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County Sheriff Case Summary

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The county sheriff is an elected official by the county in which he serves and acts in the role similar to a police chief in a municipal department. Hi job is to enforce the law at the county level. In some cases the sheriff's department issues warrants for suspected criminals and seizes illicit goods found during the arrest process (Petrick, 2018). While all of the above describes what the elected sheriff’s job description is, often times in the judicial system sheriffs are found to be corrupt and have violated the public’s trust. There are many topics to be discussed in this paper as it relates to public administration violating public trust. The case I will discuss will be how James Metts, former sheriff of Lexington County, violated the …show more content…
I will contrast how effective common law is with the statutory sources and what managerial, political or legal challenges were involved in holding the administrative agency accountable. Later in my paper, I will detail how the case was resolved, and then state my opinion on if the resolution was the best one possible and why. My next discussion will be to explain what ways public administrators are bound by both individual ethics and office ethics and in what ways might these ethical frameworks overlap. I will then discuss ways might the ethics may diverge and what implications might this divergence have on public administrator accountability. In conclusion, I will discuss how this case example has shaped the future of local, state, and federal administration law in the United …show more content…
Individual ethics are created to establish a basic manner in which individuals are expected to associate and interact with one another. This establishes a level of acceptable behavior wheret interaction between individuals are cordial. The office ethics are set by companies and corporate agencies for employees of all levels to follow. These code of ethics promote an environment based on shared values of integrity, accountability, transparency and respect (Ethics Office, 2018). The individual ethics and office ethics overlap each other because both have the same principles such as hard work, treating others with integrity and respect. Confidentiality is also important for both individual and office ethics. However, individual ethics can be separate from office ethics. Office ethics may require some consequences both minor and severe, such as being fired from a job or penalty, such as jail time or a fine, when a public administrator is held accountable (Ethics Office,

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