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Congenital Heart Defect Research Paper

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Congenital heart defects affect millions of newborns every year. According to recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, congenital heart defects “affect nearly 1% of―or about 40,000―births per year in the United States” (Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs)). Because these conditions are congenital, infants are present with these defects at birth. While many advancements in technology have improved the lifespan for infants with congenital heart disease, this group of cardiovascular abnormalities are still a “leading cause of birth defect-associated infant illness and death” (Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs)). Therefore, early diagnosis of congenital heart defects is imperative to early intervention.
Identification …show more content…
Left to right shunts, including Atrial Septal Defects, Ventricular Septal Defects, Atrial Ventricular Septal Defects, and Patent Ductus Arteriosus, are congenital heart defects that occur when there is abnormal passage of blood between chambers or vessels toward the left (Chowdhury, 2007). The increased volume of blood being returned to the lungs causes, “volume overload to the left ventricle, increased pulmonary circulation, and a decreased systemic cardiac output” (Chowdhury, 2007). Right to left shunts, including the Tetralogy of Fallot, occurs when there is abnormal passage of blood between chambers or vessels toward the right (Chowdhury, 2007). Due to the abnormal blood flow, “the deoxygenated blood that returns from the tissues returns back to the body without getting re­oxygenated,” which causes decreased oxygenation of tissues due to the severe alteration in pulmonary blood flow (Chowdhury, 2007). Among the various types of congenital heart defects, Ventricular Septal Defects (31.03%), Atrial Septal Defects (22.9%), and the Tetralogy of Fallot (14.9%) are the three most common types of congenital heart defects. (CHD Facts and …show more content…
Symptoms, however, vary between the different types of congenital heart defects. Due to the incorrect flow of oxygenated blood circulation towards the lungs, heart murmurs, arrhythmias, enlargement of the right side of the heart, enlargement of the pulmonary artery, dizziness, fatigue, and exertional dyspnea are often seen in left to right shunts. In right ot left shunts, symptoms include cyanosis, fainting, heart murmurs, fatigue, clubbing of fingernails, dyspnea, failure to thrive, and growth and developmental disorders. (Chowdhury,

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