...The purpose of the literature review is reviewing the research regarding the effects of the Expanded Core Curriculum on students’ adult lives. Recent research has a critical role in supporting the importance of the Expanded Core Curriculum and where it stands in the instruction of students with visual impairments across the United States. The ECC is listed by the Council for Exceptional Children (2009) as vital knowledge and skills necessary for students with visual impairments to possess. Included in this research was the skills that have been validated for the education of children with disabilities. Teachers and Orientation and Mobility specialist participated in a 2007 survey by Sapp and Hatlen in which they had to answer...
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...The problem or concern is that students with visual impairments are not getting the additional training they need on the Expanded Core Curriculum to make a difference in their adult life. One reason is that teachers are having difficulty finding the time to train in these areas due to the rigorous need for their academic success. Another is the lack of training for teachers in this area. The fact that the students are not receiving adequate instruction eventually has a negative impact on the student’s life. In 2012, less than one-third of the working-age visually impaired population in the United States was in the labor force. Consequently, this continues to be a serious issue for adults with visual impairments. Rationale Since early days, teachers have realized that students with visual impairments need more than regular academics. Samuel Gridley Howe established the first Residential School for the Blind in 1829 (Hatlen, P., 2007). He was the first person to realize that students who are visually impaired or blind need more than the traditional curriculum. He declared that the students also needed to learn the nine areas of what is known today as the Expanded Core Curriculum. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) states that the Individual Education Program (IEP) must address both the functional and academic performance of the student. Also, the IEP must address...
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...Core Curriculum: Moving Forward What is core curriculum? A curriculum is a set of courses that students are required to take in a school. Curriculum could one of two things, the range of courses from which students have to take or a specific learning program. The core curricula are most often instituted at the primary and secondary level by the Department of Education. In the near future the entire US School System will be transitioning into the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). “The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are the latest iteration of this phenomenon and they will define the educational landscape in the United States for many years to come” (Gehsmann & Templeton, 2012). In 2009-10 states were given the option to adopt the new standards with the possibility of competitive funds from the federal government. While the transition to these new standards will not be easy, it will thrust education into a place it has never been before. “Implemented correctly, the common standards and assessments can vault education over the barrier of low-level test preparations and toward the goal of world-class learning outcomes for all students” (Conley, 2011). The standards will highlight two areas, English and mathematics. However, high school English standards are for reading, writing, speaking, and listening and intertwined with other subjects as well. The goals of these standards are to specify the knowledge and skills that teachers are suppose to assess and to raise the...
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...& Development of the New South Wales (NSW) Primary Curriculum The New South Wales Primary Curriculum provides the framework for the outcomes based education currently in use in all Public schools in New South Wales. This essay will present a brief overview of the structure, definition, goals, influences, processes and show how it meets the needs of current and future learners. Drawing from various sources, an examination of the curriculums content and foundation, will provide a snapshot of where the educational direction is headed. Curriculum Structure and Development In 2004 the Board of Studies NSW developed the consultation paper, Defining Mandatory Outcomes in the K–6 Curriculum, which also involved surveys, submissions and state-wide consultation meetings with teachers across NSW. This process helped to bring about the current NSW Primary Curriculum Foundations Statements. Collaborating with teachers and educational professionals the statements developed by the board of studies NSW give clear direction of what must be taught through each of the stages of learning in the K-6 curriculum (The Board of Studies NSW, 2007). The NSW Primary Curriculum is structured into six key learning areas (KLA’s), English; Mathematics; Science and Technology; Human Society and its Environment; Creative Arts; and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE). The KLA’s, along with the syllabus, remain at the core of planning and programming, and are broken down into...
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...REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SECONDARY EDUCATION MODERNIZATION PROGRAMME DRAFT SECONDARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM Form Three Mathematics Curriculum Development Division October 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS About this Draft i Foreword – A Note to Teachers iii Acknowledgements v PART ONE Introduction 1- 1 The Curriculum Underpinnings 1- 2 Philosophy of Education 1- 3 The Goals of Education 1- 5 The Essential Learning Outcomes 1- 6 The Curriculum Design and Development Process 1-11 PART TWO - CURRICULUM CONTENT Vision Statement 2- 2 Rationale for the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics 2- 3 Goals of the Mathematics Curriculum 2- 4 General Intended Outcomes For Forms I, II, and III. 2- 5 Connections to Other Core Curriculum Areas 2- 6 Framework for Mathematics for Forms I, II and III 2- 9 A General Curriculum Framework 2-11 Course Outline for Form III 2-12 PART THREE - STRATEGIES/METHODOLOGIES Teaching and Learning Strategies 3- 2 Suggested Activities 3- 6 Suggested Resources 3-15 PART FOUR - EVALUATION Elaboration of Assessment and Evaluation 4- 2 Evaluation Tools and Strategies 4- 5 Cross-referencing to Teachers’ Guide 4- 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY 4- 9 ___________________________________ i ABOUT THIS DRAFT Under the umbrella of the Secondary Education Modernization Programme (SEMP), since the latter...
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...|CURRICULUM |DATE |LEGAL BASIS |RATIONALE |FEATURES |FEEDBACK |MAJOR CRITICISM | |Secondary Education Development |1987 |The 1987 Constitution |“basic intellectual skills and |SSEDP is a response to the following |The programs RSEP, PROPED, NSEC, |The first issue is the role of | |Program (SEDP) | |Article 14 sec. 1 states |learning tools to continue |needs: |and SEDP all lead to the |education in national | | | |that “the state shall |learning and the values for |Continue the pupil development started|Secondary Education Development |development. Several researchers | | | |protect and promote the |successfully living lives in the|by the Program for Decentralize |and Improvement Project SEDIP |had delved into the different | | | |right of all citizens to |society” |Educational Development (PRODED) |(2000-2006). SEDIP is similar to |components affecting the | | | |quality education at all | |Improve the quality...
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...Exploring the Broken Bay Catholic Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum Document Student’s Name Institution Exploring the Broken Bay Catholic Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum Document In Catholic schools, religious education is the first area of learning. Religious education enables children and the youth to justify, explain and understand Christian message and teachings as they are taught by the Catholic Church (Carswell, 2001). Religious education is taught to all those who follow and believe in Christ in the world. Through learning, students are taught research, guided on how to study and overall learn how Christians should live (Ryan, 2003). These students also get to know the distinctive vision of the Catholic Church. The Catholic curriculum systematically directs students and enhances them to reflect critically on the meaning of being a Catholic (Carswell, 2001). In Australia, Religious Education Curriculum is imperative, and a must learn program for all years of schooling. This Program, which is denoted as K-12 contains what is to be covered in the Religious curriculum (Ryan, 2003). Time allocations are prescribed to this curriculum about the age of the learners. This program is part of the learning experience and is mandated by Australian Bishops. Its primary objective is to raising religious knowledge and awareness. In Australia, Religious Education is an extremely acclaimed feature of the Australian Catholic schools through...
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...CURRICULUM Introduction As part of transforming South Africa, the educational landscape has undergone dramatic changes where ultimately teachers have to decide to either implement a curriculum as mandated or to adapt the curriculum to take into account their particular context. Teacher’s in South Africa battle on a daily basis with the effects of teaching large number of learners in an under-resourced context. Teachers are expected to adapt to those changes and such changes impact heavily on the roles of teachers in the classroom. They must find a way to facilitate teaching, learning and assessment despite difficult conditions. The gap between curriculum as intention and curriculum as reality confronts teachers regularly. The aim of this essay will address the narrow and broad definitions of the concept curriculum, as well as the official, explicit, implicit, covert and hidden curriculum as they are viewed by different authors. Defining Curriculum Two views on curriculum: Narrow and Broad Many educationists argue that awareness of different interpretations is important in developing a Good understanding of what curriculum is (Booyse & Du plesis, 2014: 4). However they make a point that different approaches, either as a blue print or adaption approach, may be appropriate for different situations. Take a closer look at the various interpretations: Eisner (1985) defines curriculum as a series of planned events that are intended to have educational consequences...
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...Type | Document | 01/05/2013 | Active | 1 | | Documents Control | Academic Record | 2013 1st Semester :: Main Campus | Mode / Type / Cond | Crd. | Grd. | Qpt. | | | MATH | 181 | Business Algebra | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | C | | | | INSY | 110 | Computers and Business Information Systems | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | B | 7.00 | | | CONV | 101 | Convocation [1st Year 1st Semester] | Reg / Core / regular | 0.00 | S | 0.00 | | | ACCT | 111 | Financial Accounting 1A | Reg / Core / regular | 4.00 | C | 8.00 | | | ORIE | 100 | Orientation | Reg / Core / regular | 0.00 | S | 0.00 | | | RELT | 215 | Philosophy of Christian Education | Reg / Core / regular | 2.00 | | 0.00 | | | MGMT | 155 | Principles of Management | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | B+ | 7.00 | | | ECON | 215 | Principles of Microeconomics | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | C+ | 6.99 | | | EDUC | 101 | Work Education | Reg / Core / regular | 0.00 | | | | | | Core Cumulative, Cred: 15.00, GPA: 2.14 | Period Total: | 15.00 | GPA= | 2.14 | | | 2013 2nd Semester :: Main Campus | Mode / Type / Cond | Crd. | Grd. | Qpt. | | | MATH | 182 | Business Calculus | Reg / Core / regular | 3.00 | | | | | COMM | 102 | Communication Skills | Reg / Core...
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...In the 21st century, the pure academic type of education that students are introduced to, is steadily paving way to a whole new type of education with a special focus to incorporate three major genres of education: reasoning, psychomotor and emotional learning. Education is a pretty broad concept that surpasses the four walls of a classroom. The core aim of education is to fosterall round development of a child. All round development essentially means intellectual, physical, moral, sensible and social development. All round development can be achieved only through education. Education plays a fundamental role in the making of a man and his development as a culturally well developed social animal. To fulfil these objectives, there is a prime need of striking a balance between syllabus, curriculum, books and also co-curricular activities beyond that. Co-Curricular activities are those which are undertaken side by side with the curricular activities. A co-curricular activity essentially takes place outside a typical pen and pencil classroom experience. It gives the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their non-academic abilities. These activities might be compulsory, such as music, art or drama classes that take place during the day. Others generally are voluntary, such as participating in school sports team, school debating team or student newsletters. In either case, participation can assist students in more than one ways. They actually complement...
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...ED 681: Assignment 2 Interview with Curriculum Specialist Beth Foster July 2, 2015 I had the pleasure of interviewing Laura Espinosa, Elementary Science Resource Teacher, Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS). Part A: Interview Questions 1. What is your current position, and what is your role with respect to curriculum planning, development, and/or implementation for your school system? I am the AACPS Science Resource Teacher. I work specifically with Elementary schools, but also have some duties related to Middle and High schools. I am part of the committee who picks curriculum writers from the applications. I also prepare the professional development for the teachers, prepare the templates they will be working with, create the timeline, set goals, make assignments, establish protocol for the finished product and work environment, as well as oversea and edit work prior to being turned in for print. 2. Based upon your experiences as an educator, how would you describe the purpose of education in our society? What do you feel are the major influences on what happens in the educational community? I feel the purpose of education in society is to help all students realize their full potential in being a successful and contributing member of society. The major influences include the political climate, technological advances, and community values and expectations. 3. To what extent do you feel the curriculum of your school (school system) is consistent...
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...factors influencing the emergence of the curriculum, models of curriculum design and the implication of curriculum evaluation. 1.1 Concept of curriculum There is no single definition of the curriculum .The most common definition of curriculum that most teachers give is that it is a syllabus or a program of study but this is an erroneous definition. For Taba (1962), it is a ‘plan for learning’, while Lawton describes the curriculum as “a selection from the culture of a society” (Lawton, 1975, p6). It has also been described as “a social and political construct that changes over time in response to a range of factors and influences” (Mc Cullock, 1992, p9). Hence, the term curriculum means different things for different people. While it is obvious that the curriculum is not neutral, its content and how it is transmitted depends on the kinds of interaction between curriculum developers, teachers and students. Stated differently, curricula emerges depending on the various ways curriculum developers, teachers and students interact with each other. In this essay, I will outline the internal and external factors that shape the interaction between the official curriculum, what is taught in secondary schools and learning that takes place in classrooms. Internal factors include the influences of philosophy, psychology and sociology, whereas external factors include the social, economic and political aspects that shape curriculum design. Two curriculum models, namely the rational and the dynamic...
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...Operating Room Etiquette: Preparing for Perfection Patient safety plays an intricate role in the nursing profession. It is through the foundation of a germ free environment in which protocols are set in an effort to decrease patient morbidity and mortality. The operating room (OR) is a major sector of hospitals in which its core is maintaining an environment of sterility in an effort to reduce hospital acquired infections or surgical wound infections (Duncan & Mayo, 2004). The OR is a fast paced nursing specialty requiring expert training and mentorship for perspective candidates. According to Burnette (2007), nursing students felt like they were not adequately trained for the complexity of the OR during nursing school. As an effort to combat this, The Methodist Hospital began the Methodist Advancement into Professional Practice Program (MAPP). MAPP students are senior professional nursing school students with an interest of pursuing a career as an OR nurse. The internship is an aggressive two month program focusing on the skills required to function as a highly trained OR nurse. In an effort to uphold recommended standards and practices, the core curriculum is based on the fundamental elements of the Association of PeriOperative Nurses (AORN). During the first two weeks students began their training in a classroom setting where were introduced to the basic concepts of the OR. The next six weeks students will be engage in simulations labs of what was taught in the classroom setting...
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...applying both to my life will assist me in creating a successful future with a professional career. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, liberal arts is defined as “college or university studies (as language, philosophy, literature, abstract science) intended to provide chiefly general knowledge and to develop general intellectual capacities (as reason and judgement) as opposed to professional or vocational skills” (Merriam-Webster). Students who receive a liberal arts education become knowledgable and skilled in many areas of study, rather than one specific topic. They become prepared to deal with complexity, diversity, and change. A liberal arts education does not necessarily include professional, vocational, or technical curriculum; rather, provides students with a broad knowledge of the world, as well as an in-depth study of one area. The educational program at Aquinas College combines studies in language, math, social sciences, natural sciences, humanities, majors, minors, and professional areas of study, therefore qualifying itself as a liberal arts college. Aquinas College holds several values to the utmost importance, some of which include prayer, study, community, and service. Spending four, or more, years at...
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...Statistical Analysis of Preference of Subject Choice among Grade 6 Students Objective: Several schools (English–mediums) today have a curriculum that consists of three broad ranges of subjects, namely core subjects, extracurricular subjects and co-curricular subjects. The core subjects follow a fixed curriculum and contain the basic subjects such as Math, English & Bangla. The extracurricular and co-curricular subjects on the other hand consist of additional subjects such as Music, Art and Dramaare extracurricular subjects, while Geography, History and Science are co-curricular subjects. While the core subjects are considered compulsory and an imperative component of childhood education, the extracurricular and co-curricular subjects are not necessarily as such. Students may feel that their efforts would be better justified towards a greater focus in extracurricular activities rather than co-curricular activities, and vice-versa. Our objective is to find out whether students prefer extracurricular subjects or co-curricular subjects, in conjunction with the core subjects. Data Source: The primary source of data collection will be through surveying Grade 6 students at schools that follow a curriculum as stated above. The survey will likely be conducted in the first week of December, 2014. We also aim to do some research online to see if any similar literature is available on the topic. Main Variables: The independent variable will be the student’s subject preference, and...
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