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Cultural Value Of Hair

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Not much sits in the hierarchy of our minds as a source of such constant anxiety, attention, upkeep and manipulation as our hair. At once a biological consequence and cultural marker our hair is both a natural and contrived result of our lifestyles and our personalities. Looking to hair as an extension of the human body and its function as an object open to both pigeonholing and differentiation, ‘hair’ is defined as a unique and complex topic, imbued with more cultural and historical meaning than many others.
From the day we are born we start on a personal and often intimate exploration of the excess, absence, cutting, covering, growing, and grooming of hair as the both appearance of individuality and compliance in our lives. Be it on your body, face, or head; whether removed, replaced, relaxed, dyed, long, short, curly, straight, or even synthetic, hair is inherently inscribed with meaning as a manifestation of personal preference or imposed rules of conduct as it has been for centuries.
As children, we are familiar with what makes a man and what makes a woman and although lacking in understanding of most biological factors, hair is readily …show more content…
Acting as a commodity and the source and target of countless products and services. Not only does this industry hair generate monetary value but entertainment also, television and documentary programs centered on hair have become a part of today’s popular culture. Comedian Chris Rock’s 2009 documentary “Good Hair” explores the preconceptions of what determines ‘good hair’ for women in African American culture and grossed $4.1 billion at the box office. Also built around this billion-dollar industry is a wild and absurdist niche of hairstyling events called “Hair Wars”, in which competitors battle for authority in the creation of eccentric Marie Antoinette reminiscent fantasy

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