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Cultural Analysis of Ireland and Usa


Submitted By slsass
Words 4029
Pages 17
Cross Cultural Analysis of
United States

Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 4 2.0 Sociocultural Analysis 4 2.1 Education in Ireland 4 2.1.1 Education in the United States 4 2.1.2 Research Comparison 5 2.2 Population Demographics in Ireland 5 2.2.1 Population in the United States 5 2.2.2 Research Comparison 6 2.3 Income Levels in Ireland 6 2.3.1 Income Levels in the United States 6 2.3.2 Research Analysis 6 3.0 World View 7 3.1 Source of Control in Ireland 7 3.1.1 Source of Control in the United States 7 3.1.2 Research Analysis 7 3.2 Power Distance in Ireland 7 3.2.1 Power Distance in the United States 7 3.2.2 Research Analysis 7 3.3 Collectivist or Individualistic Society in Ireland 8 3.3.1 Collectivist or Individualistic Society in the United States 8 3.3.2 Research Analysis 8 3.4 Feminine or Masculine Orientation in Ireland 8 3.4.1 Feminine or Masculine Orientation in the United States 9 3.4.2 Research Analysis 9 3.5 Uncertainty Avoidance in Ireland 9 3.5.1 Uncertainty Avoidance in the United States 9 3.5.2 Research Analysis 9 3.6 Use of Space in Ireland 10 3.6.1 Use of Space in the United States 10 3.6.2 Research Analysis 10 4.0 Economic System 10 4.1 Economic System in Ireland 10 4.1.1 Economic System in the United States 11 4.1.2 Research Analysis 11 4.2 Type of Government in Ireland 11 4.2.1 Type of Government in the United States 12 4.2.2 Research Analysis 12 5.0 Management Challenges 12 5.1 Management Challenges Faced by you a Female European Manager? 12 5.2 Challenges Faced by the employee working for a Female European Manger? 12 5.3 What steps would you take to overcome these Challenges? 12 Works Cited 14

1.0 Executive Summary
The purpose of this study was to conduct a research analysis and comparison of the cultural characteristics between Ireland and the United States. This research included the analysis of the World View from Ireland and a European American manager in the United States. My research concluded that there are little cultural differences that would impact a working relationship between the Irish employees and a European American manager. We may need to address slight differences in increased diversity and overall familiarity with the American business culture. But these differences can easily be overcome by regular counseling during the probationary period and diversity workshops if necessary. 2.0 Sociocultural Analysis
2.1 Education in Ireland
Education in Ireland is structured over 11 years, the first 6 at the primary level and last 5 in the secondary level. Although compulsory education is 10 years, the average years of schooling is only 9.4 years. The majority of students, 86.5%, begin the secondary level with 58% reaching completion and 36% attaining post-secondary degrees. The overall literacy of Irish age 15 and over, defined as the ability to read and write, was estimated at 99% in 2003 for both male and females. As of 2000, the reading literacy of 15 year olds scored 527, ranking 5th in the world. Mathematical literacy for the same 15 year olds scored 503 for 15th and scientific literacy comes in 9th in the world at 513. From 2000-2002, Ireland averaged spending 5.5% of their GDP on education.

2.1.1 Education in the United States
Compulsory education in the United States is 12 years, split evenly between the primary and secondary levels. Most American students, 88.1%, enroll in the secondary level and 87% complete it. Post-secondary degrees are obtained by 37% of the American population. Literacy of male and female Americans age 15 and over was estimated at 99% in 2003. The United States ranked 15th in 2000 for reading literacy with a score of 504. Their scientific literacy scored 499 for 14th and the mathematical literacy only ranked 18th with a score of 493. Money spent on education in the United States from 2000-2002 totaled 5.7% of GDP.
2.1.2 Research Comparison
Although the United States spends approximately 4% more than Ireland on education, the results favor Ireland. There is only a fraction of a difference in those who start their secondary education but 29% more Americans complete the level. However, Ireland ranks higher in reading, mathematical, and scientific literacy among 15 year olds and those obtaining post-secondary degrees only differs by 1%. From these results, Ireland appears to have a much more effective and efficient educational system and better prepares its students for the work force even if they do not receive a diploma.

Country | Secondary Diploma | Post -Secondary | ReadingLiteracy | MathematicalLiteracy | ScientificLiteracy | Ireland | 58% | 36% | 527/5th | 503/15th | 513/9th | United States | 87% | 37% | 504/15th | 493/18th | 499/14th |
Table 2.1.2:Education Comparison of Ireland and United States

2.2 Population Demographics in Ireland
The population of Ireland is 4,722,028 with 66.9% within the working ages of 15-64 who have a 1.01:1 male to female ratio. The ethnic Irish account for the majority with 87.4% of the population and 7.5% other whites. Other ethnicities are very limited, including only 1.3% Asians, 1.1% black, and 1.6% mixed or unspecified. English is an official language of the country and most the commonly used but Irish or Gaelic is also recognized and is used mainly along the western coast. Roman Catholicism dominates Ireland with 87.4% of the population. Protestants do have a small share including 2.9% Church of Ireland and 1.9% Christian. The other or unspecified categories were selected by 3.6% of the people and 4.2% declared no religion.
2.2.1 Population in the United States
The United States population ranks third in the world with 313,847,465 people. Those between the ages of 15-64 make up 66.5% of the population and are evenly split with 1 male for every female. Although whites still dominate with 79.96%, America does have some ethnic diversity with 12.85% black, 4.43% Asian, and 1.61% mixed ethnicities. Hispanics total about 15.1% of the US population but it must be noted the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean “persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group.” Although the United States has no official language, English is spoken by 82.1% of the population and Spanish is the only other significant language at 10.7%. Protestants hold a slim religious majority of 51.3% with Roman Catholics the next largest group at 23.9%. Other Christians hold 1.6% of the population, Mormons 1.7%, another 1.7% identify as being Jewish, Buddhist 0.7%, and 0.6% Muslim. The third largest group, 12.1%, actually classifies themselves as unaffiliated, 2.5% are other/unspecified, and 4% claim no religion at all.
2.2.2 Research Comparison
The large majority of both Irish and American speak English, making communication relatively easy. Recent Irish immigrants may not be used to the diversity of the American population and may possibly need time to adjust. However, they should be able to find religious common ground as Roman Catholics are commonly found in all American businesses and get along much better with the Protestants than in Ireland and especially Northern Ireland.
2.3 Income Levels in Ireland
Irish taxes accounted for 35.3% of GDP in 2011with 2.6% inflation and an estimated unemployment of 14.4%. In 2009, 5.5% of the population lived below the poverty line. The lowest 10% of households account for 2.9% of income while the highest 10% of households control 27.2%.
2.3.1 Income Levels in the United States
Standard taxes in the United States are 15.5% of GDP but are 22% when including Social Security and Medicare. During 2011, unemployment averaged 9% and there was 3.1% inflation. An estimated 15.1% of the American population lived below the poverty line in 2010. The lowest 10% of households account for 2% of income while the highest 10% of households account for 30%.
2.3.2 Research Analysis
Both Ireland and the United States have service economies so there should be similar skill requirements. Americans do not lose as much of their paychecks to taxes but there is higher inflation. Unemployment is lower in the US indicating more jobs available however a larger percent are living in poverty so some wages may not be as high. As a general comparison, lists the current median salary for an office administrator at € 25,416 in Ireland and $41,385 for an office manager in the United States. Converted to US dollars, the Irish salary equals $33,265 or approximately $7,000 lower than the US job equivalent. For a true income comparison, a case by case analysis must be made.
3.0 World View
3.1 Source of Control in Ireland
The study by Geert Hofstede shows Ireland to be a controlling culture. Individuals expect to be rewarded for their successes and see personal achievement as the way to move up in the world. The Irish see their supervisors as more of an equal and are comfortable approaching them for informal conversation.
3.1.1 Source of Control in the United States
Hofstede’s study shows the United States to be a high ‘I control’ culture. The American dream is an embodiment of this, giving everyone the opportunity for success and prosperity through their own hard work and initiative. Americans believe in equality for all and are comfortable approaching others for assistance, usually capital, in achieving their goals.
3.1.2 Research Analysis
Both Ireland and the United States see themselves as being in control. There is potential for conflict as our Irish employees may sometimes be reluctant to follow directives from management they do not agree with. As long as company policies and guidelines are laid out at the beginning of employment, much of this can be avoided.
3.2 Power Distance in Ireland
According to Hofstede, Ireland has a low power distance rating and believes in minimal inequalities between people. Managers should be accessible and consulted regularly but can rely on their employee’s expertise. Communication is informal, direct, and participative.
3.2.1 Power Distance in the United States
The United States has a reasonably low power distance score in the Hofstede study. This can be seen by the focus on equal rights throughout society and the common American idea of ‘liberty and justice for all.’ Managers should be accessible and consulted regularly but can rely on their employee’s expertise. Communication is informal, direct, and participative.
3.2.2 Research Analysis
Again, Ireland and the United States are very close in their views of power distance. However, our Irish employees may expect a little bit more autonomy on the job or be more likely to initiate an informal conversation with their supervisors. Although American businesses commonly have open door policies, there is usually a procedure for scheduling meetings. Management must ensure that these policies and procedures are understood by all employees.
Enrollment in local colleges, 2005 Country | Rating | World View | Ireland | 28 | Low – More equality | World View | 40 | Low – More equality |
Table 3.2.2: Hofstede’s Power Distance Indicator

3.3 Collectivist or Individualistic Society in Ireland
The study by Geert Hofstede shows Ireland to be an individualistic culture. Employees are presumed to be self-reliant, display initiative, and expect promotions to be based on actual performance and merit.
3.3.1 Collectivist or Individualistic Society in the United States
Hofstede’s study shows the United States is a highly individualistic culture. Americans are accustomed to dealing with strangers and are not shy about approaching others for information. Employees are presumed to be self-reliant, display initiative, and expect promotions to be based on actual performance and merit.
3.3.2 Research Analysis
Both Ireland and the United States are individualistic according to Hofstede but Americans are extremely independent. Our Irish employees may anticipate just a little more direction or feedback than usual so managers definitely need to establish these expectations at the earliest opportunity. Both managers and employees believe ratings and promotions should be based on merit and actual performance so there is little room for disagreement here.

Country | Rating | World View | Ireland | 70 | Individualistic – Personal Achievement | World View | 91 | Individualistic – Personal Achievement |
Table 3.3.2: Hofstede’s Individualistic Value

3.4 Feminine or Masculine Orientation in Ireland
According to Hofstede, Ireland is a masculine society and driven by success. Both business and schoolwork are based on being the best and winner takes all. The Irish are proud of their successes and always set goals to win, especially if it means a promotion. Most business decisions are based on achievement and conflicts are often resolved at the individual level.
3.4.1 Feminine or Masculine Orientation in the United States
The United States is also considered a masculine society by Hofstede. Behavior is based on the value of striving to be the best you can. Americans often speak of their achievement easily and believe they should be rewarded for them at work. The typical American looks forward to monetary awards and higher status to prove their worth. They also commonly resolve conflicts at the individual level.
3.4.2 Research Analysis
Irish employees are naturally motivated to achieve in the workplace and expect to be recognized for their successes and will fit right in with their American co-workers. Management needs to ensure there are proper achievement-based rewards and public acknowledgment to encourage this competition.

Country | Rating | World View | Ireland | 68 | Moderately Masculine | World View | 62 | Moderately Masculine |
Table 3.4.2: Hofstede’s Masculine/Feminine Orientation

3.5 Uncertainty Avoidance in Ireland
Ireland has a low score in the Hofstede study on uncertainty avoidance. They value ideas and imaginative approaches. Firms in Ireland embrace creativity and appreciate employees who can find fresh solutions to problems. Facts in practical language are better received than technological jargon.
3.5.1 Uncertainty Avoidance in the United States
With a score of 46 from Hofstede, the United States is considered to be accepting of uncertainty. America is more open to new ideas and innovative products. This willingness to try something different extends into technology and business practices. American society is more tolerant of opinions and allows more freedom of expression. They also do not require too many rules and are less emotional than other cultures.
3.5.2 Research Analysis
Our managers and Irish employees should both be open to creative innovation in the workplace. All employees should be able to talk over new ideas and brainstorm for solutions to problems before presenting them to management for serious consideration.

Country | Rating | World View | Ireland | 35 | Tolerant of uncertainty | World View | 46 | Tolerant of uncertainty |
Table 3.5.2: Hofstede’s Uncertainty Avoidance Indicator

3.6 Use of Space in Ireland
Like many western cultures, the Irish like to stay an arm’s distance length from each other. Maintaining this personal space is very important in Ireland. Although it is customary to shake hands, touching or hugging in public is considered unacceptable in a business setting. The best approach is to be relaxed, friendly, and unpretentious.
3.6.1 Use of Space in the United States
The typical Euro-American in the United States is comfortable at an arm’s length, about 2 or 3 feet. Although closer with family and friends at home or social events, Americans expect their personal space to be respected while doing business. Other than a handshake, American business meetings are considered to be non-contact and can become uncomfortable when someone is felt as coming to close.
3.6.2 Research Analysis
The United States and Ireland are nearly identical in their approach to personal space in the business environment. There should be no conflict here between managers and employees except on a case by case basis.
4.0 Economic System
4.1 Economic System in Ireland
Ireland is a member of the European Union, uses the Euro and has a modern, trade-dependent economy. They have been hit by the world financial crisis and experienced a destabilized banking sector. In 2010, Irish businesses were mainly service oriented at 69% with industry holding 29% and agriculture accounting for only 2%. Their main industries are pharmaceuticals, chemicals, computers, and medical devices and did see a 3% increase in the industrial base in 2011. Ireland had an estimated $50.92 billion positive trade balance in 2011, with $118.1 billion in exports and only $67.18 billion in imports. Their main exports are machinery, computers, chemicals, and medical devices. Imports include data processing equipment, other machinery and chemicals, and petroleum products. The majority of Ireland’s exports go the United States, the United Kingdom, and Belgium. Imports are brought in from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands.
4.1.1 Economic System in the United States
The United States is a market-oriented economy and is currently the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world. The sub-prime mortgage crisis and weak global economy pushed the United States into a deep recession in 2008. Although many US corporations lead the technological advances in computers and medical, aerospace, and military equipment, the gap has been closing. The United States 2011 GDP was dominated by the service industry at 79.6% with 19.2% industry and only 1.2% agriculture, but industry grew 4.1%. US industry still has the second largest output in world and is highly diversified in petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, and mining. The United States has a considerable trade deficit of $739 billion with only $1.497 trillion in exports but $2.236 trillion in imports. Just over 95% of all imports come from industrial supplies, including crude oil, consumer goods, and capital goods. Exports include capital goods, industrial supplies, consumer goods, and agricultural products. The main export partners for US are Canada and Mexico, who also are major import partners along with China.
4.1.2 Research Analysis
Ireland and the United States share many different industries and should have a good interchangeable workforce. Businesses in both countries are familiar with the other through the current trade of goods. Both have growing industry sectors and I anticipate more collaboration between the countries could come in the future.
4.2 Type of Government in Ireland
Ireland is a republic with a parliamentary democracy with judicial review of legislative acts by a Supreme Court. Their constitution was adopted in July 1, 1937 and became effective December 29, 1937 and the capital is in Dublin. The Irish legal system is based on English common law but has been changed through local customary law. Their president is elected by the people every seven years and the prime minister is selected by the lower house of Parliament. The upper house of Parliament has 60 seats selected by various delegations and serve for five years. The lower house is elected by popular vote and also serves five years. Ireland has nine recognized political parties and has numerous political groups seeking influence within Parliament.
4.2.1 Type of Government in the United States
The United States of America is a constitution-based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition. The constitution, which provides judicial review of the legislature by the Supreme Court, was ratified on September 17, 1787 and became effective March 4, 1789. The original capital was in New York City, shifting to Philadelphia almost two years later and finally moved to the current location of Washington, DC in 1800. The federal legal system and 49 of the states are based on the English common law system. Louisiana uses the Napoleonic civil code as their basis of law. The US president, who serves a four year term, is selected by members of the Electoral College who represent and are directed by the individual states. The legislative branch consists of a bicameral Congress. Members of the Senate are elected by popular vote of their representative state and serve six years. Those in the House of Representatives are elected for two year terms by the constituents of their respective districts within the states. There are four recognized political parties in the United States and many political action groups seeking influence in a wide variety of areas.
4.2.2 Research Analysis
Ireland and the United States have many similarities in their government, most influential being a basis in English common law. Although the president is elected in a different manner, they are both based on the popular vote. Both countries have a two-part legislative branch that receives constant pressure from political action groups. The biggest concern with our Irish employees is also found with our American employees. Politics can be a very divisive topic and in most cases should be kept out of the business environment.
5.0 Management Challenges
5.1 Management Challenges Faced by you a Female European Manager?
Ireland has a very even ratio of men to women and their numbers in higher education and the workforce are comparable to that of the United States. I do not anticipate any more issues from my Irish employees than my American employees.
5.2 Challenges Faced by the employee working for a Female European Manger?
Employees coming from Ireland have probably already experienced female managers and should not have any cultural issues working with them.
5.3 What steps would you take to overcome these Challenges?
If a conflict did exist between me and an Irish employee, I would arrange a meeting to discuss the differences. If the problem is with my gender, it is probably going to be a personal bias as the Irish culture is not male dominated. This would require the same actions needed for a personal conflict with an American employee. These actions include work-related counseling and corrective action if no progress is made.

Works Cited
Carr-Ruffino, Norma. Managing Diversity. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2009.
Central Intelligece Agency. World Factbook: Ireland. 2012. (accessed November 17, 2012).
CIA. World Factbook: United States. 2012. (accessed November 17, 2012).
Executive Ireland: Public Behaviour. December 5, 2006. (accessed November 16, 2012).
ITIM. Geert Hofstede - USA. 2012. (accessed November 3, 2012).
ITIM International. Geert Hofstede. 2012. (accessed November 3, 2012). NationMaster - Education Stats. 2012. (accessed November 18, 2012). 2012. (accessed December 1, 2012). Yahoo Finance Currency Converter. December 1, 2012.;to=USD;amt=25416 (accessed December 1, 2012).

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...1. Introduction Primark is an Irish clothing retailer, operating in Europe, in countries such as Germany, Spain, Ireland and United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of Associated British Foods (ABF), a British multinational food processing and retailing company. Primark first open in Dublin 1969 under the name Penney’s, and have retained the name till this day in Ireland. Over the years Primark have expanded by buying out their competitors such as British Home Stores (BHS) and Clemens and August (C&A), they now have 257 stores across Europe (Primark, 2013). Primark sells clothes that are economical affordable. The company sources cheaply, using simple designs and fabrics in the most popular sizes and buys stock in bulk. Primark core competence is in their distribution change, the source all their products (Primark, 2013). Presently Primark Clothings are worn all over the world. However, Primark only has stores and outlets in Europe. This report proposes Primark entry into the Nigerian retail market using two P’s (Promotions and Product), the marketing mix, marketing planning, entry and analysis of the cultural factors that may affect the process. 2. Nigerian Retail Industry and Nigeria’s retail sector is undergoing change with international retail brands entering the country, new malls being constructed and the transformation of informal markets into more modern facilities. Shoprite a South African retailer and the biggest on the continent have been in operations in Nigeria...

Words: 1647 - Pages: 7

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...MBA LEARN MORE, DO MORE, BECOME MORE 90 exceptional people who will shape the future of business The IMD MBA Class of 2011 Developing your future global leaders The IMD difference Why recruit at IMD? Find truly global experienced leaders able to address your company’s challenges in today’s complex environment 90 talented pre-screened participants Besides strong academic ability, we assess the leadership potential with a focus on real management capacity in a multi-cultural and complex environment. In total we spend at least 10 manhours per candidate to make sure each one is right for the program. The admission process consists of: - an online application with 12 essays - letters of recommendations - a full day assessment center Once accepted, each candidate goes through a full background check conducted by an independent agency. International and experienced In a class of 90, you will find 40+ different nationalities and 90% of the participants will have spent at least 6 months outside their home country. With a minimum of 3 years of work experience, our participants have on average 7 years of experience prior to IMD. Trained to become truly global hand-on leaders Besides strong academic business fundamentals, our intensive one-year program is designed to constantly push our MBAs beyond their comfort zone. A diversity of hands-on projects takes them through various settings: - a 6-week startup project - a 9-week international consulting project with medium to...

Words: 13582 - Pages: 55

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Cultural Dimensions of Business Ethics

...Journal of Business Ethics (2007) 75:273–284 DOI 10.1007/s10551-006-9252-9 Ó Springer 2007 Cultural Values and International Differences Bert Scholtens Lammertjan Dam in Business Ethics ABSTRACT. We analyze ethical policies of firms in industrialized countries and try to find out whether culture is a factor that plays a significant role in explaining country differences. We look into the firm’s human rights policy, its governance of bribery and corruption, and the comprehensiveness, implementation and communication of its codes of ethics. We use a dataset on ethical policies of almost 2,700 firms in 24 countries. We find that there are significant differences among ethical policies of firms headquartered in different countries. When we associate these ethical policies with Hofstede’s cultural indicators, we find that individualism and uncertainty avoidance are positively associated with a firm’s ethical policies, whereas masculinity and power distance are negatively related to these policies. KEYWORDS: business ethics, codes of ethics, cultural values JEL: G300, L210, M140 Introduction Are there differences with respect to the ethical policies of firms that are headquartered in different countries? And are there differences among firms that belong to different industries? Chryssides and Bert Scholtens received his Ph.D. at the Universtiy of Amsterdam. Since 1999 he has been working at the Department of Finance of the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. His research...

Words: 7933 - Pages: 32

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Impact Communication Technolog

...relation to the definitions by other countries like USA, Canada will enhance the understanding of the topic. The USA, Canada and the OECD define early school leaving in similar ways, and all differ from the EU definition. In the USA, early school leavers, "drop outs", are those who have not graduated from High School. This focus has a number of benefits. The single benchmark, attainment of a High School Diploma, covers the whole of the US education system and provides a clear idea of what the outcome of compensatory policy would be: get young people re-enrolled and graduated if and when they drop out. Policy in the US is based on clarity of definition and measurement of the problem. RATIONALE: The importance of this topic can never be overemphasized because it is dealing on a topic that has been a recurrence decimal in the society and has had dire effects on the society. This topic is important to explore because it explains the reasons why young people leave school early without completing their leaving certificate and also explains the different problems and difficulties which early school leavers may face in future both physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and economically. However, it also offers practical advice on how to work and give support to young people at risk of leaving school early. COMMUNITY CONTEXT: Galway city is the community under investigation, geographically, the city was found on the west coast of Ireland between Corrib and...

Words: 3963 - Pages: 16

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Climate Change Concerns Among Low Income Communities in Ireland

...Climate Change concerns among low income communities in Ireland. Introduction Climate change is the most serious environmental problem facing humanity today, raising many questions that are fundamentally normative and ethical in their basis. An increasing body of research highlights that, although everyone is susceptible to the effects of climate change, such effects will be experienced unevenly, with the most vulnerable people in the most deprived communities bearing the most of damaging of the effects of climate change, (Smith, 2006). It must be recognised that the experiences and concerns of the people who are themselves living in poverty must be taken into account. This is especially of concern given that deprived groups and individuals will experience the most difficulty in coping with market based responses to climate change. This research will seek to address the current gap in our understanding of the relations between climate change and the experience of living in poverty in Ireland. Aims and Objectives The aim of this research essentially is to try and gain a broader understanding of how climate change is affecting those living in less than acceptable standards in Ireland. This research will attempt to: 1) Document the major climate change concerns that emerge for people experiencing poverty in Ireland; what are key economic, social and political concerns related to climate change that arise for people experiencing poverty? 2) Examine how these concerns are...

Words: 2408 - Pages: 10

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...The cultural and economic trends of Cinema in Ireland and Wales Acknowledgements This audit of cinemas in Ireland and Wales was commissioned by Sgrîn Cymru Wales and the Arts Council. The study was financially supported by the Ireland/Wales Interreg IIIA Community Initiative Programme: ERDF 2000–2006. Throughout the study we have been fortunate to benefit from the knowledge, enthusiasm and commitment of Rhian Iolo (Exhibition Manager, Sgrîn) and Siobhan Bourke (Film Adviser, Arts Council). Additional invaluable assistance was provided by Stephanie O’Callaghan, Michelle Hoctor, Antoinette O’Neill, and the staff at both Sgrîn and the Arts Council of Ireland. This study would not have been possible without the generous contribution of time, expertise and information from the many cinema owners, managers, projection and customer services staff we met during the study. Our thanks are also due to the individuals and organisations contacted for comment and information during the research. Our sincere thanks are due to each and every one. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors. Unless specifically attributed, they do not represent the views of Sgrîn, the Arts Council, nor those of any persons or organisations who have been consulted in the course of the study. J Ron Inglis & Sue Todd April 2004 Inglis Todd Consultants is an independent arts and media consultancy operating throughout the UK and Ireland. J Ron Inglis and Sue Todd - are among the UK’s leading...

Words: 51855 - Pages: 208

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Macys Environment Strategy

...he demographic segment focuses primarily on 5 elements-the population’s size, age structure, geographic distribution, ethnic mix, and distribution of income. The products that Macy’s Inc. offers to customers cover a wide range of ages starting from newborn babies to women and men of over the age of 65. Macy’s has over 800 operational department store and furniture galleries in 45 states in addition to operating a fully functional e-commerce website to give ease of access to all customers conveniently regardless of location. Macy’s Inc. also operates the Bloomingdale’s brand which has 40 stores in 12 states in addition to also operating a fully functional e-commerce website as well for the same purpose. Macy’s Inc. is a department store comprised of a variety of name brand goods of high quality that can be categorized in a variety of different categories that contribute to the wide selection of products Macy’s sells to generate sales revenue. Macy’s products target both men and women. Brands that Macy’s department stores carry include (but are not limited to) Jessica Simpson, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Anne Klein, and many more. Macy’s Inc. is a diverse company and is an equal opportunity employer. It is not only diverse in its product selection, but also in its employees and customers in regards to the ethnic mix. Macy’s Inc. has a product selection with price ranges that are best suitable for individuals with middle to high income (with a reasonable...

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