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Cuban Independence Essay

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As Cuba demands it’s Independence from Spain the U.S. maintained its refusal to intervene. From 1894 to 1898 Cuba stood alone in this war before Yellow journalism and the sinking of the USS Maine took its toll playing on the sympathies of the Americans and the US declared war on Spain in April of 1898. When the US announced its intention to free Cuba they announced it with the complete support of Cuba’s independence. However by the time the fighting ended the u.s occupied Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. For the next three years the u.s. kept troops in Cuba under the pretense of helping them prepare for self-government. With the help of American officials the elected Cuban convention wrote a constitution, elected a president, two houses …show more content…
The United States presented this amendment to Cuba with the forced understanding of; put this in your constitution or no freedom. The articles of the amendment included Treaty limitations claiming that Cuba cannot enter any treaty or compact with any foreign power or allow the military of any other foreign power to stay or use the island without US approval. It also gave financial control over to the US stating that Cuba shall not assume any public debt. The articles gave the US the right to exercise intervention for the preservation of Cuban independence and maintenance of an adequate government for the protection of life, property and individual liberty. There is an agreed upon plan for the sanitation of the cities to protect the people from infectious diseases and prevent them from spreading to the US and the people residing on the islands. And it also gives the United States land control stating that the government of Cuba will sell or lease necessary lands to the US for naval stations at certain specified points. After several failed attempts by the Cubans to reject or modify the terms of the Platt amendment, the Cuban Constitutional Convention finally succumbed to American pressure and ratified it on June 12, 1901, by a vote of 16 to 11. The Platt Amendment remained in force until 1934 when both sides agreed to cancel the treaties that enforced

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