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Functional Disconnection Syndrome Analysis

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Benjamin is brilliant with a dry sense of humor and clever, but he doesn’t like to be touched in public settings he is seen as socially awkward. He is naïve to worldly norms but does not seem to be aware of his indifference. Benjamin has a mental disorder called autism. Autism is a neurological condition in which there is no cure and is diagnosed in early childhood. Symptoms of autism include issues forming relationships with people and there is difficulty communicating. There are proven interventions that have helped decrease the severity of a child’s disorder. Children with neurological disorders such as autism, dyslexia, and ADHD all have something in common: they are all disconnected. Those with severe neurological disorders such as autism can be identified with Functional Disconnection Syndrome (FDS)
In order to understand a part of Functional Disconnection Syndrome it’s important to understand what a syndrome is and the difference between that and a disease. A syndrome is actually defined as a group of symptoms without being a diagnosed condition and leaves no traces of how it formed. The syndrome is a more behavioral, emotional, and psychological state of a person while the disease is an established cause with a set of symptoms and often changes the anatomy of the person diagnosed.
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Melillo says that not only do children with special neurological cases have poor processing systems; they also have major digestion and food sensitivities. In fact, 87% of children with FDS have food sensitivities. Unlike common allergies, food sensitivities are hard to identify without a blood test and often go unnoticed especially since the symptoms appear only gradually. Some of these symptoms include irritability and occasional meltdowns, inability to focus, show impulsive actions, aggressive behavior, hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, and an increase in learning

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