...Case 1: LinkedIn YouTube is for video entertainment; iTunes services music lovers; Facebook is primarily for socializing; Flickr is for photo exchange; Second Life and World of Warcraft are for participating in virtual communities; Gamezone and Shockwave are for gamesters; and so on and so on. It would seem that the Web has anticipated all of our needs and responded. But wait, what’s out there for those of us who want to further our professional lives to visit with others in our field of expertise, to look at jobs that are available in other parts of the world, to find out what’s happening in the business world outside our own familiar circle, and to garner introductions to those who might help us succeed? LinkedIn is an online service that fills this niche. LinkedIn advertises itself as “an interconnected network of experienced professionals from around the world, representing 150 industries and 200 countries. You can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with qualified professionals that you need to work with to accomplish your goals.” As of 2010, LinkedIn had over 60 million members, half of whom were from countries outside the United States, and has executives from all Fortune 500 companies in its ranks. LinkedIn is growing rapidly, with a new member joining approximately every second. Reid Hoffman, a former executive vice president of PayPal, founded LinkedIn in 2002; the service was launched in May 2003. Hoffman remains chairman of the board at LinkedIn, which is based...
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...as well, which is what I would like to talk about in this essay. In the next few paragraphs, I will address a particular application that businesses and individuals have been using lately that has become quite popular because of all of its features and “social media-like” qualities: LinkedIn. The web-based application LinkedIn, founded and developed in 2002 by Reid Hoffman (formerly a board member of the company PayPal), is essentially a social networking tool for businesses and individual use that promotes professional networking. Once a user creates a profile, sort of like they would on Facebook, filing out any information they would like to share, they are now able to search and connect with other users whom they might know personally or have had a professional relationship with. Doing so grows those users “connections” which sort of follows a “six degrees of separation” logic: essentially that everybody is somehow connected through 6 people at most. This then creates a network of professionals and in turn promotes business and career opportunities. Users are able to view other users work/employment history, resumes, websites, etc. Fortune 500 companies have created company profiles on LinkedIn for promotion, advertising and even acquisitioning new talent for...
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...Hidden job Market Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to identify my own personal strategies to find unadvertised job opportunities. There are three networking techniques that I will be practical in assisting me in my desired job search and maintaining the contacts thereafter, they are Push, Pull, and Maintain. Part 1: Push: Reach Out to the “Hidden Job Market” Simply defined, this means to “reach out to potential employers and potential co-workers, but reach out socially as a student, colleague, business colleague, or mentor not as a job seeker.” (Job-hunt.org) It is said that most jobs are not advertised on the classified or Web job boards, which create the “Hidden Job Market.” In my strategic plan to Push I will consider the following ideas: Volunteering (Internships) I personally find volunteering one of the most beneficial strategies to reach out because not only will I gain skills and experience, but also the ability to network among peoples in the field that I find interest in. I currently hold a part time job and since I am getting near my graduation with in six months, it is a good time to seek an internship at a company that I am interested. I will inquire information in person or either calling or writing a letter to them and telling them why they would benefit from allowing me the opportunity to intern. If I am lucky I might even get paid a decent wage as an intern, that sounds cool to me, plus it will sound good in my resume also. ...
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...Computers in Human Behavior 29 (2013) A60–A68 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Computers in Human Behavior journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/comphumbeh The role of social media in higher education classes (real and virtual) – A literature review Paul A. Tess Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, 56 East River Road, Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Available online 26 January 2013 Keywords: Social media Higher education Facebook Twitter Blogs Educational technology a b s t r a c t The ubiquity of social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) is no more apparent than at the university. Social media are increasingly visible in higher education settings as instructors look to technology to mediate and enhance their instruction as well as promote active learning for students. Many scholars argue for the purposeful integration of social media as an educational tool. Empirical evidence, however, has lagged in supporting the claim. Most of the existing research on the utility and effectiveness of social media in the higher education class is limited to self-reported data (e.g., surveys, questionnaires) and content analyses. This paper summarizes the scholarly writings as well as reviews the findings of empirical investigations. Some limitations are discussed, and future areas of research are proposed. Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction ...
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...FACEBOOK Facebook was founded in 2004 as a hobby of Mark Zuckerberg, in that moment a Harvard student, and as a service to the students of the university. In its first month of operation the subscription Facebook had more than half of Harvard students, and then expanded to universities MIT, Boston University and Boston College and more prestigious U.S. institutions. A year later, Facebook had more than one million users, an office in Palo Alto, California Facebook was created as an online version of the "face-books" of American universities. The "face-books" are publications that universities at the beginning of the academic year, containing the pictures and names of all students and aimed to help students to know each other. In 2006 Facebook was "made public", allowing not only students of certain universities or American schools participate in it, but all the people who have an e-mail can be part of your community. Facebook then became a community of communities, it will connect students, businesses and people can choose to participate in one or more networks. Is a community created by and based on members In February 2007 came to have the largest number of registered users compared to other web sites aimed at upper-level students, having over 19 million members around the world, because it was originally published in English only. TWITTER Twitter is a free microblogging, which serves as a social network that allows users to send micro-text based entries, called "tweets"...
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...How employers can embrace social media and protect their business? With over 150 million LinkedIn users, James Froud explains how employers can embrace social media in the workplace at the same time as safeguarding their business Social media is revolutionizing the workplace. With more than 1 billion people with accounts registered on Facebook, 150 million LinkedIn users and almost 350m tweets flying around the web each day, it offers a rich environment. The potential commercial benefits of using this cheap and instantaneous method of communicating with a global audience are obvious. But with opportunity comes risk. To maximize the benefits of social media, employers need their employees to become part of the online conversation. It is estimated that 45% of employers are actively using the forum as a marketing tool and encouraging employees to engage, yet only 24% profess to have taken steps to control employees' behavior. This is asking for trouble. Reasons Every Business Should Embrace Social Media Is it true that every business, regardless of size, should be setting up a social media presence in this day and age? Well, there’s a caveat here. The simple answer is an emphatic yes, but an exception to the rule would be a business that’s already established. For instance, a brand like McDonald’s or Nike doesn’t need to be on Facebook or other social media pages to increase their business, but they still realize that being there is increasing their business. For a smaller...
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...Compare and contrast various networking strategies for making professional contacts. Identify strategies for avoiding the pitfalls of social networking. Develop strategies for benefitting from social media and networking activities while avoiding the pitfalls. Create a plan for regularly updating a résumé as skills, ability, and experience change. Create an error-free professional résumé and sample cover letter. Required Setup and Resources Skills for Living a Rich Life, Chapters 21 and 24 Computer with Internet access Printer Recommended Procedures Unlike many other social media websites (Facebook, MySpace, message boards, etc.), LinkedIn is primarily a professional networking and job search tool. As a future professional in your career field, it will be highly beneficial for you to have a professional profile that future employers can search for, see, and use to vet you for potential employment. Additionally, ITT Technical Institute provides a service through ePortfolio that you can use in a similar manner. 1. Go to LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com) and create a professional social media profile. 2. Read through and then follow the tips for “Connecting with Business Colleagues through LinkedIn” on pp. 538-539 of Skills for Living a Rich Life. 3. The final product should look very similar to a résumé and should include at least the following information: * Career objective or personal statement * Area of residence (at least city/state) ...
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...Facebook vs LinkedIn: Battle for B2B Business Revenue by CAROL SMITH on OCTOBER 30, 2012 · 3 COMMENTS AND 206 REACTIONS in DURABLE,LINKEDIN,SOCIAL MEDIA Your company wants to increase B2B revenue, accelerate lead generation, demonstrate thought leadership and create brand awareness. It’s time to discover which is better for your B2B business, Facebook or LinkedIn? Let’s begin with the time tested phrase now used by business development professionals and taught in every business school from the East coast’s Harvard to West coast’s University of California: “Follow the money” 1. Income: LinkedIn users on average have an income of $109,000 compared to Facebook’s $25,000 according a study by Seeking Alpha in 2012. The average income on Twitter also towers over Facebook with more than double at $52,000 per user. 2. Decision Makers: LinkedIn offers you better access to finding and connecting with B2B decision makers. A LinkedIn demographics study showed that 42% have CXO, VP, Director, or Manager titles and users can search by these terms and more for easy search value. 3. Age: Facebook is a great place to connect with younger users where according to a 2012 study by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project 83% of it’s users are in the 18-29 year age category as compared to LinkedIn’s 16% and Twitter’s 27%. If your B2B decision maker is under 29, consider using Facebook. 4. Company Pages: Facebook and LinkedIn both offer free feature-rich company...
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...------------------------------------------------- social media “How effectively do Government Departments use social media?” ------------------------------------------------- social media “How effectively do Government Departments use social media?” CHENTELLE CHUA CHENTELLE CHUA “Social media is changing the way we communicate and the way we are perceived, both positively and negatively. Every time you post a photo, or update your status, you are contributing to your own digital footprint and personal brand.” – Amy Jo Martin. Social Media is a tool that enables society to create content and share information, ideas & opinions. Being in the 21st century, not only can this be done through words but also through photographs, videos and gifs (compressed images into videos). Long before social media became a commercialised mass information source, the internet was and still is indeed a focal point for social interaction. Since then, social media has ultimately thrived with Facebook (1.49 billion users) being the most popular platform. Data on the use of Social Media was collected to determine young people’s perspectives on today’s Government Departments. 70% of the participants were over the age of eighteen with the leftover 30% being underage. 50% of these participants were male while the other half were female. In order of popularity, these were the most used social media platforms; Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, with Pinterest and Vine...
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...CASE PROJECT 3 SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES A STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATION REPORT Table of content Content Page 1. Introduction.................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Purpose 1.3 Limitations 2. Implementation.............................................................................................. 5 2.1 Selections Criteria 2.2 Methodology 3. Social Networking Sites................................................................................. 9 3.1 Facebook 3.2 Twitter 3.3 LinkedIn 4. Recommendation......................................................................................... 14 5. Conclusion.................................................................................................... 15 6. Tables I. Figure 1............................................................................................ 7 II. Figure 2............................................................................................ 14 INTRODUCTION The rapid and continuous growth of Social Networking website (SNS) has presided over the greatest increase in social media market exposure capabilities as has been seen in the last decade; this growth has also gone through so many changes in the same period making it difficult for organisations to set a comprehensive strategy to continue to harness this extensive potential...
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...and over. You can add friends you know by typing in their name at the top of the screen and if they accept then you can talk to them by clicking on the chat button if they're online.. You can send people private messages or can let everyone know by posting it on their profile. You can dowload photos and play fun games. You can stay in touch with people that you haven't seen in years! While Facebook has been a cause for many terminated employments and rejected job applications due to unsavory content, LinkedIn is a streamlined site targeted specifically to professional networking. Forget party photos or emotional status updates, your LinkedIn profile is you on your best behavior – it’s the place to go to, to create a great first impression. Your contacts here are those you interact with as your professional self. They may not be present at your family reunions and get-togethers, but these are the faces you conduct deals and have serious meetings with. Employers can use LinkedIn to...
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...The territory of Social Media is expanding exponentially. As a result, the rules for promoting your business or organization have been re-written. Millions of people all over the world use social networking sites every day, making them part of their daily lives. Because social media networks traffic so much attention, they have become a powerful vehicle for advertisers to create interest and bring recognition to their brand. Social media sites consume nearly 25% of people’s time online. The number of people who are visiting social media sites has increased by 24% over the last year. In 2010 $716 million was spent on social media marketing and it is expected to reach 3.1 billion by 2014. At that point social media will more influential than email or mobile communication. Social Media Marketing is defined as the methodical use of marketing through social media as a means for building a business. There are several goals when striving to implement social media marketing. Establishing brand recognition is a common goal. Since the majority of the population is already visiting social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, getting your brand name all over those networks can help let people know that you’re around. For companies or organizations that are small or are just starting out this is an important implementation in marketing strategy. How else can you reach thousands of customers and prospects all over the world with practically zero advertising costs? 54% of small...
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...social media industry. Bargaining power of suppliers is high because users are also the “suppliers” due to the fact amount of information users provide to facebook. The competition rivalry on social networking market is low as ther is no social networking site with over a billion users on monthly base. Industry is definitely attractive for new entrants; however, it’d be really hard for new entrants to break though successful companies like Google and Facebook. If anything new entrants would be bought out by them before they go viral. 3. Google plus and LinkedIn are facebook’s two major competitors. Google’s video calling services like Google hangout can attracts more users by allowing video communication over cell phone and desktops. Google’s competing with facebook at many levels from social networking to advertising. Yet, Google’s future goal is to compete for advertising budget of other companies. On the other hand, LinkedIn is working on...
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...From walkie-talkies to smart phones that now allow you to make a video call. Technology has evolved and has made it easy for us to maintain contact with those in our “network”. With this evolution we have Social Networks. We have studied about social networks. Learning about the different types of social networks and what they can do. According to our text book, we now have internet applications that make it easy for us to communicate with these networks in new exciting, fun ways. There are different sites like Facebook, and LinkedIn. Our text explained to us the difference in between both. Our text explains Facebook as difficult to understand if you have not experienced it personally. Facebook allows you to blog, establish networks, share photos and locate friends. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is not just anyone, it’s directed towards business. Our text describes the difference as “If Facebook wears shorts and sandals, then LinkedIn is dressed in a suit and tie. This helps us understand that this is strictly a business network. As Social network is just in the beginning stages, they continue to grow and evolve day to...
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...job. There are many advantages of using social media for a job search. However, there are also potential disadvantages of using social media, and caution must be exercised to avoid losing employment opportunities. It is vital for job seekers to understand how recruiters and hiring managers are using social media platforms in all stages of the employee selection process. You should be careful about what you post, because it is a direct reflection of the image you are portraying to potential employers. However, you can also use social media to your advantage by creating and maintaining a consistently professional image. Introduction Social media is quickly becoming a key element in the modern day job search. Employers use sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ to find out much more about prospective employees than the information provided in their resumes. Social media has gained popularity over the years and since 2012 it has become the top online activity for many teens as well as other age groups. In fact, in 2013 there were over 1.15 billion registered users for Facebook alone (Jones, 2013) and that number is growing at an exponential rate. Figure 1 2013 Social Media Monthly Active Users Search Engine Journal. (2013). [Graph illustration The Growth of Social Media November 15, 2013]. The Growth of Social Media: The Social Media Obsession. Adapted from http://www.searchenginejournal.com/growth-social-media-2-0-infographic/77055/ The...
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