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Crisis Intervention Paper

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There is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition. This rations patient treatment efficiently when resources are insufficient for all to be treated immediately. There is a need to assess crisis and trauma because not all individuals are equally affected by the crisis which means like one size fits all. Some will need intensive intervention and others will need very little, if there’s any. Recovery from crisis exposure is something that is typical but not everyone exposed to trauma either needs or wants professional help. Therefore, crisis intervention should be offered in response to demonstrated need. There are three parts of a crisis. First, the stressor known also as …show more content…
While other forms of counselling focused on building self-esteem and behaviour modification in crisis intervention, the focus is on how to increase the client’s functioning and decrease the intensity of stress currently experienced by individual. There is a need to identify those who will recover relatively independently. Crisis intervention may cause harm if not truly needed. It may increase crisis exposure or may reduce understanding of independent problem solving. There are precipitating events that may require assessment such as severe illness or injury, violent or unexpected death, threatened death or injury, acts of war or terrorism, natural disasters, and man-made or industrial disasters (Derigne, 2007). To generate a traumatic stress reactions, the person’s response to the event must involve intense fear, helplessness, or horror. In children, the response usually involved disorganized or agitated behaviour. When the counsellor alters the understanding of the precipitating event and will try some new coping skills, the degree of stress will be lowered and the goal to increase the client’s functioning will be successful. This success in the crisis intervention will definitely lead the client …show more content…
It was also noted that some counsellors has no formal training in crisis intervention. There is an increasing need for practitioners who have knowledge on how to engage in crisis intervention and how to combine findings into theory and practice (Bober & Regehr, 2006). There are diagnostic indicators and treatment goals needed for stress, crisis intervention, and trauma treatment. An assessment must be made whether human conditions can be identified as stress, crisis, and trauma to apply the necessary counselling approaches. Some say stress helps them to work productively in their professional career, parenting children, and caring for other people. But there is this term called crisis who is not going their way may describe their day as one crisis after another. Too long period in crisis results definitely in various trauma reactions. The meaning of stress, crisis, and trauma are overlapping because individuals have different responses, different personality and character, temperament, protective factors, coping skills, adaptability to change, in unexpected events (Mouldern & Firestone, 2007). It is understandable that what is simple stress for one individual may result in the onset of a crisis episode or traumatic reaction for another. Stressors maybe minor or major and can

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