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Correctional Populations

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This paper will describe the particular characteristics of the individual’s population and what particular issues they may deal with in a correctional setting: relationship s with other prisoners and staff, possible issue with authority, treatment-related concerns, and relevant research on this population and its interaction with the correctional system. Next, discuss different aspects of the correctional settings and how they could be influencing the individual or population as a forensic psychologist: treatment options available for a particular individual or population needs, include treatment options while in prison, discuss the availability and flow of treatment as the individual or population, and discuss the efficacy of treatment …show more content…
Life imprisonment for the mentally ill offenders at least one in six prisoners in the United States is mentally ill. We are talking about the following mental disorders: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressions, obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD), panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),and borderline personality disorder..
However, there is about seventy thousand are psychotic on any given day. While, the relationship with officers' and other inmates is very intense officers’ discretionary responses to the mentally ill offenders include observation to ensure that the psychiatric stability and flexibility in law enforcement are embedded within their role to ensure staff and inmates’ safety. Some correctional staff mock them, ignore their suffering or even use excessive force against them covering them in pepper spray when they will not stop yelling, hitting them and even, in a few cases, suffocating them to death through improper methods of …show more content…
For the purpose of, mentally ill offenders cognitive deficits and criminal thinking patterns are learned behaviors of the mentally ill offenders. Brings up another treatment that is called cognitive behavior therapy.
This treatment help the mentally ill offender to address the whole problem that is associated with their criminal behaviors such as, antisocial behaviors, problem solving, and moral thinking. To clarify, antisocial behavior is a prevalence personality disorder among the mentally ill offenders. Problem solving gives the mentally ill offenders a chance to work on thinking about what is expectable in the correctional setting. Many of the mentally ill offenders lack the skill of moral thinking.
There is another treatment program called the Assertive Community Treatment(ACT) engages and prepares the mentally ill offender for the full treatment of the mental health system. This program as been around and operating for about thirty years or so. However, ACT has many levels of treatment that are divided up between different team in the correctional facilities as well as, the

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