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Budget Game Analysis

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For the budget game, we were given the scenario of being a 25-year-old living in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The first step the game was randomly selecting your weekly income, I selected $650.00, which was the highest amount available. Then, we had to choose an apartment and a vehicle. For the apartment, I chose an apartment that cost $799.00 per month to rent, and for a vehicle I chose a Volkswagen Beetle because it cost $158.00 per month, meaning it was the cheapest car. For car insurance, we had to select a value at random, and I selected $100.00. Internet/cable and cellphone were selectable, so for the latter I chose $75.00 and for the former I chose $85.00. After choosing the permanent values in the game, we paid ourselves, purchased groceries and gasoline, paid for a meal at a …show more content…
For the most part, I found the game similar to real life, from the purchasing of groceries and gasoline to the paying of rent. The one part of the game that I thought was unrealistic was going to a restaurant every single week. I found this unrealistic because I was spending a significant amount of money on groceries, and I think that I would have been able to sustain myself on the groceries, rather than spending more money at a restaurant. In a more realistic scenario, I think that a young person would get to a restaurant about two to three times a week. Besides the restaurants, I think that this game will help me in the future because seeing all the purchases I made on a budget sheet, allowed my fictional self to see the money I had in the bank to spend. The main thing that I learned from the game is that documenting purchases is a good technique for keeping a balanced budget and saving money in the long run. In real life, when you can see the money you have in the bank, it is more difficult to go on extraneous spending

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