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Content Writing


Submitted By jayanth94
Words 586
Pages 3
Saw someone doing something funny? Saw someone doing something wrong? Want to be an overnight sensation? Have something to share with the world? Just YouTube it! Bring the change!

The additional improvements that can be brought in whatsapp to widen its user base:

“Hmm...” would be the first reaction if a mobile service provider reads the name of the topic. Little over few years ago, Mobile Service Providers enjoyed monopoly and milked money out of people with absurd tariffs. Although there was an internal competition among the service providers, they’ve certainly obtained fruitful results with their inevitable tedious offers. The situation was relatable to People around the world! They were waiting for a technological change that would wipeout the MSPs (Mobile Service Providers) for the unapologetic turds they are! Enter “whatsapp”. The result of a beautiful medley between technology and innovation. For all those who’ve been living under a rock and just came out after the last great extinction, Whatsapp provides an alternate messaging service through the working internet plan from your mobiles/tablets and pcs. For those thinking, Humor me, it’s worth more than 19 billion dollars! That’s equal to the GDP of Uganda. Right, Let us get to the main topic. When an idea worth billions of dollars is already such a huge hit, it comes with an implication that there is no or very less room for improvements. Nevertheless, I will try to put up a brave face and pour in my creative juices (yeah, right) to suggest additional improvements to the ones who literally changed the way we communicate. So, yeah. Lets go whatsapp! Brace yourselves!
The mute notifications problem:
I find this quiet annoying. Alright, I find this very annoying. So what made me feel annoyed? Simple. The fact that I am unable to prioritize a message that I was expecting out of a thousand odd ones typed by the “sheeple”(that’s people who follow others like sheep) in a group. Let us take an example. I have an assignment tomorrow and I am expecting someone to message the questions in my group. The group is a big one by number, say 80 sheeple, and keeps on messaging on one random thing or another. Unexpectedly I doze off and wake up after an hour or so. Now, I know that there’s a message on the assignment posted in the group. So I happily would go to the group to check it out and OH MY GOD! Did my group just type a thousand messages while I was drooling?! No kidding. The time’s running out and I don’t have the luxury to go through 999 weird messages in order to find that one message I’m looking for. What do I do? All the fun aside, I think this is an area of improvement that whatsapp can go for. A preferable solution to this kind of ‘lengthy’ problem would be adding a search box to highlight the word we’re looking for. But hey! Isn’t that already there? Yes it is. But, it can be improvised further by introducing a “guess box” that would automatically filter all the words and would raise an alarm every time it finds one. Sounds good right? Well, it is.

Now let us look at few areas of improvement:
Introduce new themes for loyal customers
Directly sync all the media files to cloud services such as drop box
Change whatsapp’s theme according to different seasons, festivals and regional preferences. Basically, adding local flavor to the international brand.

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