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Developmental Psychology


Submitted By ruffcoin
Words 3546
Pages 15
Human development is a lifelong process that begins at the union of an ovum and a sperm and does not end until an individual is declared dead. This paper is a biographical account of Andrei Edoja Dmitri. He was born April 21, 1945 in Scarborough, Ontario. With the help of developmental psychological concepts and theories, the paper narrates his life journey from conception, prenatal development, infancy, childhood, and adolescence through adulthood including his basic physical and psychological development and growth respectively. The biography also narrates what growing up was for Andrei, his family, the different life changing events he encountered in his life, the achievements he celebrated and his moments of doubts and pain. Andrei is the first-born child of two immigrant parents, Omoye and Nicolai, from Nigeria and Russian respectively, who had come to Canada some years before his birth as students. He has a younger sister called Ivana.
Infancy and Early Childhood
Four years into their common-law relationship, Andrei was conceived by Omoye, an immigrant undergraduate English student from Nigeria after an awesome spring getaway break in Mexico with her Russian partner, Nicolai. Nicolai was an undergraduate computer science student at the same University with Omoye.
The process of prenatal development occurs in three stages. Two weeks after conception is known as the germinal stage. During this period the single-celled zygote that contained the genetic instructions for the development of a unique human later to be known as Andrei travelled through the fallopian tube to the uterus and a process of cell division and growth began. The cells divided into two distinctive pieces; those that would become the fetus’s body and those that would become the structural support for the development of cells. Then there was an implantation, a process by which

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