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Crowd Roaring Research Paper

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Crowd Roaring:
INT.-Arco Arena Sacramento CA, October 29, 2003
Brighten light filter, Check game ball. Fans getting hyped up for opening tip off.LEBRON JAMES .does signature powder routine. As he makes his NBA debut the ANNOUNCERS are introducing him. Announcer 1 : LeBron “THE KING” James makes his first NBA debut. As a 18yr old he has to be having butterflies in his stomach. The Man Of The hour Lebron James the, the most exciting debut in NBA history.This kid is only 18 years of age, just by getting drafted the man put Cleveland back on the map. The King did everything but disappoint with 25pts, 9ast, 6reb and , 4stls.

Announcer 2: And the new NBA season just tipped off folks this looks like a promising …show more content…
Announcer 1:( Excited) JAMES (Break) with the slam and the KING'S call a timeout. Crowd: DEFENCE! X8 (V.O.) Announcer 2: Only 30sec left in the explosive match up with James and Anderson. Kings up by 2 , james takes it up the court... misses the shot! Grabbed by cleveland and dished back out to james… Crowd: O.S (Countdown From 10.) Announcer 1: ( Finish A2’s sentence) (V.o.) (Excited) ....And LeBron PULLS FOR THREE. BANG its good with 0.2sec left.Green throws up the prayer no good. DORRIS BURK: LeBron how did you manage to keep cool? …show more content…
LeBron James:
The guys on my team just gave me the ball and I just went to work.

Scene 2
Int.- SportsCenter Los Angeles, CA October 30, 2003 . As STEPHEN A. and AMARI STOUDEMIRE change topics right before ending the show.

Stephen A. Now when i say this i mean it in all respect to LeBron. How in the world do 2 big all starz one former MVP and rookie of the year. Let a 18yr old score 32pts in thier home opener not the cavs YOUR! AMARI I seen these types of situations before you need to beat LeBron in cleveland on 12/3/03. Stephen A. Of course you need to beat LeBron just like he did you ! That’s all we have tonight folks tune in to our podcast every morning at 10am good night.

Scene 3

Int.-Quicken loans arena Cleveland, OH November 1, 2003 Janitors wax and clean up game floor Dorris Burke gets ready for pre-game interviews.


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