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Concept Of Pardon In Canada

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Brief Introduction to concept of Pardon in Canada
A pardon allows people who were convicted of a criminal offence, but have completed their sentence and demonstrated they are law-abiding citizens, to have their criminal record kept separate and apart from other criminal records. Under the Criminal Records Act (the CRA), the National Parole Board (the Board) may issue, grant, deny or revoke pardons for convictions under federal acts or regulations of Canada. A pardon that is granted is evidence that the conviction should no longer reflect negatively on a person's character.
A person may apply for a pardon—
“* if he or she was convicted of an offence under a federal act or regulation of Canada;
* even if he or she is not a Canadian citizen …show more content…
No new application will be considered until one year has elapsed since the last decision.
Mercy: A Royal Prerogative
The Royal Prerogative of Mercy originates in the ancient power vested in the British monarch who had the absolute right to exercise mercy on any subject. In Canada, similar powers of executive clemency have been given to the Governor-General who, as the Queen's representative, may exercise the Royal Prerogative of Mercy. It is largely an unfettered discretionary power to apply exceptional remedies, under exceptional circumstances, to deserving cases. The power to exercise the Royal Prerogative of Mercy for federal offences is vested in the Governor-General of Canada by virtue of the Letters Patent, constituting that office. In practice, the Governor-General will grant an act of clemency only after receiving the advice of the Solicitor General of Canada, or that of at least one other Minister. The Governor-General may grant two types of pardons, namely free pardons and conditional pardons, and may also grant respites from the execution of a sentence ("respite" is the interruption of the execution of a sentence). In addition, sentences, as well as fines, penalties or forfeitures "due and payable to the Queen in right of Canada", may be remitted by the

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