...Throughout the first half of the semester, I’ve learned a handful of useful things for the future in terms of writing. From the beginning of this class, I’ve been drenched in work online and in class. From doing reflections on the class everyday to the more recent research paper the class has been working on. The most helpful things that I learned in this class that can possibly be used in the future are the vocabulary words, the research paper, and the class reflections. The more helpful out of the things learned in this class was the vocabulary that we have done. Vocabulary is a key component in communication and writing. I had to look up and define ten words as an assignment for the class and now I can use those ten words in future communications or writing assignments. Not only that, the vocabulary that we have done and learned can be used overall in life. By overall in life, I mean with possibilities of job/career opportunities, school, or just having a nice conversation with someone....
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...Honors 2211 Writing in Honors Fall 2013 ------------------------------------------------- Professor: Dr. Vicky Newman ------------------------------------------------- Email: vicky.newman@utah.edu ------------------------------------------------- Honors Center 140 ------------------------------------------------- Office hours: By appointment, Honors Center CLASS TEXTS Required: Ballenger, Bruce. The Curious Researcher (7th Edition) Williams, Joseph. Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace (9th Edition) A portfolio. This should be a notebook with rings and paper you can move work in and out. Additional required assigned readings (on line or on E-reserve) This class is designed to introduce you to and allow you to develop and practice techniques and skills of writing. You’ll learn to develop ideas and clarify ideas, formulate questions and research them rigorously, and draft and revise until your writing reflects university level work. You will be asked to write in several different genres and conduct research in order to provide evidence and support for your work. In addition, and not least, you will work to create an engaging and credible authorial voice. REQUIREMENTS Active Class Participation: Attendance is mandatory. A writing class is a class designed around participation. You need to be prepared, having read and written what is required for the day, and you need to be engaged in discussing, creating, and revising. If you are absent or...
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...fundamentals of wellness and preventive health including strategic planning to attain and maintain personal optimal health. In addition, physical and mental diseases are discussed along with the dangers of environmental pollution, stress, addiction, and other negative factors that can affect personal health. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies...
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...His video reflection on Maglev trains was very informative and clearly explained how Maglev trains function. For all lab reports and projects this year he has demonstrated the same exemplar work and written to explain with good description and detail. I encourage him to keep up these strong efforts next year in grade 8 and to keep striving to do his best. Bany has stayed consistent with the level of her work this year and I would like to see her take more steps toward improvement. For her lab reports and projects she consistently included the necessary criteria but often did not go beyond the level of stating information...
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...ELI 100(3) Fall 2001 Writing Portfolio Assignment Due Date: Tuesday, December 11 The purposes of your writing portfolio are: 1) To engage in self-reflection on how you write (and revise) 2) To show how your writing has developed throughout the semester/course 3) To collect several of your writing assignments* into one organized folder The following items need to be included: 1) Changes Select at least three pieces of writing that show how your writing has evolved during the semester. Include a one-page explanation of ways that your writing has changed, giving specific examples from your papers and/or assignments. Include at least one of your three formal papers (with ALL of the drafts, which together count as ONE piece of writing) and focus on what kinds of revisions you made and why. 2) Favorite Piece of Writing Choose one piece of your writing from this class that you really like. Include the paper, along with a paragraph answering these two questions: • How does this paper represent your strengths as a writer? • Why is this your favorite piece of writing from ELI 100? 3) Evaluation Write a one-paragraph response for each of the following questions: • Which class activities (small group discussions, peer review, conferencing, journaling, lectures/class discussion, brainstorming, individual writing, freewriting) specifically helped you to improve your writing? How did these activities help? • Which assignments (personal narrative...
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...to Write reflexiveessay December 23rd, 2010 Reflecting attempt to write is like the reflection somewhat personal experience. Reflecting attempts supply a kind personal analysis of some events. This kind of attempts may use creative approach of sides of the author. For many class participants it can be very interesting to try their abilities if one writes such attempts. But other class participants think that this kind of attempts requires enormous efforts. However with right techniques reflecting attempt letter seems to be a fascinating experience to the hand. Select the topic of a reflecting attempt the most important thing in the reflecting attempt of the letter is decide a correct topic, in order to discuss. Reflecting of attempt the author interesting to form tones one should be interested in the topic. Writing this kind of attempts, a class participant has the opportunity, its/thoughts to unite philosophical or social points divide. Before beginning to write, a class participant should regard some possible topics and select an appealing. Letter of the reflecting attempts the structure of a reflecting attempt is similar to any other kind attempt: Purpose 1. The introductory point is to along-include the reader in narration. Form the first sentence sound intriguing, in the eye falling or the confusion. Here is possible all possible means of exciting attention. 2. Writing a thesis statement, is safe, to include each detail in it. On the one hand it should be short...
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...How do I . . . Write a Reflection? Why reflective writing? Reflection offers you the opportunity to consider how your personal experiences and observations shape your thinking and your acceptance of new ideas. Professors often ask students to write reading reflections. They do this to encourage you to explore your own ideas about a text, to express your opinion rather than summarise the opinions of others. Reflective writing can help you to improve your analytical skills because it requires you to express what you think, and more significantly, how and why you think that way. In addition, reflective analysis asks you to acknowledge that your thoughts are shaped by your assumptions and preconceived ideas; in doing so, you can appreciate the ideas of others, notice how their assumptions and preconceived ideas may have shaped their thoughts, and perhaps recognize how your ideas support or oppose what you read. Types of Reflection Experiential Reflection: Popular in professional programs, like business, nursing, forensics and education, reflection is an important part of making connections between theory and practice. When you are asked to reflect upon experience in a placement, you do not only describe your experience, but you evaluate it based on ideas from class. You can assess a theory or approach based on your observations and practice and evaluate your own knowledge and skills within your professional field. This opportunity to take the time to think ...
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...on and analyze in the reflection section. In class discussion of the assigned reading (To Kill a Mocking Bird) o After each assigned reading for the day they are given TKAM study questions, which they would have to answer in essay format. Vocabulary exercises o Find Your Partner Students are given vocabulary words to define weekly. And by the end of the week instead of taking a spelling/vocab quiz they’d play a game called “Find Your Partner.” One student would have the vocab word,...
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...| SUBJECT NAME : | Managing, leading, stewardship | | SUBJECT NUMBER : | 21937 | | Subject Co-ordinators lecturerstutors | Dr. Walter Jarvis Dr. Natalia Nikolova Dr. Stephen Wearing Management Discipline Group UTS B-School Dr. Walter Jarvis Dr. Natalia Nikolova tba | SUBJECT PRECIS An understanding of managing, leading and stewardship is foundational to the development of students as responsible and accountable leaders, managers, followers and stewards. This subject aims to prepare students to meet profession-like objectives and how to guide others to meet collective responsibility in morally challenging situations. To do so, the subject develops the concept of stewardship to help leaders to better understand how to promote and sustain the symbiotic integrity of business and society, i.e. where business serves society's needs for not just products and services but in ways that earn public trust and respect. The approach taken in the subject delivery and associated assignments is to encourage students to recognise the place of business in society and to cultivate a personal commitment toward earning and sustaining public trust in consideration of others in their business judgments and decision-making. SUBJECT PRECIS An understanding of managing, leading and stewardship is foundational to the development of students as responsible and accountable leaders, managers, followers and stewards. This subject aims to prepare students to meet profession-like...
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...Culture & Cultivation English 4WS (Sec 2) – Critical Reading & Writing w/ Service Learning ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructor: Alex Zobel Email: akzobel@gmail.com Office: Humanities A82 Time & Location: T/R 9:00-10:50 Rolfe 3134 Office Hours: W 12:00 - 2:00 pm Mailbox Location: Humanities 149 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION English 4W aims to expose students to the three major forms of literature (poetry, prose fiction, and drama) through the art of close reading, which literary scholars broadly define as the practice of scrutinizing a text carefully in order to discern complex patterns of meaning. It is impossible to spend sufficient time on the works we will be exploring within the bounds of class-time, so you will be required to spend time reading and writing on your own; this is a practice that will enable you to bring your personal experiences with these works to our discussions in class and participate in an engaged way as part of our community of learning. But our community of learning is broader than the classroom—it also includes the community organizations you will be partnering with for your service-learning. We will be investigating and interrogating a versatile metaphor—cultivation—and how it impacts the cultures and communities in which we live...
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...Name DEPT. 199 Reflection: Questions for Reflection 1. The first goal of DEPT. 199 is to teach you to locate, select, and document secondary source material relevant to your topic. What did you learn how to do that you didn’t know before about this kind of library/research work? Offer specific examples from work you completed as part of this class that demonstrates that you have achieved this goal. The most important thing I learned was that the library is so much more than a place to borrow books and study for midterms/finals. First, there is a librarian assigned to your major which is extremely helpful because they are like a mini expert on many of the topics you may need help on. Second, there are many databases with sources that are available online to Fisher students, which can help when doing any type of written submission for a class. Finally, I learned that Rochester has such a vast history that I knew absolutely nothing about before I stepped foot in the class. I used Kate Ross a few times to help locate additional sources for my project. I also used ProQuest extensively for newspaper articles I could use as sources, and I also used the State of Black Rochester book we had for class. 2. The second goal of DEPT 199 is to teach you how to analyze and incorporate research into your own argument, position, solution to a problem, or answer to a question. In what ways does your final research paper (the final draft)...
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...opened a completely new door on my writing performance. There were times that I thought I knew how to do a research essay but was proven wrong. This class has improved my performance in writing in many ways. Through class assignments to in class discussions, it has continually improved my thinking skills. This class taught me how to select appropriate sources for college research; it has improved my skills as a critical thinker and writers and brought to light skills that I still need to work on. This class has taught me how to use and find appropriate and varied sources for a college research. I never knew that there were sites that could help me with finding trustworthy sources for my assignments. Using the student library at TCC, I am able to use EBSCOhost, Gale, Arman, and many more to meet the criteria of my essay while using credible sources. Mrs. Mustapha also taught me how to quote and propyl cites and insert these sources so they can flow smoothly with the other sentences....
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...Ronda Taylor Place Kimbel Library 201 rataylor@g.coastal.edu Time Tue & Thur 10:00-12:00 Course Information COURSE DESCRIPTION, INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES and STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: In ENGL 101, students focus on the writing process, paying special attention to prewriting, writing, and revising strategies. The course also introduces elements of academic writing as well as the research process. This class prompts students to hone their critical reading and writing skills as they consider the rhetorical situations that shape all writing tasks. As a hybrid course, ENGL 101 includes a parallel online component, Coastal Composition Commons, which provides uniform and digitally delivered content reinforcing a common set of student learning outcomes. This course also follows the description, objectives, and outcomes, and provides the requisites explained in the Coastal Writers’ Reference (CWR), pages 2-6. GRADING: Your grade for the course is broken down as follows: Literacy Narrative: 15% Profile: 15% Analysis: 15% Position Paper: 15% Digital Badges (6 @ 3% each)*: 18% Writing Community Membership: 17% Final Portfolio 5% You must complete all major assignments, including the final exam, in order to pass the class. *Digital Badges/COASTAL COMPOSITION COMMONS Coastal Composition Commons is a digital badge initiative that stresses the student learning outcomes central to ENGL 101 and 102. Each digital badge provides instruction on...
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...Students consider information and then summarize what they understand about the text with a partner. Students discuss their responses with a peer before sharing with the whole class. Students mark the text to identify a particular concept and chime in, reading the marked text aloud in unison with the original reader. Purpose Students have to think about the sequence of ideas or events and their importance and then re-create the text in their own words. Students take a few minutes to think about the question or prompt. They pair up with a designated partner to compare thoughts. This strategy helps students develop fluency, differentiate between the reading of statements and questions, practice phrasing, pacing, and reading dialogue. It helps students learn how a character’s emotions are captured through vocal stress and intonation. Students learn to formulate questions that address issues (in lieu of simply stating their opinions) to facilitate their own discussion and arrive at a new understanding. Students also have the responsibility of supporting their opinions and responses using specific textual evidence. Using response devices, the teacher can easily note the responses of individual students while teaching the whole group. Additionally, response cards allow for participation by the whole class and not just a few students who raise their hands. This strategy requires engagement by all students and allows the teacher to check for understanding within a large group. ...
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...Victoria Barkon December 15, 2014 ENG 890 Reflection Essay- final draft Reflection essay Writing has not always been my strongest subject in school; in fact it has always been my weakest just because I had always struggled with grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. I have always end up with bad grades in whatever writing classes I took. But as the semester is coming to an end I can honestly say I have learned and improved on a lot as both a writer and a student. One skill I believe I have improved on is the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Another skill I have improved on is sentence punctuation strategies: run-ons, comma splices, fragments and comma usage issues. Reading and study of professional essay was one of the skills I learned during the semester. Lastly I had learned how to demonstrate my abilities as a developing writer by: attending class regularly, prepared and on time, and participating actively. The first skill I learned and improved on a lot this semester was the writing process and what it came with such as prewriting, drafting, revising editing, and proofreading. I especially improved on this skill when I wrote my narrative essay. For example I had to write three drafts, first, second and then the finally draft. The first draft was me prewriting and getting all my ideals down. For my second draft I had to go for peer review and...
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