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Congenital Anomalies Research Paper

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Congenital anomalies can be defined as structural or functional anomalies, including metabolic disorders, which are present at the time of birth. Congenital anomalies are important causes of childhood death, chronic illness, and disability in many countries. Congenital anomalies are also known as birth defects, congenital disorders or congenital malformations.1 WHO estimated that congenital anomalies were responsible for 2.7 million neonatal deaths in 193 countries in 2010. Congenital anomalies affect an estimated 1 in 33 infants and result in approximately 3.2 million birth defect-related disabilities every year. An estimated 270000 newborns die during the first 28 days of life every year from congenital anomalies. The most common severe congenital anomalies are heart defects, neural tube defects and Down syndrome.1 Worldwide incidence of congenital disorder is estimated at 3-7%, but actual numbers vary widely between countries. The people belong to different religions and have varied cultural practices including exposure during antenatal period to various environmental factors like medicaments and desire for a particular sex.2 …show more content…
In New York State the overall occurrence of major malformations diagnosed up to age 2 years is 4.1%. Nearly 20.0% of infant deaths are attributed to congenital malformation, a percentage that has increased over time. Among infants with malformation who do not survive, more than 70% die in the first month of life. Congenital malformations are the 5th leading cause of years of potential life lost and a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout childhood. Approximately 12% of pediatric hospital admissions are for congenital malformations of various types, and hospitalizations for congenital malformations are longer and more

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