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Council For Exceptional Children: Chapter Analysis

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Shea & Bauer Chapter 1 Project # 1 p. 27- Relate the principles of normalization, fairness, and respect to the standards of the Council for Exceptional Children for the ethical application of behavior management interventions.
My Response: First off, to be able to relate these principles to the standards, one needs to understand the principles. The principles of normalization is according to (Shea & Bauer, 2012, p. 11), “to let the person with a disability or who varies from his or her peers obtain an existence as close to the ‘norm’ as is possible”. The principle of fairness on the other hand is “due process of law”, which is a more formal way to try and change the student (Shea & Bauer, 2012, p. 11). Lastly, the principle of respect …show more content…
Our textbook states that the school needs to be a safe and positive atmosphere for these students all while putting clear expectations into place (Shea & Bauer, 2012, p. 16). The three principles can relate to exceptional students by the fact that exceptional students can act/behave just as their peers; however, they are also allowed to have a hearing (due process) if/when the teacher feels that there needs to be adjustments made to correct their behavior. Lastly, just as all students, exceptional students are to be treated fairly and with …show more content…
The second environmental system is the mesosystem. This can have an influence of one through one’s relationship “between the microsystem in one’s life” (Sincero 2016). The third environmental system is the exosystem. Within the exosystem, the link amongst the person and the context is what influences their actions and behaviors. The fourth environmental influence is the microsystem. Influences in the microsystem include one’s culture along with their socioeconomic status. Lastly, the chronosystem, or the changes in one’s life, including their sociohistorical contexts has an influence on how one behaves (Sincero,

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