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Personal Narrative: My First Wolf Team

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Dante Dias
Words: 1000-1500

Wolf pack looking for a new leader and it’s a competition between two alphas,

It was a beautiful day, the sun glimmering up in the sky , the delicate birds chirping in the fresh morning breeze and I was feeling great and ready to conquer the sunlight. So I headed off to the big morning meet. The big morning meet was when the whole pack (which was 13 of us) would gather around and listen to our leader Titan, Titan was the leader for many years and is the eldest and the wisest of the whole group and apparently today he had a very big announcement. I walked up to the Big Rock (our meeting place), greeted and talked to my fellow companions until Titan went to stand up on top of the rock to make his Big speech. …show more content…
When I headed off to the first event I was greeted by all the others wolves who seemed that they wanted me to win so I was feeling pretty good. I finally reach the destination where the first event was being held and all it there was were 2 gargantua mossy boulders which loomed over everyone else. “Ok time to get this show on the road!” He exclaimed with such enjoyment which I haven’t heard in a long time, but I needed to focus because I knew Ajax had the upper hand already since he was the bigger one between us. The course was that we needed to we would need to push over one of the boulders across the finish line. I felt great but I knew I needed to get to the boulder before Ajax because of how big he was and would probably beat me if he got to it first. Anyways we took our spots and when I look over to Ajax he was in another mode and was so focus that a bug landed right on his nose and he didn’t even budged and as soon as I knew it Titan already started to countdown “3 2 1 GO!” We both launched off to the first obstacle which were faced with the challenge to and I instantly propelled my body against the Boulder an started moving it, but slowly. I was using every single ounce of muscle in my body but compared to Ajax it was nothing, Ajax was on a totally different level, he was advancing quick pace …show more content…
We were given a 30 minute breather before advancing to the next stage and it was do or die for me and I wanted to be the leader so bad. Titan led us to next event which was took place in a maze. The objective was very simple get to the end of the maze. The moment when we rolled up to the event , Ajax and I wanted to get this going right away with all the adrenaline still pumping in our bodies and Began to set up. Titan agreed, counted down and we were off. I had an inkling from the beginning that this was my round and that Ajax had no chance. I was breezing through the course like I remembered it in the back of my head. When I had the sensation that I was nearing the end of the course I could hear the roars of frustration echoing through the air which gave me such pleasure. I vanquished the maze and claimed the second round as Titan and I had to wait an extra 40 minutes for Ajax to come out with only guilt and the feeling of

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