,为城市空气质量综合评价方法提供了一种新思路。 关键词:组合模型;空气质量;评价

1. 引言
我国正处于工业化和城市化发展的快速时期,而 环境质量仍在不断恶化,尤其是近年以来,由于经济 持续高速增长,使得环境压力明显增大,长期积累的 环境风险开始出现。在诸多环境问题中,空气污染造 成的损失尤其巨大,空气质量的控制成为各国环保机 构面临的一个重要课题,然而,要合理控制空气质量 的恶化,首先得对空气质量做出科学的评价,只有这 样才能有针对性的进行改善。目前国内外关于空气质 量评价方法的研究十分活跃,除了常用的方法如空气

污染指数法(Air Pollution Index,简称 API 法)、人工 神经元网格法、模糊聚类法、主成分分析法、灰色系 随着一些新学科的创立和计算技 统分析法[1-4]等之外, 术的发展,又有多种大气环境质量分析与评价的新方 法,如云模型法[5,6]、投影寻踪分析法[7,8]等。 然而由于大气环境系统是一个包括随机性、模糊 性、灰色性和不相容性等多种不确定性信息的系统, 因此,在实际应用中,仅采用上述单一的理论或分析 工具处理环境信息具有一定的局限性,此外,在选择 了某种方法后,不可避免的会丢失另外一些有用信 息,从而导致评价误差相对较大[9]。为了尽可能多地 利用有用信息,1969 年 J. N. Bates 和 C. W. J. Granger


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在运筹学季刊中,提出了“组合预测”的思想。根据 组合定理,即使一个评价结果不理想的方法,如果它 含有系统的独立信息,当与另一个较好的评价方法进 因此, 行组合后, 同样可以增加系统的评价性能[10,11]。 组合评价能够更大化地利用有用信息,比单一评价方 法更为科学、有效。本文采用 API 指数、雷达图面积 –云模型评价和粒子群投影寻踪这 3 种方法分别对城 市空气质量进行评价,再运用组合原理,利用拟合优 度法确定权重,结合上述三种方法构建组合模型来综 合反映城市空气质量。

Ii 

Ci  Ci , j Ci , j 1  Ci , j

  I i , j 1  I i , j   I i , j


i  1, 2, , n; j  1, 2, , m
计算(1)式时, I i , j , I i , j 1 , Ci , j , Ci , j 1 等 4 个参 数值可通过查表 1 得到。 当 Ci  Ci , m 时,选择点  Ci , m 1 , I i , m 1  及点



, I i , m  来确定线性函数,其分指数为:

Ii 

Ci  Ci , m 1 Ci , m  Ci , m 1

  I i , m  I i , m 1   I i , m 1


2.1.2. 确定空气污染指数及首要污染物 当各种污染物的污染分指数计算出后,按下列公 式确定 API:

2. 研究方法
2.1. API 评价模型
空气污染指数(AIR POLLOTION INDEX,简称 API)是将环境保护署在每个空气质量监测站所录得 的空气污染物含量,如 SO2、可吸入悬浮粒子、NO2、 CO、O3,转化为一个简单易明的数字,其数值由 0 至 500 不等,并分级表征空气质量状况与空气污染的 程度,结果简明直观,使用方便,适用于表示城市的 空气质量状况和变化趋势。 2.1.1. 计算各污染物的污染分指数 各项污染物的分指数 I i ,由实测的污染物浓度值 j 个转折点  Ci , j , I i , j  的污染分指数和相应的浓度限值 见表 1。 当第 i 种污染物浓度 Ci , j  Ci  Ci , j 1 时,其分指 数为:
Table 1. Classification for Hong Kong air pollution index and its corresponding pollutant potencies limited value 表 1. 香港空气污染指数分级及对应的污染物浓度限值表
污染水 等级 平 轻微 中等 偏高 甚高 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ 严重 Ⅵ Ⅶ 相应污染物浓度(微克/立方米) API 指数 可吸入 悬浮粒子 28 55 180 350 420 500 600 SO2 40 80 350 800 1600 2100 2620 NO2 40 80 150 280 565 750 940 CO 7500 15,000 30,000 60,000 90,000 O3 60 120 240 400 800

API  max  I1 , I 2 , I 3 , , I i , , I n 


即选污染物分指数最大者为该区域空气污染指 数 API ,并确定该污染物为首要污染物。当空气污染 指数 API  50 时,不报告首要污染物。

2.2. 基于雷达图面积的云模型评价
针对空气污染的特点,本文选取雷达图的面积作 为特征量,对多元数据进行融合从而降维,根据云模 型理论的基本特征,  Ex, En, He  三个数字特征来整 用 体表征一个具体概念,结合云模型定性与定量转换思 想进行转换,构造描述空气质量评价所用的语言值。 应用正向云进行空气质量的定量评价,应用逆向云进 行基础指标的定性分析,从而得到符合人类思维方式 的及模糊性与随机性为一体的定性和定量集成的空 气质量综合评价结果。图 1 是基于雷达图的云模型原 理图。

Ci ,按照分段线性方程计算,对于第 i 种污染物的第

25 50 100 200 300 400 500

120,000 1000 150,000 1200

Figure 1. Theory chart of cloud model based on radar chart 图 1. 基于雷达图的云模型原理图


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2.3. 粒子群投影寻踪等级评价模型
投影寻踪(Projection Pursuit,PP)方法能充分利用 高维数据中的所有信息,它利用计算机把高维数据通 过某种组合,投影到低维子空间上,以达到研究和分 析高维数据的目的[12,13]。传统的投影寻踪算法常用遗 传算法寻找模型的最优值,但遗传算法实现过程复 杂,并且有多个参数需要调整,而粒子群算法简单、 易于实现,因此本文以粒子群优化算法替代遗传算 法,建立基于粒子群算法的投影寻踪等级评价模型

自身的数据特性寻求最优的投影方向,通过线性投影 计算反映评价样本综合特征信息的投影特征指标,根 据这一指标可以形象、直观地对样本进行分类或评 价,避免了诸如各评价因素权重确定的人为任意性。

API 法、雷达图云模型法、PSO-PPE 法分别考虑
了高值影响与平均影响,部分样本和全体的数据特 征,因此,将这 3 种方法应用组合模型方法进行分析 与评价,可以发挥各模型的优势,避免单一模型在因 素与函数关系方面的弊端,有利于提高评价的准确性 以及反应信息的全面性。 2.4.1. 组合评价模型 经过分析, 可 假设对某一问题有 M 种评价方法, 那么组合 以确定第 i 种方法的权重 wi  i  1, 2, , M  , 模型可表示为:
ˆ Yt   wi yti i 1 M

(PSO-PPE),PSO-PPE 模型建立的流程见图 2。

2.4. 组合评价模型及权重的确定
API 法计算方便,能够直观地显示首要空气污染
物的信息,有利于普通公众了解空气环境质量的优 劣,但该方法片面地重视单一样本数据的最大观测 值,没有考虑不同等级的多种污染物对分类的共同影 响。雷达图可将评价对象的各项指标映射到二维图形 中,直观形象,而云模型方法除能保留传统定性划分 的优点外,也更加符合实际的数据分布和人的思维方 式,雷达图和云模型的结合是一种有效的、可视化的 定性定量相结合的综合评价法,但该方法的缺点是计 算雷达图面积时会导致信息损失较大,确定云的三个 数字特征时主观性太强。粒子群投影寻踪法依据样本


ˆ 其中, Yt 为第 t 个样本的组合评价值; yti 为第 t 个样

本第 i 种评价模型的评价值,  wi  1 。 i 1


2.4.2. 权重的确定 组合模型常用等权组合和不等权组合两种形式, 但实验表明不等权的组合结果较为准确。由于本文三 种评价模型的结果较分散,采用拟合优度法确定权 重。该模型能予以预测标准误差最小的模型以最大的 权重, 使预测结果保证拟合优度, 权重公式定义如下:

wi 

 Sei  Sei i 1

 Sei i 1 n i 1


1 M 1


Sei 

  yti  yt  n 1



式中 yt 为第 t 个样本的实际值。

3. 研究结果与分析
3.1. 数据收集
选取 2011 年 1~12 月香港 14 个监测点每天 24 小 时的监测数据,数据来源于香港环保署网站
Figure 2. Flow chart of PSO-PPE model 图 2. PSO-PPE 模型流程图


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Table 2. Air quality evaluation results from four models for fourteen monitoring points in Hong Kong 表 2. 四个模型对香港 14 个监测点,2011 年 12 月份空气质量评价 结果
API 法 监测点 API 评价值 58 53 57 57 55 56 56 53 62 57 63 102 64 103 污染 等级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 云模型 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 PS0-PPE 模型 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 组合模型 组合 评价值 2.252 2.252 2.252 2.252 2.252 2.252 2.252 2.252 2.704 2.252 2.252 2.9544 2.7024 2.9544 污染 等级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅲ级

O3,香港空气质量评价标准参见表 1,图 3 是 14 个监

3.2. 评价结果
使用组合评价模型时,首先要确定各种方法的权 重,根据表 1,运用 SAS 统计软件随机模拟不同级别 的空气质量污染物浓度样本,以及 API 指数法,云模 型评价法, 粒子群投影寻踪法评价结果, 代入公式(5),
中西区 东区 大浦 葵涌 观塘 沙田 深水涉 塔门 东涌 荃湾 元朗 铜锣湾 旺角 中环站

0.2976, 0.4504)。 得到三个模型的权重分别为(0.2520,
表 2 是香港 2011 年 12 月份 14 个监测点的空气质量 评价结果,图 4 是香港 2011 年 12 月份空气质量监测 预警图。

3.3. 结果分析
从表 2 可知,香港 2011 年 12 月大部分地区空气 质量为Ⅱ级,处于中等水平。同时图 4 显示香港 2011 年 12 月的空气质量一般,污染程度较高,达到Ⅲ级。 结合图 3 和表 2 分析,从香港空气质量的路边检 测站点和香港主要道路交通情况来看,路边检测站有 中环、铜锣湾和旺角,是主要道路密集的地方,实际 污染程度大,而表 2 的结果显示,利用 API 法、云模 处 型和 PS0-PPE 模型评价出旺角的空气质量为Ⅱ级, 于中等水平,这与实际不符合,而组合模型对旺角空 气质量评价的结果为Ⅲ级,处于污染偏高水平,与客 观实际一致。 此外,靠近珠三角的东涌观测站空气质量为Ⅲ 级,污染处于偏高水平;利用 API 法可以分析主要污

Figure 4. Air quality monitoring and warning chart based on combination model in Hong Kong (data used in December, 2011) 图 4. 基于组合模型的香港 2011 年 12 月空气质量监测预警图

染物来源,路边监测点主要以 NO2 为主,其它监测点 主要为可悬浮颗粒。

4. 结论
1) 用拟合优度法确定 API、 雷达图云模型和 PSOPPE 组合模型的权重, 避免了主观确定权重的随意性,
Figure 3. The distribution chart for fourteen air quality monitoring points in Hong Kong 图 3. 香港 14 个空气质量监测点分布图

有效地解决了空气质量污染评价问题,且结果合理, 与实际符合,计算简便。


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2) 应用组合定理, 充分利用已知信息, 提高多因
子综合评价精度,评价结果清楚,反映整体空气质量 的级别和优劣,可相互比较,具有一定的可行性和实 用性。

[4] [5] [6]

3) 本文的组合模型应用于空气质量评价是完全
可行的,不仅可以判定污染的等级,还便于在样本间 进行污染程度的比较,结果与其它方法基本一致,为 城市空气质量的判定提供了新的思路。
[9] [7] [8]

参考文献 (References)
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Physics have helped to improve my analytical and evaluative skills. My interest in computing has not been restricted to the classroom. Within the last few months I’ve used the knowledge that I’ve gained over the past twelve years to set up my own computer related business. This has given me a totally new perspective on how certain things function, and how business operates. The writing of a business plan was a totally alien experience for me, but over the course of three months I researched and planned, and finally when the plan was complete I was rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing that I had completed something that most people would never have the chance to do especially at my age. As well as spending time both...

Words: 357 - Pages: 2

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Computer Science

...{ int numGrade = 70; char letter = 'F'; if (numGrade >= 80) { if (numGrade >= 90) letter = 'A'; else letter = 'B'; } else { if (numGrade >= 70) letter = 'C'; else letter = 'D'; } } F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | F | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | D | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | B | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | A | { int numCookies = 0; while (numCookies < 4) { cout << "Daddy, how many cookies " "can I have? "; cin >> numCookies; } cout << "Thank you daddie!\n"; } 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | { int iUp = 0; int iDown = 10; while (iUp < iDown) { cout << iUp << '\t' << iDown << endl; iUp++; iDown--; } } 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |...

Words: 394 - Pages: 2

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Computer Science History

...Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical procedures (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a biological cell.[1] A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.[2] Its subfields can be divided into a variety of theoretical and practical disciplines. Some fields, such as computational complexity theory (which explores the fundamental properties of Computational and intractable problems), are highly abstract, while fields such as computer graphics emphasize real-world visual applications. Still other fields focus on the challenges in implementing computation. For example, programming language theory considers various approaches to the description of computation, whilst the study of computer programming itself investigates various aspects of the use of programming language and complex systems. Human-computer interaction considers the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to humans. The earliest foundations of what would become computer science predate the invention of the modern digital computer. Machines for...

Words: 284 - Pages: 2

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History of Computer Science

...History of Computer Science Name: Kamyll Dawn Cocon Course, Yr. & Sec.: BSMT 1-D REACTION PAPER The topic of the video which is about the history of computer was kind of interesting since it high lightened our mind about where the computer had really came from. Not only have that, it also made us understand how the computers of today became very wonderful and powerful. Before, computers only existed in the imagination of humans and were believed that creating such monstrous device was impossible. It was a huge leap in the field of computer during the 19th century when Charles Babbage developed the 1st modern computer called the difference machine. The most advantageous feature of this machine is that it reflected Babbage’s attitude of being a perfectionist. Although his work was not finished, the detailed text that was written by Ada was significant in modifying his versions and for documentary purposes of his work. The rapid increase of the American population, on the other hand, triggered the development of a machine that will help the census tabulate such population very fast. Hermin Horrith’s occupation was very helpful to the development of this machine since he used business to gain money to revise his machine which had later evolved into the international business machine. Although war causes devastation to the environment as well as the people involved, it also had contributed to the development of computers, which is the birth of ENIAC, the first large-scale...

Words: 339 - Pages: 2

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The Importance Of Computer Science

...the last piece of the puzzle and making everything click is indescribable, a rush of adrenaline runs through my body and for a brief moment I am on top of the world. My brain is wired to enjoy solving problems logically, which is why I have always been so attracted to computer science, a subject founded on problem solving. Every algorithm that runs smoothly, every piece of hardware that configures without issues, every large project that wraps up on schedule, are all small victories that make it all worth it and fill me with purpose. All aspects of a computer’s inner workings are fascinating to say the least, understanding how a device or service functions can shift one’s perspective of the world and make them see their day-to-day menial tasks in a new light, which is what happened to me....

Words: 700 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Computer Science

...CIS101-012 Computer Fundamentals Professor Robotham Wallace, Brein Assignment#1 Date Assignment Given: 9/17/14 Due Date: 9/29/14 Brein Wallace Check Point Assignment #1 True/False True - Electronic components in computers process data using instructions, which are the steps that tell a computer how to perform a particular task. False - Screens for desktops cannot yet support touch. False - Smaller applications, such as at home, typically use a powerful, expensive server to support their daily operations. True - Smartphones typically communicate wirelessly with other devices or computers. False - Data conveys meaning to users, and information is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio and video. False - As widespread as computers appear to be, most daily activities do not involve the use of or depend on information from them. False - A scanner is a light sensing output device. False - Because it contains moving parts, flash memory is less durable and shock resistant than other types of media. The terms, web, and internet are interchangeable. True - One way to protect your computer from malware is to scan any removable media before using it. True - Operating systems are a widely recognized example of system software. True - You usually do not need to install web apps before you can run them. Multiple Choice 1. An INPUT DEVICE is any hardware component that allows you...

Words: 808 - Pages: 4

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Computer Science

...Von Neumann was a founding figure in computer science.[49] Von Neumann's hydrogen bomb work was played out in the realm of computing, where he and Stanislaw Ulam developed simulations on von Neumann's digital computers for the hydrodynamic computations. During this time he contributed to the development of the Monte Carlo method, which allowed solutions to complicated problems to be approximated using random numbers. He was also involved in the design of the later IAS machine. Because using lists of "truly" random numbers was extremely slow, von Neumann developed a form of making pseudorandom numbers, using the middle-square method. Though this method has been criticized as crude, von Neumann was aware of this: he justified it as being faster than any other method at his disposal, and also noted that when it went awry it did so obviously, unlike methods which could be subtly incorrect. While consulting for the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania on the EDVAC project, von Neumann wrote an incomplete First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC. The paper, whose public distribution nullified the patent claims of EDVAC designers J. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly, described a computer architecture in which the data and the program are both stored in the computer's memory in the same address space.[50] John von Neumann also consulted for the ENIAC project, when ENIAC was being modified to contain a stored program. Since the modified ENIAC was...

Words: 625 - Pages: 3

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A Career In Computer Science

...From childhood computers caught my eyes. There was something about them that always attracted my interest. Starting from paint, games , and then finally LOGO, my first ever experience with a programming language. It changed my whole perception about what we can do with computers. Gradually, in my high school I moved on to languages like C, Visual Basic, and C++ . This raised my interest towards computes more and it made me opt for Computer Science as my field in undergraduate course , in Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Technology. In 2nd year I excelled in courses like software engineering and, java and web development, computer networks, computer architecture, database management system. These subjects fascinated me to so extent that I have...

Words: 886 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Computer Science

...(Passwords) One of windows vulnerabilities is that user accounts may have weak, nonexistent or unprotected passwords. The operating system and some third-party applications may create accounts with weak or nonexistent passwords. This in turn causes data to be vulnerable and with respect to user data it could be very damaging to a user’s organization if data is lost or removed without warning by an attacker. Also the connection of these systems to a shared network or perhaps the internet in the scenario of a business organization leaves the system vulnerable to an attacker. With respect to the data that is being sent across the network, there are certain countermeasures that could be taken, such as encrypting data that resides on the computer by using some well-known cryptographic algorithms currently being implemented to secure the system data even after password has been bypassed. Encrypting data provides a level of assurance that even if data is compromised, it is impractical to access the plaintext without significant resources, however controls should also be put in place to mitigate the threat of data exfiltration in the first place. Many attacks occur across a network, while others involve physical theft of laptops and other equipment holding sensitive information. Yet, in most cases, the victims are not aware that the sensitive data are leaving their systems because they are not monitoring data outflows. The movement of data across network boundaries both electronically...

Words: 2126 - Pages: 9

Premium Essay

Computer Science

...Computer architecture covers the design of system software, such as the operating system (the program that controls the computer), as well as referring to the combination of hardware and basic software that links the machines on a computer network. Computer architecture refers to an entire structure and to the details needed to make it functional. Thus, computer architecture covers computer systems, microprocessors, circuits, and system programs. Typically the term does not refer to application programs, such as spreadsheets or word processing, which are required to perform a task but not to make the system run. In designing a computer system, architects consider five major elements that make up the system's hardware: the arithmetic/logic unit, control unit, memory, input, and output. The arithmetic/logic unit performs arithmetic and compares numerical values. The control unit directs the operation of the computer by taking the user instructions and transforming them into electrical signals that the computer's circuitry can understand. The combination of the arithmetic/logic unit and the control unit is called the central processing unit (CPU). The memory stores instructions and data. The input and output sections allow the computer to receive and send data, respectively. Different hardware architectures are required because of the specialized needs of systems and users. One user may need a system to display graphics extremely fast...

Words: 752 - Pages: 4

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Computer Science

...Positive and Negative Impact of Computer in Society The Social Impact of Computer in Our Society From the time of the invention of the computers to the present day, computers have met tremendous changes. Time to time incorporation of the latest technical achievement has made the use of computer easier. More and more application have been developed and almost all the areas of the professions have been computerized. Computerization is continuously becoming an important part of many organizations. Computer have proved almost all the fields whether related to numeric processing or non numeric processing or document processing in the developed countries and all the walks of life. Computers have become the part of every organization.  Beneficial or Positive Impact of Computer in our Society * Any professional individual like doctors, engineers, businessmen etc. undergo a change in their style or working pattern after they get the knowledge of computer. * An individual becomes more competent to take a decisions due to the computer because all the information required to take the decision is provided by the computer on time. As a result, any individuals or institutions get success very fast.  * The person working at the managerial level becomes less dependent on low level staff like clerks and accountants. Their accessibility to the information increases tremendously. This improves their working patters and efficiency, which benefit the organization and ultimately affects the...

Words: 2409 - Pages: 10

Free Essay

Computer Science

...Social Issues and Ethics in Computer Science and Engineering Introduction Therac –25 is a medical linear accelerator that was developed by AELC .A linear accelerator (linac) is a particle accelerator, a gadget that increases the energy of electrically charged atomic particles. Linacs are use mainly in hospitals to treat cancer patients .During treatment a patient is exposed to beam of radiation in doses designed to kill a malignancy.(Grolier, 1985) The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice is a practical frame- work for moral decision-making related to problems that software engineers may encounter. (Quinn, 2013) Between June 1995 and January 1987, six patients were seriously injured and some killed by poor administration of radiation from the Therac-25 medical linear accelerator. This paper therefore seeks to explore the causes behind the accidents, the software bugs that were associated with the machine. In addition the paper will also cover some of list the clauses that are violated in the code of ethics of software engineering and explain how they relate to the action or inaction that led to the overexposure incident Technical errors in Therac-25 software One of the major weaknesses that is associated with Therac-25 software was in the lack of formal testing procedures. As results certain errors remained in the software as the product got distributed to the consumers. One of the errors that...

Words: 774 - Pages: 4