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Copper Research Paper

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Copper is one of the basic chemical elements. It’s reddish-brown in color, known for its electrical conductivity & high heating capacity. It was first used as early as 10,000 years ago. Copper was found in northern IRAQ in 8700 B.C. Copper was derived from a Latin word “Cyprium”.
Manufacturing Process
The process of extract copper from its ore is different according to the type of ore. Each process consists of many steps in which unwanted elements are removed either physically or chemically. Copper is extract from sulfide ores. The process involved in obtaining pure copper are mining, concentrating, smelting, refining and casting. Firstly the sulfide ore is obtained from mines, than it crushed by crushers in industries. After crushing …show more content…
Nickel is silvery-white in color. Nickel is the only one metal which creates confusion because copper and nickel both occurred in ores with green tint. It is also the most abundant element after iron.
Manufacturing Process
Nickel is extracted from the millerite, pyrrhotite and nickel sulphides pentlandite, which have about 1% of nickel. Nickel sulphide are found deep underground, so they are expensive in extraction. The Mond(Carbonyl) is the major process to treat nickel sulphide. Firstly, the sulphide is treated with hydrogen and served into a volatilization kiln. Carbon monoxide gas is passed at 60C° to produce nickel carbonyl gas that further decompose on the surface of pre-heated pellets that transfer through a heat chamber until it get the desired size. This process can used at high temperature to form nickel powder.
Lateritic ores are usually produced by pyro-metallic methods because of its high iron content. These ores have moisture content therefore they required drying in rotary kiln furnace. Further the nickel oxide is produced which is reduced by using electric furnace that produce nickel metal.

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