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Task 1.1 Shape Measurement And Geometry

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Assessment Task 1

1 Shapes Measurement and geometry

Recognize and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects.

Parents can encourage children to find the 2d and 3D shapes in the home. This will expand on the student’s knowledge on 2D and 3D shapes. The students will learn the shape names. Furthermore the students will learn the features of the shapes. They will learn about sides, corners and edges of the shape. The students can explore the environment to investigate two- dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.

. Identify various shapes by name and let them describe that why the shape is 2D or 3D?

. The students can choose a shape and investigate something else they know of that is the same shape.

. Find out the number of sides of a shape and corners of a shape.

. How the two shapes are different from each other.

2 egg carton Number and Algebra

This activity will extend …show more content…
Give them two dollars and ask that if you will take fifty cents, how much money they are left with?

6 Cooking experience Pattern

Through cooking with the parents, the children learn mathematical vocabulary like more than, less than, enough, nearly, bigger, smaller etc. Children learn the patterns through decorating the cake. Children can extend the pattern made by parents. Children also need opportunities to create their own pattern to decorating the cake. Ask children that why they choose specific pattern. Children can make the pattern using icing. Use fruits, lollies, dry fruits and different colours and shapes to make the patterns.

Can you follow this pattern, One pine apple, Two blueberries and three strawberries.

Can you make the pattern of two strawberries and one pine apple with one lolly?

Can you count all the strawberries and blueberries on the cake?

Find the lollies, which are pink but not squares?

Personal Numeracy Inquiry (based on

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