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Creative Writing: Blue Blood

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They say that he has blue blood — but all he can taste is red — red skin, red hair, red knuckles. The blue blood taints his name but beneath that, he is pulsing scarlet. Persimmons and crimsons drip down his esophagus and feed the flames that lie in his gut. Yet there’s no blood thudding between the wings of his chest as he waits for her.

He is silent. Watching the guests waltzing — crystalline and beautiful — their faces alight with the numbing adrenaline of alcohol and the sweaty exhilaration of a party. He’s had his tongue dipped in the honey of the party but something doesn’t sit well in his stomach, the once-sweet taste now churning poison in his gut. His agenda of the night had been of vicious acts, preying on the affable souls who …show more content…
Perhaps in another lifetime he would have the capability of loving her the way she loved him. It is her nature to love and with him it was toxic. He wasn’t blind to the fact that she swathed her image of him in diamonds, he simply didn’t acknowledge it. His heart and soul is intangible and riddled with poison that coursed throughout his every vein and spread out to everyone around him like branches on a tree. She whispered prayers against his skin but he was immune as the devil himself lived inside of him.

Something a lot like anger dug into his arteries and suddenly, the taste of vexation coated his tongue. He hates watching her cry. He ignores the thudding veins exploding in his palm. He hates the fact that he is her reason to cry. Her eyelashes curve upwards like ravens taking off into the sunset and he follows the languid path of her gaze with a blank face. He can taste indignation on his gums. She has struck a secret chord, and from his breath was drawn a sacred …show more content…
She’s crying and crying and crying because it’s his fault, can’t he see that? He takes and takes and takes and she has to compensate for him and she’s screaming in desperation because she didn’t ask for this. She envies his power and reputation a bit, wished it covered her more than it already did, wished she was someone people wouldn’t dare mess with but instead she was the one they walked over, the one they took for granted. He tangles her up in chaos and there’s a stabbing sensation beneath her ribcage and this is what he does to her. He makes her feel. She cannot help it. Though no matter how many dark deeds he has done and may do she remembers the same boy he was, he still is. A mirrored soul. Though their bodies may go on their own way, they shared a heart that lie within. There will always be a weakness in her heart for him. A compassion she’ll feel when she sees him low. While others would only wish to spew words of hate, she can only try and heal his soul that is just as broken as

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