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Consequences Of Drinking Research Paper

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Consequences of Drinking
Although the consumption of alcohol may be presented as an enjoyable pastime, there are a variety of consequences that one must consider before engaging in such behaviour. Typically, damages caused by drinking can be inflicted on either yourself or others, and these impacts can be seen immediately or after an extended period of this risky behaviour. Most often, these consequences impact grades, physical and mental well-being, and result in a lot of wasted time from having to address the events that follow an episode of drinking, in addition to recovery time from hangovers or injuries. Furthermore, others can be affected through the disruption of their studies/sleep to take care of the intoxicated individual, or if the person becomes physical and inflicts violence upon others or their personal property. …show more content…
These include taking steps before, during, and after drinking to ensure the utmost safety of all parties involved in the situation. Firstly, before any alcohol is consumed, it is important to find someone who is willing to be your designated driver and throughout the session of drinking, ensure that they remain sober. One interesting statistic stated that designated drivers had a blood alcohol content on average of 0.6, which although below the legal limit, is still high enough to impair cognitive functions. Too many lives are impacted by drunk drivers, and this is a simple way to decrease these unfortunate occurrences. Adding on to that, it can be beneficial to have a plan for the entire night so you can account for everyone and ensure their safety. In addition, it is also important to eat before drinking to lower the amount of alcohol that gets absorbed into the bloodstream, and to set a limit to the number of drinks you will consume throughout the

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