...Thematic Paper on MDG 1 ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER 2000 2010 2005 FOREWORD I am extremely pleased to introduce this set of analytical papers on the Millennium Development Goals1. The papers were produced by the member agencies of the UN Development Group Task Force on the MDGs, working in clusters. Each paper had one or more lead agencies and a set of member agencies in support. The Task Force was also able to draw on the ideas, experience and advice of a considerable range of other agencies and experts, including from Non-Governmental, academic and other sectors. A peer review process was held to move towards the final versions, which incorporated detailed and rich discussions on the ideas generated by the papers. In this effort, the central intention of the Task Force was to try to identify promising or successful experiences in country efforts to move towards the various Goals, and to gain understanding of the factors contributing to this progress. The focus of the papers is therefore on the national and local level; on country-led (rather than UN) efforts; and on a range of immediate and underlying factors that appear to be important or essential in enabling progress under differing conditions and country circumstances. The papers do not present or represent formal, official UN policy positions. Rather, they reflect the collective analytical efforts of the MDG Task Force, as endorsed by the UN Development Group, in an effort to bring ideas and suggestions...
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...UNIT 1 V1. Introduction: The EU in the New World Order (3 Videos) Questions: 1. Who has the power to represent the EU internationally? The president of the European Commission, the high Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the head of delegation of the EU to third countries (e.g. the US),and the president of the European Council. 2. Of which of the following international organisations is the EU a (full) member? The FAO and WTO, two conditions need to be fulfilled: 1) The EU must have the power (as conferred by the Member States in the Treaties) to become a member, 2) the international organization must allow the EU (which is not a state) to become a member. Consult, for instance, Art. 4 of the UN Charter 3. What is the EU in international law? Rights and obligations. It is not a state or is a regional integration organization with a very extensive measeur of international legal personality (at 47 TEU) 4. Who represents Europe in the world, in external affairs and treaty negotiations with 3rd countries or international organizations, High representative of EU for foreign affairs and policy: created by the Lisbon treaty , it is also the vicepresident to the European Comissions. Head of state, Europe is represented by 2 persons: permanent president of European Council and President of the European Commission (more for classical competences of the EUUU). And Rotatic council. World wide diplomatic network of the European Union:...
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...ASSESSMENT O DEVELO F PMENT RESULTS E V A L UA T I ON OF UNDP CONTRI BUTI ON ZAMbIA HUMAN DEVELO PMENTeffectiveness CO RDINAT O efficiency CO RDINATIO ANDPARTNERSHIP sus O N NATIO O NAL WNERSHIP relevance MANAGINGFO sustainability MANAGINGFO RESULTS responsiven R AN DEVELO PMENTresponsiveness NATIO O NAL WN NATIO O NAL WNERSHIP effectiveness CO RDINAT O efficiency CO RDINATIO ANDPARTNERSHIP sus O N NATIO O NAL WNERSHIP relevance MANAGINGFO sustainability MANAGINGFO RESULTS responsiven R HUMAN DEVELO PMENTeffectiveness CO RDINAT O ASSESSMENT O DEVELO F PMENT RESULTS EVAL UATI ON OF UNDP CONTRI BUTI ON ZAMBIA Evaluation Office, February 2010 United Nations Development Programme REPORtS PUBliSHED UNDER tHE aDR SERiES Afghanistan Argentina Bangladesh Barbados Benin Bhutan Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Bulgaria Burkina Faso Cambodia Chile China Colombia Republic of the Congo Ecuador Egypt Ethiopia Georgia Guatemala Guyana Honduras India Jamaica Jordan Lao PDR Libya Maldives Montenegro Mozambique Nicaragua Nigeria Peru Philippines Rwanda Serbia Seychelles Sudan Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Turkey Uganda Ukraine Uzbekistan Viet Nam Yemen EvalUatiON tEam team leader team members EO task manager EO Research assistant Erik Lyby Honorine Muyoyeta Jorry Mwenechanya Urs Nagel Zembaba Ayalew aSSESSmENt OF DEvElOPmENt RESUltS: malDivES Copyright © UNDP 2010, all rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. The analysis and recommendations of this...
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...THE EC-PHILIPPINES STRATEGY PAPER 2007-2013 i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................... 7 1. COUNTRY ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 9 1.1. Analysis of the political situation...................................................................... 9 1.2. Analysis of the economic situation.................................................................. 11 1.3. Trade structure ................................................................................................ 13 1.4. Analysis of social developments...................................................................... 14 1.5. Analysis of the environmental situation......................................................... 16 2. THE PHILIPPINES’ POLICY AGENDA ............................................................ 17 2.1. The Medium Term Philippine Development Plan ........................................ 17 2.2. Assessing the reform process .......................................................................... 17 2.3. Cross-cutting issues: human rights, gender, governance ............................. 19 3. OVERVIEW OF PAST AND ONGOING EC COOPERATION, COORDINATION AND COHERENCE ........................................
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...ResearchersWorld -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN 2229-4686 ■ ISSN 2231-4172 SIGNIFICANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS: LINKING GLOBAL PRACTICES WITH LOCAL PERSPECTIVE Akbar Ali, Faculty of Management Information System National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan ABSTRACT Present study aims to link the global HRM in local context. HRM deals with the responsibilities, functions, behaviors and importance of employee. Hence the significance of HRM in organization is marvel. Previously not much attention had been given to manage employee in an organized manner, but with the passage of time need were felt to shift to formalization. The level of HRM practices do not show the formalized structure, therefore it is found mandatory to focus our country so that a step towards the identification and filling of gaps is initiated. HRM role is supposed to be very inclined towards humanitarian factors. In Pakistan the issue of traditional management is required to be addressed to transform it to HRM conceptualization in true letter and spirit. In Pakistan context this article is being written with the confidence that it will help managers to link the global HRM practices in local context in their organizations. Keywords: HRM, Organisation Pakistan. International Refereed Research Journal ■ www.researchersworld.com ■ Vol.–IV, Issue–1, January 2013 [78] ResearchersWorld INTRODUCTION: -Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce ■ E-ISSN...
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...The Communication on Progress of PT. Martina Berto Tbk .- Martha Tilaar Group Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENT The statement of CEO of Martha Tilaar Group Page 5 Overview Page 6 Introduction Page 7 Strategy, Governance, and Engagement Page 11 Criterion.1 : Strategic aspect of Global Compact Implementation Page 11 Criterion 2: The description of effective decision-making processes and systems governance for corporate sustainability Page 14 Criterion 3: The description of engagement with all important stakeholders Criterion 4: The description of actions taken in support of broader UN goals and issues Page 21 Page 23 Criterion 5: Page 24 Criterion 6: The description of commitment, strategies, policies in the area of human rights The description of effective management system to integrate human rights principle Page 27 Criterion 7: The description of effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism of human rights integration Page 28 Criterion 8: Standardize performance indicators in human rights Criterion 9: The description on commitment, strategies or policies in the area of labour Page 29 Page 30 The Communication on Progress of PT. Martina Berto Tbk .- Martha Tilaar Group Page 2 Criterion 10: The description on effective management system to integrate the labour Principles Page 32 Criterion 11: The description on effective monitoring and evaluation mechanism of labour...
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...INITIATIVES IN PAKISTAN TO ENHANCE THE WOMEN’S ROLE IN DEVELOPMENT: Economic Census of Pakistan – women owned businesses represents only 3% of total enterprises (3.2 million enterprises) in Pakistan. Most of women owned businesses are really small i.e. turnover < 1 million and/or investment < 0.5 millioMost women-headed businesses operate from home Financial matters are handled by male family members Women entrepreneurs are seen in subordinate roles little education, skills, and exposure to business; negligible peer support and business association, low capitalization and poor investment capacity 60% of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan opt for traditional business i.e. beauty parlors, bakeries, boutiques with largest number in garments and handicrafts sectorn. Role of SMEDA for WE Development “The word entrepreneur is derived from the French verb enterprendre that means to undertake”. We can define an entrepreneur as “……One who undertakes a commercial enterprise and who is an organisational creator and innovator” (Gartner.) “Female entrepreneurs are defined as those who use their knowledge and resources to develop or create new business opportunities, who are actively involved in managing their businesses, and own at least 50 per cent of the business and have been in operation for longer than a year” (Moore and Buttner, 1997) International development programs...
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...Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized 72506 Program Keluarga Harapan Main Findings from the Impact Evaluation of Indonesia’s Pilot Household Conditional Cash Transfer Program Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized World Bank Office Jakarta June 2011 Acknowledgments This report was prepared by the Poverty Team, part of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) group in the World Bank Office Jakarta. Vivi Alatas, the Task Team Leader, led the analytical activities and oversaw the preparation of the report. She was supported by a team that included: Nur Cahyadi, Elisabeth Yunita Ekasari, Sarah Harmoun, Budi Hidayat, Edgar Janz, Jon Jellema, Hendratno Tuhiman, and Matthew Wai-Poi. The University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Center for Public Policy Studies, implemented the baseline and final survey. The analysis for this evaluation was based on survey data that was collected and processed by some 860 enumerators and researchers. The survey work was led and overseen by Susan Wong. This report also draws from the findings of the resulting 2007 baseline survey report written by Robert Sparrow, Jossy Moeis, Arie Damayanti and Yulia Herawati. The Center for Health Research at the University of Indonesia, with the support of partner universities across the country, prepared a report in 2010 on the implementation of Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), based on qualitative and quantitative spot-checks of the program. In addition...
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...implementation of the “National Strategic Plan for Education and Training 2008 – 2020”. The existing “Zones d’Education Prioritaires” programme has generated some interesting innovative practices in areas of remedial education, school feeding programme, enabling learning and teaching environment; it has also provided a trial for State/Private Sector partnerships in the sector of education. The actions identified to meet the above will be: • Upgrading the school feeding programme; strengthening best practices generated within the framework of the ZEP programme during period 2003 – 2007 and expanding to other primary schools with low performances; consolidating Key Performance Indicators (KPI) System for continuous assessment. Increasing the efficiency of the existing food programme for ZEP schools, by establishing national policy and strategy framework, operational guidelines as well as promoting experimental community mobilisation initiatives with the objective of improving children and community food habits and ameliorating nutritional status of children. Consolidating and expanding innovative teaching and learning experiences developed within the framework of the ZEP programme during the implementation period 2003 – 2007, with particular reference to introduction of child centred inclusive pedagogical practices (with special focus on literacy competencies) and as well as remedial teaching and provision of relevant...
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...WE THE PEOPLE GROUP ORGANISATION PROFILE Justrojgar India Private Limited/ We The People 102, D211, Laxmansingh Complex 1, Munirka, New Delhi-110057, India Mob.: +91 81309 333 00 Tel: +91 11 460 28 268; Email: ajayamohapatra@justrojgar.com Website www.justrojgar.com ABOUT WE THE PEOPLE GROUP We the People Group is a social enterprise providing livelihoods promotion services to the lower income groups emphasising on women, youth and farmers through institutional development services, financial inclusion services and business development services. We believe that ‘Income is Development’. We the People strives to address the challenge of persistent poverty by creating income opportunities for the poor Profile: We The People Group, 2012-13 Page 2 and by enabling them to earn a stable income. We the People achieves its goal through its two entities – We the People, an NGO registered as a society and Justrojgar India Pvt. Ltd, a for-profit company. VISION Create Million Rojgar (Jobs/ livelihoods) for the people at the Bottom of the Pyramid by 2022. MISSION Promotion of sustainable livelihoods and inclusive employability at the bottom-up of the pyramid through institutional, financial and business development services ABOUT WE THE PEOPLE We the People in partnership with state governments, corporates and financial institutions promotes livelihoods, financial inclusion, skill building and development of ecosystem in rural and urban India. We the ...
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...i GOVERNMENT OF UGANDA Ministry of Health HEALTH SECTOR STRATEGIC PLAN III 2010/11-2014/15 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD BY MINISTER OF HEALTH .......................................................................................... IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... V LIST OF ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................. VI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ IX 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 CONTEXT AND RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE HSSP III ..................................................................... 1 1.2 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS FOR THE HSSP III ............................................................................................................ 1 2. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 SECTOR ORGANISATION, FUNCTION AND MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................... 2 2.1.1 The Ministry of Health and national level institutions .........................................................
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...Human Rights and Economics: Tensions and Positive Relationships Commissioned by the Nordic Trust Fund The World Bank www.worldbank.org/nordictrustfund Nordic Trust Fund Human Rights and Economics: Tensions and Positive Relationships Prepared for the Nordic Trust Fund/World Bank by GHK Consulting Ltd. Nordic Trust Fund Disclaimer: The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Contents Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................... v Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................vii Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................................ix 1. Study Objectives and Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Approach...
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...Managing Human Resources for Health in India A case study of Madhya Pradesh & Gujarat 2007 Central Bureau of Health Intelligence Directorate General of Health services Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011 Website: www.cbhidghs.nic.in, www.prodindia.nic.in Email: dircbhi.nb.nic In collaboration with WHO - India Country Office Managing Human Resources for Health in India A case study of Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh October 2007 Central Bureau of Health Intelligence, Dte.GHS, MoHFW, GOI In collaboration with World Health Organisation - India Country Office The Report on Managing Human Resources in India may be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced or translated, in part or whole, but is not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. Any relevant enquiry may be addressed to the office of Director, Central Bureau of Health Intelligence, Directorate General of Health Services, 401, A-wing, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi 110011(India). © Central Bureau of Health Intelligence, Dte. General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. 2007 Technical Support: Advent Healthcare Group 102, Tribhuvan Complex, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110065 (India) Tel: 91-11-65689631, 26312631 Email: info@adventhcg.com 2 Table of Contents Foreword ............................................................................................................. 5 Preface ........................................
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...Kenya Vision 2030 A Globally Competitive and Prosperous Kenya October 2007 THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Swahili Ee Mungu nguvu yetu Ilete baraka kwetu Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi Natukae na undugu Amani na uhuru Raha tupate na ustawi Amkeni ndugu zetu Tufanye sote bidii Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu Nchi yetu ya Kenya Tunayoipenda Tuwe tayari kuilinda Natujenge taifa letu Ee, ndio wajibu wetu Kenya istahili heshima Tuungane mikono Pamoja kazini Kila siku tuwe na shukrani English O God of all creation Bless this our land and nation Justice be our shield and defender May we dwell in unity Peace and liberty Plenty be found within our borders Let one and all arise With hearts both strong and true Service be our earnest endeavour And our homeland of Kenya Heritage of splendour Firm may we stand to defend Let all with one accord In common bond united Build this our nation together And the glory of Kenya The fruit of our labour Fill every heart with thanksgiving FOREWORD The unveiling of Kenya Vision 2030 marks an important milestone in our country’s development as it comes soon after the successful implementation of the “Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation” (ERS) over the period 2003 to-date. The Kenya economy has now recovered from the slow growth rate of 0.6 percent in 2002 to a projected growth of over 7 percent in 2007. Indeed, the last five years represent the best phase of sustained economic growth in our country in all sectors of our economy notably; agriculture...
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...S T R AT E G I C P L A N 2007 - 2011 education Department: Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Strategic Plan 2007-2011 1 Mrs Naledi Pandor, MP Minister of Education Mr Enver Surty, MP Deputy Minister of Education 2 Mr Duncan Hindle Director - General: Education TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Statement by the Minister of Education 4 2. Legislative mandates 6 3. Vision, mission and values 9 4. Introduction by the Director-General 11 5. Five-year Broad Priorities 12 6. Five-year Branch Plans 15 7. Physical and Financial Asset Acquisition Plans including Information and Communications Technology 77 8. Administration Service Delivery Improvement Plans 83 9. Education Provision Service Delivery Improvement Plans 87 10. 2007/08 Operational Branch Plans 101 11. Statutory bodies 175 12. Structure of the Department 179 3 1. STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, MRS NALEDI PANDOR, MP In my statement in the 2006 Strategic Plan, I indicated that Education received the largest share of the National Budget. This year Government has once again reaffirmed its commitment to the education system. Building on the transformation successes of the past but also recognizing the huge backlogs that exist in many parts for the system throughout the country, additional funds have been allocated to further address backlogs in the system. This investment is...
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