...Criminal Justice Maria Pringle American InterContinental University 03-24-2012 Abstract The criminal justice system is a set of agencies and processes that are established by the government to control crime. The justice system is no single system; but divides into many that operate separately. How the criminal justice system work depends on jurisdiction. Different jurisdictions have different laws, agencies, and ways they handle the justice process. The main systems are state and federal. The state handles crimes inside their state boundaries. The federal handle crimes committed on federal property (Criminal justice, 2008). The Criminal Justice System Majority of the criminal justice systems have five components: law enforcement, prosecution, defense attorneys, courts, and corrections. Each of these teams plays a key role in the criminal justice process. Law enforcement officers take reports of crimes that happen in their area. They investigate, gather, and protect evidence of a crime. They make arrest, give testimony in court, and conduct follow-up investigation. Prosecutors are lawyers who represent the state or federal. Prosecutors review evidence that the law enforcement gathers; and decides on if any charges are going to be filed. They present evidence in court, question witnesses, and negotiate plea bargains with defendants. They can use their discretion on how to prosecute the case. Victims can contact the prosecutor’s office to find out who is in charge...
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...Criminal Justice System Je’Nea Taylor March 19, 2011 Dale Jenereaux CJA/204 Crime, can anyone really give the correct meaning of this word. People hear the word crime and put a lot of different meaning to it. They think about the crime that has happen to the people close to them and all the bad things that goes on in the world. Most people would tell you the meaning of crime is when someone is doing something that is against the law. According to our text book, crime is conduct in violation of the criminal law of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction, for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse. Crime has many different meanings but it all comes to the same setting; anything that is illegal is against the law, whether state or federal. Crime relate with in many different forms. Crime is a violation of the law, not all violation of the law is considered a crime. For example, if someone sign a contract and do not follow through with the terms of the contract, they are in violation of the contract but they have not committed a crime. When someone commits a murder, they are in violation of the law and they have committed a crime. No matter what a person may do whether they commit a crime or they violate the law, they deal with the criminal justice system at all time. There are instruments that people can use to measure crime. Sometimes it helps law enforcement and sometimes it do not. One measure is self-reporting....
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...Measuring Crime Paper Grant Curry CJA/ 204 Introduction to Criminal Justice October 5, 2015 Christopher Cannon Measuring Crime Crime is an act or omission prohibited and punished by law. Crime in the United States has increased since many years ago. Many years ago crime went unsolved or even lost in the system. Today crime can be investigated better in the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Uniformed Crime Report (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) agency are formed together to help investigate crime and to collect data from crime scenes. For many years, these agencies did not have the technology that we have today that also helps with better investigation. Instruments The NCVS agency is the primary source of information on the characteristics of criminal victimization on the types of crimes reported. Crime is measured in the United States by the FBI Uniformed Crime Report. This agency collects the data from the many different types of crime. These reports are then made and followed up with the FBI. The FBI reviews the crime reports carefully to make sure that the report is being reported correctly, accurately, and no errors are indicated on the reports. Then the NCVS agency collects the data and the information pertaining the crime and information from the victim. The information that NCVS collects is very important information that is needed to help solve the crime. The data that is collected is the time and place...
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...government attorney-client privilege to prevent testimony by a government lawyer when the lawyer is subpoenaed in a federal grand jury investigation for possible federal criminal violations. This decision is up to the courts in a case by case basis. a. Attorney Client Privilege is subject to the common law by courts “in the light of reason and experience.” FRE 501. i. FRE 501 can be relied on over FRE 503 at the discretion of the Court. 1. FRE 503(a)(1) only makes “broad propositions that a governmental body may be a client for purposes of the attorney-client privilege” (In Re Duces Tecum, 8th circuit, 916). a. “We are instructed by Rule 501 to interpret the attorney-client privilege via common law ‘in light of reason and experience’ and not solely in light of the rule promulgated by the Supreme Ct. in 1972” (Id). ii. Necessity of Granting Potentially Relevant Info to Fed. Grand Jury as a matter of Constitution and Criminal Justice. 2. It is up to the federal grand jury to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to justify a formal accusation against a person for a crime (US Constitution, 5th amendment). 3. The rule of law should reign supreme and should be considered natural that every step be taken to ensure that justice be served promptly. b. “Supreme Ct. recognizes that the principle that the public is entitled to ‘every man’s evidence’ is particularly applicable to grand...
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...Victim and Crime Evaluation Larry Fulse CJA /354 May 5, 2014 Joeseph Caulfield The Criminal Justice system today is our scale of judgment. It plays a major part in how we live and how we continue to live among all the dangers, evil and corruption that surrounds us. Without it there wouldn`t be the fine line of right and wrong, there wouldn`t be justice. Those that are considered victims in our criminal justice would turn and become the aggressors and the criminals if we didn`t have a Legal System, and we would live in a world of chaos. Many individuals each have a role to play in our Criminal Justice System; there are the criminal and the victims who create the unfortunate events to which justice has to be served and then there are the defense attorneys and the prosecutors who do their best to upload the justice system and make sure that justice is served. What are the goals of sentencing associated? A defense attorney is a hired contractor, charged with representing individuals or entities in criminal or civil matter. People and organization facing criminal charges or being sued civilly hire a defense attorney to ensure their legal rights are properly protected and guide them through the legal counsel, is ethically and professionally required to watch over only the interest of his clients, within the boundaries of the law. He is legally and morally considered an “officer of the court,” and is required to refrain from lying or misrepresenting the facts of the...
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...characteristics of criminal victimization and on the number and types of crimes not reported to law enforcement authorities. It provides the largest national forum for victims to describe the impact of crime and characteristics of violent offenders. Twice each year, data are obtained from a nationally representative sample of roughly 49,000 households comprising about 100,000 persons on the frequency, characteristics, and consequences of criminal victimization in the United States. The survey is administered by the U.S. Census Bureau on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The NCVS was designed with four primary objectives: (1) to develop detailed information about the victims and consequences of crime, (2) to estimate the number and types of crimes not reported to the police, (3) to provide uniform measures of selected types of crimes, and (4) to permit comparisons over time and types of areas. The survey categorizes crimes as "personal" or "property." Personal crimes cover rape and sexual attack, robbery, aggravated and simple assault, and purse-snatching/pocket-picking, while property crimes cover burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, and vandalism. Source: Schmalleger, Frank. Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the Twenty-first Century. 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2015. Print. "National Crime Victimization Survey, 1992-2001". ICPSR Data Holdings n. page. Web. 17 Jan. 2016. * UCR/NIBRS – UCR (Uniform Crime Reports), established...
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...Criminal Justice System Explained Our book clarifies that crime is defined as “conduct in violation of the criminal laws of the state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction, for which there is no legal acceptable justification or excuse” (Schmalleger, 2011). There is really no clear definition on what crime is in today’s criminal law. It is an unlawful act, and has many faces. It can be violent when we are talking about murder; it can be non-violent, when we identify it as white-collar crime. Overall, crime is always harmful. It harms the society and the people that live within the society directly or indirectly. To determine which acts are crimes, one must look into the different viewpoints. From a legal standpoint, a crime can only be committed if there is an existing law in place that can be violated, otherwise any behavior is legal, no matter how shocking. Which leads us to laws that are rules and regulations that society put in place to be followed by everyone that has the intent to live within that society. A crime is the violation of these laws and regulations, which will be not tolerated and punished by society thru justice and the system that has been put in place. Derek Cornish and Ronal d Clarke suggested in their rational choice or decision theory that Human beings will commit a particular act because it is of relevance to them. In other words, the act produces more profit than damage consequently the action is done. (Hagan, 2010). Within the rational...
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...statistics, from the Juvenile Justice Bulletin show a growing trend, in that juvenile crime actually appears to be declining according to the Juvenile Arrests 2001 Report. Even though there is a decline in juvenile offenses but the juvenile drugs and juvenile aggravated assault has increased. About 50% of the juvenile crimes be committed by female juveniles. Also I will be covering Minority and female juveniles and the tracking the juvenile crimes. Juvenile Arrests Juvenile crime has been an issue throughout the 1800s. Dealing with juvenile crime committed and examine the juvenile arrests, and criminal activity, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention a study of juvenile arrest statistics (FindLaw, 2011). In Juvenile Justice Bulletin there was a decrease in arrest in juveniles. According, to the Juvenile Justice Bulletin it shows that it was the lowest since 1988 of juvenile arrests being arrested (Flores, 2003). In 1994 juveniles peaked over and also in 1995 and around 2001 juveniles being arrested dropped. In Juvenile Justice Bulletin it breaks down the juvenile crimes committed from aggravated assaults committed by juveniles. It was lower 2001 and down in 1991 but aggravated assaults were lower in 2001 than any other year from 1991. Juveniles that committed murders were low from 1984. Robberies were committed by juveniles were low too since 1970’s (Flores, 2003). According to, the Office of Juvenile Justice statistics it appears that it’s...
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...No Peace WiThouT Justice Closing the gap The role of non-judicial mechanisms in addressing impunity Closing the gap The role of non-judicial mechanisms in addressing impunity No Peace WiThouT Justice No Peace Without Justice Copyright 2010 © No Peace Without Justice Via di Torre Argentina 76, I-00186, Roma, Italy www.npwj.org Permission to reproduce and distribute this document is hereby granted provided that this notice is retained on all copies, that copies are not altered and that No Peace Without Justice is credited. This publication is also available at www.npwj.org. No Peace Without Justice is an international non-profit organisation founded by Emma Bonino and born of a 1993 campaign of the Transnational Radical Party that works for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice. NPWJ undertakes its work within three main thematic programs: International Criminal Justice; Female Genital Mutilation; and Middle East and North Africa Democracy, including specific work on Iraq. NPWJ is a Member of the TRP Senate, a Member of the Steering Committee of the NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court and the Italian civil society partner in the Democracy Assistance Dialogue. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of No Peace Without Justice and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European...
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...Introduction to Criminal Justice 100-105 Case Study Research Paper DRUG DISTRIBUTION March 09 2014 Introduction In today’s world many people are convicted for lots of different crimes and face the consequences for those crimes. For example, Unless a longer term of imprisonment or death is the prescribed penalty and notwithstanding any provision that establishes a shorter term of imprisonment, a person who has been convicted of committing or attempting or conspiring to commit any violent or aggravated felony and who has previously been convicted on separate occasions of two or more violent or aggravated felonies not committed on the same occasion shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life and is not eligible for suspension of sentence, probation, pardon or release on any basis except that the person may be eligible for commutation after the person has served at least thirty-five years. Also a person convicted of a first or second offense for the personal possession or use of a controlled substance must be placed on probation unless the person is also convicted of a violent offense. Incarceration may not be imposed as an initial condition of probation for a first offense. If a person convicted of a first offense is found to be in violation of probation or an act in violation of an order of the court related to drug treatment, the person may be incarcerated upon reinstatement of probation. Participation in an appropriate...
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...Criminal Justice The act of an individual or individuals when committing a crime and how a society deals with those individuals has changed over time. Crime is a conduct or violation of the criminal to break the laws for which there is no acceptable justification or excuse. Society is often viewed by its criminal element and how the people deal with punishment and rehabilitation of the criminal. There are five goals of the criminal justice system deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, rehabilitation, restoration. In a CJi Interactive Multi-Media slide on University of Phoenix website it described, “These five criminal justice goals are not mutually exclusive. They are really rather like philosophical perspectives from which a community or agency responds to criminal behavior. (Interactive) The criminal justice system has three branches, those branches are police, courts and correction departments, each are an integral part of the American Justice System. The police work in an ever changing environment however in a report on the challenges of crime in a free society the police officers job was described as “the manner in which a policeman works is influenced by practical matters: the legal strength of the available evidence, the willingness of victims to press charges and of witnesses to testify, the temper of the community, the time and information at the policeman's disposal. Much is at stake in how the policeman exercises this discretion and if he judges conduct not suspicious...
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...Press Release of a diverse culture. The criminal justice system in today’s world is affected by language barriers in communication in their ability to enforce the law properly, by the increasing amounts of people migrating into the United States legal and illegally. The United States government and law enforcement are constantly doing studies and mapping trends of people crossing our borders to migrate to the United States to be able to make a better life for themselves and their families, by the alarming rates of people applying for green cards and citizenships. A Green Card or permanent resident card serves as proof of a person's lawful permanent resident status in the United States. That allows the person with the Green Card to have right to live and work permanently in the United States or even become a American citizen. A person’s valid green card also means that he or she by law is registered in the U.S. in accordance with all United States immigration laws. People who obtain a green card before 1989, the green card use to remain valid permanently. Since 1989 the immigration laws have changed that everyone must renew their green cards every 10 years. The law is also enforced in the same way for people who received their green cards in 1989 or before 1989. The previous versions of green cards are no longer valid everyone is required to renew their green cards every 10 years. (Rachel F., 2011) This is a primary example...
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...CJA/204 INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE 6/3/2014 James Smith Crime and Its Relationship to Law Crime is conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a federal government, state regulation, or local jurisdiction for which there is no legal justification or excuse. Crime has been around since the beginning of human civilization, from when one caveman bashed another caveman for any reason, originally crime was any action deemed immoral or against the decisions of a collection of people, which usually included the elders. Since then laws have been written to define criminal activity, as well as, the attempt to keep said crimes and criminal activity away from the good citizens of any given civilization. Many theories have been born from the attempt to combat crime before it occurs, and one such theory explains people commit crimes when they consciously decide the benefits of committing the crime outweigh the risks of punishment. The structure to combat crime has been evolving as much as the definition and ways crime can be committed, from the middle ages and the conduct of ordeals to heretical laws from the church and the punishments that were included to modern times of specific written laws, their interpretation, and the attempted rehabilitation of criminals to be functioning members of society. Modern structure of the criminal justice system include the police, courts, and corrections to provide a continuity to the system and a chance for the criminals to rehabilitate, as...
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...Crime Report/National Incident-Based Reporting System and the National Victimization Survey. Data from the two sources, although collected differently, show an array of crime data in the United States and is a method to monitor criminal activity. They both have positive and negative attributes that have influenced different aspects of society. It is important to remember that statistical aggregates of reporting crime, whatever the source, does not reveal the lost lives, human suffering, lessened productivity, and reduces quality of life that crime causes (Schmallager, 2011). The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is the crime statistics of more than 16,000 law enforcement agencies (Schmallager, 2011). Congress created this program in 1930 and designated the FBI to implement the program (Schmallager, 2011). The programs primary objective is to generate a reliable set of criminal statistics for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management; however, its data have over the years become on of the country’s leading social indicators (national atlas, 2003). Citizens use these reports to see fluctuations in crime levels and law enforcement uses it for planning and crime prevention programs. Eight Part I offenses are included in the UCR Reports, also known as the Crime Index. The violent crimes are murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravates assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Clearance rates are also included in the report. Clearance...
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...S E C T I O N II Understanding White-Collar Crime Definitions, Extent, and Consequences S ecti on Hi g h l i g h ts •• •• •• •• •• •• White-Collar Crime: An Evolving Concept Modern Conceptualizations of White-Collar Crime Extent of White-Collar Crime Consequences of White-Collar Crime Public Attitudes About White-Collar Crime Characteristics of White-Collar Offenders A 34 s noted in the introduction, Edwin Sutherland created the concept of white-collar crime more than 70 years ago to draw attention to the fact that crimes are committed by individuals in all social classes. As will be seen in this section, one of the largest difficulties in understanding white-collar crime has centered on an ongoing debate about how to define white-collar crime. After discussing various ways that white-collar crime can be defined, attention will be given to the extent of white-collar crime, the consequences of this illicit behavior, public attitudes about white-collar crime, and patterns describing the characteristics of white-collar offenders. Section II Understanding White-Collar Crime 35 As a backdrop to this discussion, consider the following recent white-collar crimes described in the media: •• A jury convicted [then-Baltimore mayor Sheila] Dixon . . . of embezzling about $500 worth of gift cards donated to the city for needy families. Dixon then pleaded guilty last month to lying about thousands of dollars in gifts from her former boyfriend, a prominent developer...
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