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Current Article Review


Submitted By jsen1987
Words 527
Pages 3
Current Article Review * What is the article about?
This article discusses the link between women who are exposed to high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) during pregnancy and increased chances of their children having issues with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) around age 9. In the article a study was conducting in New York of 233 pregnant women who did not smoke. The researchers observed the women from pregnancy into adolescence. The results of the study discovered that the children of the women who were exposed to high levels of PAH were five times as likely to experience a high level and significant number of ADHD symptoms at the age of 9. These results were compared with the results of mothers who were not exposed to high levels of PAH during their pregnancies. * Does the article provide a national or global perspective about the issue?
This particular article discusses this issue on more of a national level. It mentions that children with ADHD have difficulty in school, relationships, and work performance (Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, 2014, November 5). Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health (2014) also stated that, “Moreover, ADHD imposes large annual costs to society, estimated between $36 and $52 billion in the U.S. and to individuals, estimated to be $12,005 to $17,458” (p.1). * Does the information presented in the article affect you or people you know? Explain.
I personally feel that the information presented in this article affects both myself and people that I know because I am a mother who knows other mothers. I also struggle with ADHD, I have ever since I was a small child, but I didn’t begin receiving treatment for it until I was diagnosed at the age of 16. I struggled in school all of my life, and eventually dropped out of high school. I had a very hard time with

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