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Submitted By RayChel
Words 552
Pages 3
Rachel Emasu
She stood still in the dark cold creepy forest, blood gashing out of her freshly cut wounds, her body trembling of its own accord as the cold winter winds bit into her naked flesh. She had grown accustomed to sleeping in the nude, not out of choice but due to the abject poverty she was born into, all she owned was a little old red dress that barely covered her rounded bottoms and left her tiny nipples exposed and once white knickers now browed with age. It was no wonder that she was now stranded in the cold murky forest naked! Her flee ridden body, her only shield against the cold winter night. Sera blinked
Once …twice…thrice, as her tear stricken eyes grew accustomed to the dark, trees that’s all that was there to see, that’s all she hoped to see. They were her only source of comfort, hope, her refuge. They were her home.

With shaky hands, Sera groped around looking for something, anything to hide her wrenched shameful nakedness. Even covered by the starless nights that engulf the deep lifeless forest she could still envision the ugliness that was her body. The tiny sheet that she had wrapped around her bruised and battered body earlier that night was now lying a few feet from her, barely recognizable, it reeked of vomit, rum, tobacco and blood, his and hers. She couldn’t bring herself to touch it, not just yet.
A warm thick fowl smelling liquid run down her thighs. Puzzled and frightened , Sera run her cold frost bitten fingers slowly betwixt her inner legs and followed the trail to the warm pulse beating between her legs and slowly brought it up to her nose, her fingers, they smelt of blood, blood and cum, his cum?
“Nooo…,’’ Sera screamed Before breaking into a cold sweat, she felt the bile rise up her throat and saturate in her mouth till she could test it on her tongue. Surely this couldn’t be her fate, anything but this! Her once calm body was trembling a new, as a fresh wave of hysteria shook her body. Her soft sobs turning into loud manic growls as she tore at her malnourished flee infested flesh, pus and blood oozing out of her torn flesh.
Exhausted, Sera had finally passed out; the air around her body, now smelling of flesh burnt and burning, rotten and rotting…human… flesh. She still trembled, whether as a result of her inner demons or from the cold I know not, but am guessing the latter. Deep lines creased her brows and her dry red lips moved as if in conversation. Once or twice she screamed out a name…..
Not just any name, she screamed my name!!


Blood rushed into my groins, and I could feel my body tingle with excitement. “You sick bastard I thought to myself,” as I quickly tried to wipe the smirk off my rugged face. I could feel a bulge push against my body hugging coal stained pair of Levi jeans, and instantly felt like an animal. My blood shot eyes glued a single red nipple nestled upon a pale voluptuous breast, a breast that belonged to my little Sera.
My sister...
Instantly I felt sick with disgust, how could I do such

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