...Chile Compared to the United States United States Chile Location: Southern South America, bordering the South Pacific Ocean, between Argentina and Peru. Total Land: 756,102 sq. km Coastline: 6,435 km Terrain: Low coastal mountains; fertile central valley; rugged Andes in east Climate: Temperate; desert in north; Mediterranean in central region; cool and damp in south. Border Countries: Argentina 5,308 km, Bolivia 860 km, Peru 171 km Notes: * the longest north-south trending country in the world. * Atacama Desert - the driest desert in the world - spreads across the northern part of the country. * The crater lake of Ojos del Salado is the world's highest lake (at 6,390 m). Natural Advantages: Natural Disadvantages: Severe earthquakes; Active volcanism; Tsunamis * Volcanism - significant volcanic activity due to more than three-dozen active volcanoes along the Andes Mountains; Lascar (elev. 5,592 m), which last erupted in 2007, is the most active volcano in the northern Chilean Andes; Llaima (elev. 3,125 m) in central Chile, which last erupted in 2009, is another of the country's most active; Chaiten's 2008 eruption forced major evacuations. Population Ethnicity * Total Population: 17, 067,369 (July ’12 est.) Religion Age Structure Notes * Literacy Rate: 95.7% * Average Life Expectancy:...
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...Case Study 16: Preventing Neural Tube Defects in Chile Abstract Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common congenital malformation to congenital heart disease and affected 400 babies in Chile annually before a fortification legislation was passed to use fortified flour with folic acid. This fortification reduced spina bifida by 51% and anencephaly by 46% (Levine, 2007). Team One will share answers to questions about this study and research of the problem. The globally astute nurse can provide education and become an advocate to continue to reduce these congenital birth defects through improving the health of women and children and thus all humanity. Case Study Sixteen: Preventing Neural Tube Defects in Chile Despite efforts to reduce neural tube defects, more than 300,000 children are born with neural tube defects annually (CDC, 2012). In Chile, fortification with folate reduced birth defects. Public and private partnerships are necessary for the success of ventures to improve healthcare. Fortification with folate in the diet can be replicated, but must be attune to cultural diet and nutrition habits. Global education is a critical link to success in combating disease and especially with neural tube defects. Once leaders are aware and efforts can focus on problems for education, intervention and evaluation, global health can be improved and the sustainability of our people and planet can continue. Question...
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... The criteria is important because it shows if the households have the purchasing power and water sources to use Connect a Dock. Argentina and Chile had the highest percent of water compared to total land, where Brazil had less land, but much more coastline. In terms of economic status, Brazil has a much higher GDP and disposable income than Chile and Argentina, allowing them the money to purchase Connect a Dock. 3. We assigned the ratings according to the importance weights and the ratios of our criteria to the size of the country. This way, we can compare each country equally. Countries who’s numbers were half the size of a country, received half the rating; comparing the countries to each other. 4. At first we thought Chile might win due to its somewhat high purchasing power and larger amount of water, however after assessment, we realized Brazil’s huge coastline and much higher GDP allows us to accurately say Brazil would be the better investment. 5. Perhaps looking into the politics of the country including sea traffic, government, etc., as well as boating as recreation would be other important factors to look into. As Connect a Dock seems to appeal more to those using it for personal use rather than business. Sources: http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/profiles/...
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...Study – Chilean Wine Industry Chile country analysis 1. Country Profile: i. Population: 16,634,603. About 90% of them are classified as white people and mestizos. ii. Currency: Chilean Peso (CLP). Current spot rate: 0.001924 USD/CLP iii. GDP: Its estimate GDP for 2013 is $285.703 billion (38th in the world ranking). It had been growing constantly since 1997 until 2009 (global crisis). Adjusting it at PPP (reflects real purchasing power) it rises to $341.914 billion (43rd in the world ranking). iv. Income distribution: Since July 2013, Chile is considered a high-income economy. The percentage of Chileans beyond the poverty line was only 11.5% back in 2009. In addition, 64% of the population benefits from government welfare programs, which include poor people and those in risk of becoming poor. Nevertheless, the income distribution is still far from being equal, as shown by the GINI Index of 0.503 (2011). This index hasn’t varied much for the past 20 years. v. Approach to International Trade: Since early decades after independence, Chile has always had active involvement in international affairs. Consistent economic policies since the 1980’s have contributed to a steady economic growth, much of it thanks to its international trade. It currently has the highest degree of economic freedom in South America (7th in the world). In the past 15 years Chile has also signed free trade agreements with more than 10 countries (including Japan, US, Mexico...
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...been asked to research an economic concern in a South American country and write a report on my findings. The country I selected is Brazil. I chose to research data sets for the economic concern, Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In this report I will discuss the relationship between GDP and Brazil’s economy and trends in data sets, which are supported with statistical evidence. The Federative Republic of Brazil, commonly known as Brazil, is the largest country in South America and the world's fifth largest country by geographical area and by population. With over 190 million people it is the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world and the only one in the Americas. There are only two countries in South America that Brazils borders do not touch, Ecuador and Chile. “Its current Constitution defines Brazil as a Federal Republic,” (Wikipedia, 2011). According to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank (2011), the Brazilian economy is the world's fastest growing ranking as the eighth largest economy at market exchange rates and the seventh largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). Its current GDP (PPP) per capita is $10,200, putting Brazil in the 64th position according to World Bank data. The gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the measures of national income and input for a given country's economy. GDP is defined as the total cost of all finished goods and services produced within the country in a predetermined period of time (usually a 365-day year). It...
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...Master in Finance Class of 2010 Placement Report www.ie.edu 2 Master in Finance 2010 Placement Report I. Facts and Trends In 2010-11, as the debt crisis hit the developed economies and lets to a subsequent contraction in the growth of the emerging markets, the job markets around the world evolved to new levels of competitiveness. Even though our Master in Finance Class of 2011 graduated in a difficult economic situation, they still commanded good positions in the Finance industry and Finance roles in other industries. We at the IE Career Management Center rose to the challenge of placing IE students globally. We are certainly proud of our achievements. Our three specialized teams consisting of the career advisors, recruitment relations managers and career education professionals, work proactively with our students in providing them the resources and opportunities to compete in the job markets. With the aim to train, advise, and assist our students and alumni in their job search, we are happy to report that we have developed a well rounded approach to career development. This is coupled by our students being well equipped with the necessary skills and know-how to undertake the functions of finance with maximum effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism and the ability to apply the functions of finance to create corporate and social value. Our efforts in designing our Finance programs are reflected in the recent rankings by Financial Times, which placed our Master...
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...Company Profile Company profile REinVEnTinG A GREAT coMPAnY The year 2008 saw the definitive reinvention of a great company. Less than a decade ago, ACCIONA was one of Spain’s leading construction companies and was actively diversifying and seeking business opportunities worldwide. In the last year, and after divesting Endesa in 2009, ACCIONA has culminated the transformation into a company that is a pioneer in development and sustainability, and a global leader in the development, production and management of renewable energy, water and infrastructure with the minimum environmental impact. This achievement would not have been possible without ACCIONA’s pioneering background. It was created by the first merger in Spain’s construction industry and, in the 1990s, it was the first non-utility to move into renewable energy. ACCIONA is the construction company that has most successfully diversified followed by a process of concentration. Sustainability is a core axis of its strategy, and energy, infrastructure and water are the vectors of future growth. In 2004, José Manuel Entrecanales was appointed Chairman, and he spearheads the Company’s transition towards these three pillars of growth. In 2005, ACCIONA strengthened its position using an innovative strategy based on orienting those businesses towards sustainable development, with a strong international approach. This sweeping transformation was also possible thanks to the enormous investment effort and social commitment...
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...2. Ethical Theories used to justify Anglo-American’s Obligation to the ethical issue in Chilean Mines 2.1 Virtue Ethics: In virtue ethical theory, an individual is judged by his character rather than by his actions that may deviate from his normal behavior (Fraedrich, Ferrel and Ferrel, 2009). In Chile’s case, application of virtue ethics justifies the following mishaps: Fairness: With Research gathered from the case study, contract workers are assigned much more dangerous tasks with great risks of injury towards their health i.e. the company uses these workers for a certain period of time and do away with them once younger stronger workers become available while protecting their full time staff with easier tasks and extra benefits (Chatterjee, 2014). Compassion: Researchers’ report have shown that unfair labour practices at the mines such as long working hours, dismissal threats etc. These has caused destruction of family ties and negative social attention of miners in the society, Therefore lack of compassion from the employers was exhibited (Chatterjee, 2014). Integrity: The Chileans mines have polluted the dams used for water supply therefore contaminating the water in the community. Although Supreme Court has ordered for the removal of the mines yet the company is yet to comply by the rules, thus endangering the environment and its residents (Aljazeera, 2015). Moreover its expansion to Brazilian amazon encouraged the Brazilian government for improvement in the economy...
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...Sintetos Alex Vela ECON317 Sec:0301 Chile Chile has been one of the most studied economies in recent history due to its impressive feats during global recessions. Being a small, copper export dependent economy until the 1980s, Chile often went under the radar on the global marketplace. Due to policy changes starting in 1985 and a political regime change in 1990, Chile began to thrive. Chile now boasts an economic model which encourages economic freedom, competitiveness, and investment. This model has allowed for Chile to have the highest per capita income in Latin America. Although Chile has had successes with its economy, it is still considered a developing country. Large efforts have been made for the past century to secure development. While these efforts have brought Chile closer to its goal, high inequality and a relative dependency on copper prices has made it difficult for any of these efforts to have a final impact allowing for the actual transition to developed status. This paper analyzes the timeline of Chile’s economy, focusing specifically on the period of high growth of 1985 to present day and any recessions that fell between these dates. It also aims to highlight the successes and failures of the policy reforms of the past as a way to determine what will be effective in the future for allowing Chile to achieve its goal of development. Before the arrival of the Spanish in the 1500’s, the Inca ruled the northern part of Chile while the Mapuche inhabited the central...
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...fixed and mobile telephony businesses, while its broadband business is the key growth driver underpinning both. It operates in 25 countries and its customer base exceeds 264 million globally. Telefónica’s growth strategy is focused on the markets in which it has a strong foothold: Spain, Europe and Latin America. The Group stands in third position in the sector Telco worldwide in terms of market capitalisation the 1st as an European integrated operator and also the third in the Eurostoxx 50 ranking, composed of the major companies in Europe (December 31th 2009). Telefónica is a 100% private company. It has more than 1.5 million direct shareholders. Its capital traded on the continuous market on the Spanish Stock Exchanges (Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia) and on those of London, Tokyo, New York, Lima, Buenos Aires and São Paulo. Telefónica has one of the most international profiles in the sector with more than 60% of its business outside its home market and a reference point in the Spanish and Portuguese speaking market. In Spain, the Group has over 80 years experience since its constitution in 1924, providing services to more than 46.7 million customers at December 2009. In Latin America, Telefónica gives service to more than 168.5 million customers as of the end of December 2009 becoming the leader operator in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru and has substantial operations in Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico...
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...Brazil-A profile Geography and climate As the largest country in South America and the fifth largest in the world, Federative Republic of Brazil borders the Atlantic Ocean and shares a boundary with almost every country on the continent, except only Chile and Ecuador are not border each other. Brazil owns 8,511,965 square kilometers land area, which is slightly smaller than the U.S. The weather is mostly tropical, but temperate in South. Its terrain is diverse and varies from the rich south to the rainforest of the north; it also has some plains, hills, mountains, and narrow coastal belt. The basin occupies more than 60% of the entire country and brings plentiful of rain, and summer is Brazil’s rainy season. History By adventurous leader Pedro Cabral, Brazil became a colony of Portuguese in 1550 and last for more than three centuries. Meanwhile, the indigenous native Indian has tapered. Brazil gained its independence on 7th September in 1822 with a constitutional monarchy, and abolished slavery in 1888 and the subsequent proclamation of a republic by the military next year. In 1985, populist and military government turned into civilian rulers peacefully. In 1988, Brazil National Congress brought forward and enacted a new constitution that upheld the presidential system while simultaneously spreading around political power. The Constitution is made up with 250 permanent articles and 94 provisional articles. Political and Legal system Brazil is formed of a handful...
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...experiences in internationalization in countries such as USA, Japan, Southeast Asia and New Zealand. However, the company is interested in expanding their market power to new destinations, to improve their multinational strategy and to be well-known worldwide. The countries of potential choice are Mexico and Chile. The analysis has been done by comparing the overall information and in-details of each indicator. From evaluation of indicators of both countries, such as economic, social, legal and infrastructure, the analysis has shown that the economy of both countries are quite similar. However, the infrastructure, technological and legal environment seem to be better in Chile. As the Chilean government support the foreign investment in textile sector by promoting the education, technological development and the special policy especially for textile. For instance, tax reduction and promoting education in labour forces. Thus, Chilean labour forces would have the better off in comparison with Mexican labour forces. Another highlighted indicator in the country comparison - which the recommendation has inclined - is infrastructures. Both countries have the similar relative figures in number of infrastructure such as roadway, waterway and airports. But the infrastructure of electricity and internet/telephone networks seems to be at a higher level in Chile. The analysis of relevant regulations which affect Feltex’ direct investment in Chile shows that the company can gain a huge...
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...Alpaca premium long fiber weave with a Gortex laminate. Alpaca was chosen for its superiority to wool and other natural fibers. It has higher durability, softness, water repellency, and broader thermal properties than wool. It is flexible at very cold temperatures, has inherent stretch for mobility, retains thermal properties when wet, and is hypoallergenic. It is therefore better suited to this intended purpose than most manufactured fibers. As a renewable resource and biodegradable product, alpaca fiber is consistent with GMS environmental policies and offers the opportunity to market it as a “Green”, environmentally friendly product. Purpose: This study will explore the feasibility of creating a subsidiary company in Chile. The company, GMS Chile, would produce the appropriate alpaca fiber with a target of being the sole supplier for this product line. This will allow superior in-house quality control and selective breeding practices for required fiber...
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...ATC Profile. American Tower Corporation is a holding company. The Company conducts its operations through its directly and indirectly owned subsidiaries and joint ventures. It is a wireless and broadcast communications infrastructure company that owns, operates and develops communications sites. Its primary business includes leasing antenna space on multi-tenant communications sites to wireless service providers, radio and television broadcast companies, wireless data providers, government agencies and municipalities and tenants in a number of other industries. This business is its rental and management operations, which accounted for approximately 98% of its total revenues during the year ended December 31, 2011 It also offer tower-related services domestically, including site acquisition, zoning and permitting services and structural analysis services, which primarily support its site leasing business and the addition of new tenants and equipment on its sites. In January 2012, the Company merged with and into American Tower REIT, Inc. During 2011, the Company acquired additional 125 communications sites from Telefonica Colombia. On February 1, 2011, the Company acquired 140 communications sites from VTR Banda Ancha (Chile) S.A. and its affiliates. On December 30, 2011, the Company purchased 100% interest of a subsidiary of Telefonica Moviles Chile S.A. that owned 558 communications sites. On December 14, 2011, the Company acquired control of an additional 76 existing...
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...crockery, sanitary ware, tiles etc play a very important role in our daily life. This is because, apart from their decorative look, ceramic products are primarily hygiene products. This is also one of the chief reasons for their wide usage in bathrooms and kitchens in modern households to medical centres, laboratories, milk booths, schools, public conveniences etc. The ceramic industry has a long history, with the first instance of functional pottery vessels being used for storing water and food, being thought to be around since 9,000 or 10,000 BC. Clay bricks were also made around the same time. The ceramic industry has been modernising continuously, by newer innovations in product design, quality etc. Section I: Global Scenario Global Trade Profile During the period from 2001 to 2008, total ceramics trade grew at a CAGR of 9.8%, from US$ 39.6 billion to US$ 83.5 billion. During the period exports Ceramic Tiles and Stone Standards Refractory is a ceramic material, which can withstand volatile and high-temperature conditions encountered in the processing of metals. Refractory ceramics are enabling materials for other industries as well. The chemical, petroleum, energy conservation, glass and other ceramic industries, all rely upon refractory materials. 3 Tiles could be further segmented into wall tiles, floor tiles, vitrified and porcelain tiles. 2 1 increased from US$ 19.8 billion to US$ 41.3 billion (CAGR of 9.7%), while imports increased from US$ 19.9 billion to...
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