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Conic Maps

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Each map projections show the globe in different ways. A mercator map is a cylindrical projection of the world. Conc projections are designed as if a cone was around the globe. Last but not least, the flat plane projection appears to touch one point, such as the North and South Poles and it is flat. A mercator map has its up and downs but still is a good map. An advantage is that it is easier for navigators to navigate because of the directions and shapes. A downfall is that the high latitudes, such as Europe and North America are exaggerated in size and the lower latitudes are smaller than normal. Conic maps are very accurate along the lines of latitude. This includes, the true shapes and sizes of land masses. Their is hardly a downfall their. …show more content…
Climate maps use color to show the climates. For example, brown could mean desert. The borders between climates gradually change, so their is no specific border. This map has an advantage in showing the themes and patterns. Precipitation maps are normally paired with climate maps and shows the average amounts of precipitation each year. This also shows the patterns and precipitation zones each year. Population maps show the distribution of people in the region. Each color could mean some number per square mile or kilometer or it could be dot sizes for cities. This map has an advantage to telling the dense areas and not much populated areas. Economic maps show the important natural resources and what land is used for in certain areas. The colors usually show the uses and the pictures are of the resource. An advantage is knowing what other areas have in stock and so you could possibly trade with them for different resources. Topographic maps show the elevation of land forms. Contour lines cover the map to show the elevation, the closer they are together the steeper it is. An advantage is that you know the terrain of that area if you were to study the physical geography there. The pollution in the whole world has grown a lot during this one year. Geographers might look at a population map and look at the more dense areas of the country. Then they may predict that this one city is producing most of the pollution and find a way to stop it. Within the next few years, food may start to lack due to our growing population. Some people may go without food for a while. Geographers may look upon the economic map and look at areas that have many farms and food resources. Then they may also look at the climate map and see what climates those areas are in and look at the precipitation map and look at how much rainfall is needed their. Then they may look for areas just like them. In the world,

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