...Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: A Case Study of Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motors & Toyota Shubham Jain, BBA (2014 - 2017), IITM Janakpuri / Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka Abstract Corporate social responsibility in simple words means, “giving back to the society from where an organisation operates its functions, employ resources and satisfy human wants by offering goods and services. In today’s time, business has emerged as one of the most powerful instituitions on the earth, earning profits will be of no use until and unless the customers associated with the organisations are not happy with the company’s perspective towards helping the society. Therefore, it calls for the need of corporate social responsibility....
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...School at Vietnam National University, Hanoi who guide me in my choice of assignment 2. I also would like to thank to Ms. Sumathi and Ms. Shenba at Help University College, who initiated the project and give so much instruction and support. 3. Thank all the respondents in Panasonic company who have helped me complete the survey with their enthusiastic and supporting manner. 2 A CASE STUDY OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: A SUSTAINABLE TOOL OF COMPANIES’ DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAM By HOANG THUY HANG October 2011 Supervisor: Dr. PHAM DUC HIEU ABSTRACT With the increasing effects of ASEAN over the world, Vietnam is an ideal market for corporations. Furthermore, becoming the member of WTO since 2007 is an opportunity as well as the threats for local companies. Following the globalization trend, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been the vital issue in both national and global market. CSR has recently emerged in Vietnam’s market, however, the knowledge and actions of CSR is limited. Many scandals occurred relating to CSR issues such as the case of Vedan Co. Ltd, Sabeco...
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...INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background of the Study Contemporary exigencies due to globalization, the end of the cold war, the information technology revolution and the opposing views of world politics have all necessitated the re-evaluation of the business-society relationship and facilitated the emergence of innovative business social responsibility-practices. In view of the expanding and dynamic nature of contemporary business organizations, awareness of the impact of these institutions is reflecting on the environment in which they operate. This awareness has led to a definite conclusion on the roles of business organizations in the society and the growing demand for corporate social reward in terms of better social performance. For instance, the conflict in the Niger Delta area was aggravated by intense oil exploration activities in the area without adequate compensation from either the government or the oil multinational companies that reap profit from the area. The apparent neglect and marginalization of the people of the Niger-Delta has led to the call for compensation for their exploited wealth, the physical development of their environment and access to political power which made communal clashes, ethnic nationalism and movement for self determination to be prominent in the region and the phenomenon of oil pollution has only added to the already tense atmosphere in the Niger-Delta area. Today, business organizations are enjoined to pay attention to social issues and problems which are...
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...A Developing Country Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Test Case of Bangladesh Ali Quazi, The University of Newcastle Ziaur Rahman, IITM, Bangladesh Byron Keating, University of Wollongong Abstract The ‘social contract’ between the corporation and the community is of critical importance. The motivations for these contracts are continuously being revisited to understand how CSR programs can nurture and contribute to the growth of firms. While CSR issues are attracting a great deal of attention in the developed world, there is a need for more research into CSR in the developing world. This paper considers the CSR practices of a small sample of multinational corporations (MNCs) and local firms in Bangladesh to better understand this situation. Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has generated significant debate in academic and corporate circles in recent times. This debate acknowledges the importance of CSR in the first-world, but raises questions regarding the extent to which corporations operating in developing countries have CSR obligations (Jamali and Mirshak, 2007). Conventional wisdom suggests that CSR is more relevant to corporations operating in the developed countries due to elevated community expectations of socially responsible behaviour. In contrast there is also a belief that societal expectations in the developing countries mainly centre on economic growth; therefore relegating CSR to be of lesser importance to the society and...
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...activities. Corporate social responsibility in the past is considered as unwanted activities which are imposed on business by law and governing bodies as unnecessary burden which is against the basic principle of profit making for the business organizations. Business organizations have been considered as bodies that meet the demand of the consumers by supplying their goods and services, and have the responsibility for generating wealth and employment opportunities. (Mette Morsing & Carmen Thyssen, 2003) In recent times after the increase in concern about the ecological imbalances and the impact of business on the environment, this above view is however changing and more and more entities are taking corporate social responsibility activities and few of them are also able to align their business goals in order to generate profits. The modern business also debates over the business responsibility towards the Shareholder’s and owners versus Stakeholders (employees, consumers, suppliers and shareholders) in the present day scenario. After taking the consideration of responsibility towards stakeholders, businesses are coming closer to the society and are altering the function of business organizations taking into considerations the business’ wider role. The wider role define above is coming into many areas such as for the social order and environment, beyond financial performance, and alignment of business responsibility in a moral and socially accountable way. Corporate social responsibility...
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...Chapter One: Introduction Background of the Study Globalization has undeniably affected the people, the businesses and the entire world. Globalization is simply defined as the process by which the different states, markets, technologies and firms become integrated and interconnected (Baur, 2011; van Tulder, 2001). Evidently, globalization has become an important facet of the twenty-first century. One of the more specific effects of globalization is the increased levels of trade and foreign direct investments worldwide. Furthermore, globalization has also facilitated the interdependence of the different economies throughout the entire world (Baur, 2011; Betsill & Correll, 2001). In addition to what has been previously mentioned, globalization has also influenced the development of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as a response to the recent increases in private investment (Teegen, 2003). Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) consist of citizens’ groups that are organized on a local, national or international level (Bendell, 2000; van Tulder, 2001). There are generally, three types of NGOs, these are: (1) advocacy NGOs who are primarily tasked with the promotion of the governments or in international for the groups who do not have the capacity to do so; (2) operational NGOs, which primarily deals with the provision of goods and services to the clients who are in need; and lastly, (3) hybrid NGOs or those who perform both tasks previously mentioned (Ghauri, 2003; Vormedal...
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...Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Commercial Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility Chapter 1: introduction Following the increase in the discoveries of corporate scandals in emerging and developed countries, there has been a rapid growth of concern in ethical and socially responsible business behaviour over the past two decades. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has taken many initiatives to advance public’s concern about energy, climate, environment, sustainability, and corporate responsibility (Marrewijk, 2003). It defines CSR as “the commitment of business to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families and the local communities”. As highlighted by Jamaliand Mirshak (2007), the fundamental idea of CSR is that business organizations would have an obligation to fulfil the needs of various organizational stakeholders (Waddock, Bodwell, & Graves, 2002) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices or initiatives have been performed by many corporations, particularly as a large number of researchers have demonstrated the benefits of being socially responsible (Berens, van Riel, & van Bruggen, 2005; Luo & Bhattacharya, 2006; Nan & Heo, 2007; Vaaland, Heide, & Gronhaug, 2008). In general, previous studies in Western developed societies have shown a positive relationship between CSR associations and corporate product evaluation. In order to really understand CSR we must root it...
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...GHANA CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) OF ZAIN GHANA, A MARKETING STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OR TRULY GIVING BACK TO THE SOCIETY: A CASE STUDY OF ZAIN’S SCHOOL BUILDING PROJECT AT ODUMASI-KROBO. YEBOAH-MANTEY EMMANUEL APRIL 2010 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) OF ZAIN GHANA, A MARKETING STRATEGY FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OR TRULY GIVING BACK TO THE SOCIETY: A CASE STUDY OF ZAIN’S SCHOOL BUILDING PROJECT AT ODUMASI-KROBO. YEBOAH-MANTEY EMMANUEL A CAPSTONE PROJECT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT DEGREE APRIL 2010 STUDENT’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that this project work is the result of my own original research and where I have use others’ materials, I have fully acknowledged them Signature: ……………………… Date: …………………………… (YEBOAH-MANTEY EMMANUEL) SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this project work was supervised in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of Capstone Project as laid down by Ghana Christian University College Signature: ………………………… Date: …………………… Acknowledgements Table of Contents Declaration I Acknowledgements II Table of Contents III Abstract.....................................................................................................................1 Chapter 1-Overviewof Study 1.1 Introduction...
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...Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Business and Management Business Ethics: Case Study 2: Starbucks’ Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Strength In: Business and Management Business Ethics: Case Study 2: Starbucks’ Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Strength Business Ethics: Case Study 2: Starbucks’ Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Strength 1. Why do you think Starbucks has been so concerned with social responsibility in its overall corporate strategy? Starbucks has been so concerned with social responsibility because of the reduce its Eco-friendly mark and as became tangled with the community. Also it is important to the corporate because of its ethical corporate should improve in the stretched period of time. Consumers’ feels worthy about conveying business to social responsible companies and the organisation’ impression are good about working there and makes organisation provide much better consumer service. 2. Is Starbucks unique in being able to provide a high level of benefits to its employees? Starbucks is irreplaceable in actually able to offer a high level of benefits to its organisation. Many businesses do not deliver organisation with many profits. Starbucks understands how important its organisation is and that they are the face of the corporate. Happy organisation creates good consumer service understandings and repeat business. It seems like a lot of businesses oversee their...
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...Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an activity that has gained momentum among companies, to improve their social image, especially in recent years. Corporate social responsibility has been defined by multiple studies. In this section, we provide a short summary and comparison of the most widely presented versions, followed by an overview of the situation of CSR in India. As defined by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), CSR is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines Corporate Social Responsibility...
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...International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 3; March 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions: Istanbul Bilgi University Case Gresi Sanje Dahan, PhD Assistant Professor Istanbul Bilgi University Advertising Department Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:1 34060 Eyup Istanbul, Turkey Isil Senol, PhD Teaching Assistant Istanbul Bilgi University Advertising Department Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:1 34060 Eyup Istanbul, Turkey Abstract Universities, especially private ones are in need of strong corporate strategies in order to be successful in the highly competitive education industry. In this respect, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes one of the highly preferred strategies by higher education institutions for gaining a good reputation and a competitive advantage. This study aims to analyze Istanbul Bilgi University, in the context of social responsibility practices. The major finding of the study is that in order for an institution to be successful in CSR strategy, CSR actions has to be internalized and must be supported by the management. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, higher education, competitive advantage, reputation. 1. Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined through the ethical relationship and transparency of the company with all its stakeholders that has a relationship as well as with the establishment of corporate goals that are compatible with the sustainable development of society, preserving...
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...TITLE PAGE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN NIGERIA’S TELECOMMUNICATION SECTOR A CASE STUDY OF GLOBACOM NIGERIA LIMITED ENUGU ZONE BY EZEIGWE, GRACE CHINYERE BA/2007/163 A PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION, CARITAS UNIVERSITY, AMORJI- NIKE, ENUGU, ENUGU STATE. IN PARTTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. AUGUST, 2010. CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this project written by Ezeigwe G. Chinyere With Reg/No.BA/2007/163, has been duly supervised, approved and found adequate in scope and content for the award of Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, in the Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Caritas University, Amorji Nike, Enugu, Enugu State. ___________________ ____________________ Mr. Innocent Ubawike Prof. Godwin Nwanguma Project Supervisor Head of Department, Business Administration Department ________________ _______________________ Date Date DEDICATION I dedicate this project work to God Almighty for His infinite mercy all through my studies and also, for the wisdom and inspirations towards the successful completion of this work. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All thanks and Praise...
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...ASOCIO Policy Paper CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Date: June 2004 Table of Contents 1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ........................................................... 2 1.1 What is corporate social responsibility? ........................................................ 2 1.2 Asia Pacific Perspective ................................................................................ 2 1.3 Corporate Social Responsibility: Unlocking the value................................... 3 1.4 World Economic Forum & CSR ..................................................................... 3 1.5 Case Studies ................................................................................................. 4 1.6 Should ASOCIO have a role? ....................................................................... 5 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ASOCIO Policy Paper June 2004 1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming an increasingly important activity to businesses nationally and internationally. As globalisation accelerates and large corporations serve as global providers, these corporations have progressively recognised the benefits of providing CSR programs in their various locations. CSR activities are now being undertaken throughout the globe. 1.1 What is corporate social responsibility? The term is often used interchangeably for other terms such as Corporate Citizenship and is also linked to the concept of Triple...
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...Concepts | | Luke Sutton | 10/8/2012 | Case for Critical Thinking: Satyam – the ‘Enron’ of India. | Table of Contents Background to case study1 introduction to management issues1 Identification of management issues2 rationalisation behind unethical behaviour2 corporate governance and social responsibility2 recommendations3 Implementation of recommendations3 references4 1.0 BACKGROUND The purpose of this case study is to identify the management issues of Satyam Computer Services Limited’s, former chairman Ramalinga Raju when he admitted to corporate fraud in 2009, and how these issues could be addressed. Satyam Computer Services Limited, (now known as Mahindra Satyam) is a “leading global information communications and technology company”. (Anon., n.d.) It is a part of the “US $15.4 billion dollar Mahindra group, a global industrial federation of companies of the top 10 business houses based in India”. (Anon., n.d., p. 1; Anon., n.d.)). 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT ISSUES “India’s corporate community experienced a significant shock in January 2009 with damaging revelations about board failure and colossal fraud in the financials of Satyam.” (Afsharipour, 2010)Ramalinga Raju and the CFO of the company were charged with “conspiracy, cheating and falsifying records. Raju was also allegedly using salary payments to fabricated employees, in order to steal money from the company.” (Anon., n.d.) This case study will explore the unethical behaviours of Ramalinga...
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...Aga trials green energy Introduction 3.1 A framework for macro-environmental analysis . 3.2 The economic and political environment 3.3 The social and cultural environment 3.4 The technological environment 3.5 Changes in marketing infrastructure and practices 3.6 New strategies for changing macroenvironments 3.7 The Five Forces model of industry competition 3.8 The product life cycle 3.9 Strategic groups 3.10 Industry evolution and forecasting 3.11 Environmental stability 3.12 SPACE analysis 3.13 The Advantage Matrix Summary Case study: Food group shifts strategy to volume growth PART1 MARKETING STRATEGY CHAPTER 1 MARKET-LED STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Puma gives the boot to cardboard shoeboxes . 4 Introduction 5 1.1 The marketing concept and market orientation 6 1.2 The resource-based view of marketing 12 14 1.3 Organisational stakeholders 1.4 Marketing fundamentals 19 1.5 The role of marketing in leading strategic management 23 Summary 25 Case study: Consumer trust sees John Lewis set retail pace 25 54 54 55 56 57 59 62 64 65 68 71 74 77 79 81 83 84 85 CHAPTER 2 STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING Asos founder turns to online homeware Introduction 2.1 Defining the business purpose or mission 2.2 The marketing strategy process 2.3 Establishing the core strategy 2.4 Creation of the competitive positioning 2.5 Implementation Summary Case study: iPhone 27 27 28 29 32 33 42 45 49 49 CHAPTER 4...
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