...biggest contributing factor for the proneness to disasters. Due to the funnel shaped coast, Bangladesh often becomes the landing ground and breeding place of catastrophic cyclones formed in the Bay of Bengal. The high number of casualties is due to the fact that cyclones are always associated with storm surges. The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP) is being a joint venture with the Government of Bangladesh, The CPP is an organic component of the nation’s institutional early warning system as clearly defined in the “Standing Order on Disasters”. The BDRCS CPP program is the most successful and an effective model program of its kind in the South-East Asian region. CPP is an effective, grass-root oriented, disciplined and tightly knits organization which is dedicated to the task of protecting the population along with community capacity build up activities. This programme based on the voluntary service of community people and their technical skills and commitment to ensure sufficient warning dissemination, shelter management, search & rescue and first aid services enabling them to cope with the approaching cyclone. This study has been Vol. 2 No. 2 December 2009 u 15 carried out to find the communities perspective about the volunteers performance in time of disaster event. Keywords: Preparedness, warning dissemination, rescue, first aid, risk reduction. Bangladesh is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. Its geographic location...
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...CIRDAP The Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is a regional, intergovernmental and autonomous institution. It was established in 1979 at the initiative of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations with support from other UN organisations and donor countries/agencies. The member countries of CIRDAP are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh (host state), Fiji Islands, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The main objectives of the Centre are to: (i) assist national action, (ii) promote regional cooperation, and (iii) act as a servicing institution for its member countries for promotion of integrated rural development through research, action research, training and information dissemination. Amelioration of rural poverty in the Asia-Pacific region has been the prime concern of CIRDAP. The programme priorities of CIRDAP are set under four Areas of Concern: 1) Agrarian development; 2) Institutional/infrastructural development; 3) Resource development including human resources; and 4) Employment. Within these areas of concern, the thematic areas are: Poverty alleviation through participatory approaches with emphasis on social sector development (e.g. health, education and nutrition); Employment generation through microcredit support, infrastructure development and local resource mobilisation;...
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...Role of local Government ministry In Bangladesh economy Submitted to Shahnawaz Mohammad Rafi Faculty of Economics American International University-Bangladesh Submitted by Islam Md. Ashraful 09-14107-2 Mow Farzana Sultana 09-18984-2 Dewanjee Tushar Kanti 09-13918-2 Md. Faisal Al Imran 09-13998-2 Imtiaz Ashfaq 09-13932-2 Islam Md. Rashedul 09-14203-2 Role of local Government ministry In Bangladesh economy Bangladesh is a poor country. Most of the people live below the poverty line. Our GDP depends on Agriculture and industry. As a newly independent (1971) country Bangladesh is struggling with huge population, low per capita income, mass poverty, unemployment and underemployment, illiteracy, child labor, malnutrition, corruption, and related social problems. The economy of the country is poor and based on the rural agricultural sector, but natural disasters - mainly floods, affects the economy annually which delays economic progress. Rural-urban disparity in terms of per capita income, consumption, education, health facilities, and physical infrastructure is an important developmental issue in Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh and a significant number of non-government organizations (NGOs) are working to improve the socioeconomic conditions of rural poor people of the country. To improve the economic development of the country the local Government ministry should work for it. Bangladesh economy depends on some several sectors...
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...Research on Environment: Developmental Strategy for Cyclone Dev 101 Brac University Group Members: * Sadman Kabir Mohammed * Shamma Nafisa * Nusrat Sarmin * Tanzibul Islam Ridoy * Environment: Developmental strategy for Cyclone Bangladesh is a newly independent country; this country is only 43 years old. But, within her little age she faces different problems. Still she is fighting and her only weapon is development. Bangladesh passed her four decades through different development projects. Among them environmental developments is one of her priorities. Environment is that section which controls other development process such in a way that if it is not ensured other developments will not going to fit. Moreover, it is environment which leads a nation how will be its economy, health care policy, education system and most important way of development; is it going to take more time or less. So, environment development is most important. According to world caution report 2012 in case of climate vulnerability among all 173 countries Bangladesh is 5th. From 1980 there have been more than 200 natural disaster occurred in our country, about 200,000 people died, more than 17 billion dollar of wealth damaged. But most of these disasters are cyclone. As Bangladesh stands beside the Bay of Bengal, every year in the month of April, May, October & November there is always cyclone. As most of the people go to southern districts to seek job, the chance of losing...
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...Natural Hazard any natural event which has an adverse socio-economic impact on the human being. Alternatively, an extreme natural event, such as a cyclone, an earthquake or a flood, that is not caused by human beings. These are naturally occurring phenomena that only become hazardous due to the intervention of human infrastructure. The vulnerability of human infrastructure to destruction (risk) by a disaster is also an important factor in understanding natural hazards. The distribution and impact of natural hazards is unequal with greatest loss of life and property in the developing part of the world. This is not because of greater hazard frequency but simply because of greater vulnerability. Therefore, the people in the developing countries are at high risk than those of developed countries. Combining the risk factor the natural hazard can be defined as the probability of a change in the natural environment of a given magnitude occurring within specified time period in a given area while the associated risk is the consequent damage or loss of life, property and services. The frequency of major hazard appears to have increased since 1960 and the number of people killed each year has decreased at a rate of about 6% and the loss or property has also decreased steadily. This has taken place owing to increased awareness and better hazard management. The increase in the frequency of hazard can be assigned to such factors as better global news coverage, increasing population, increasing urbanization...
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...Bangladesh is the ninth largest country in the world by population (164.4 million people) and is one of the most densely populated. Almost half of its 164.4 million people live on less than US$1.25 a day (World Bank, 2005) and 80% on less than US$2.00 a day (DFID, 2011). The size and density of the population, together with regular extreme weather events, such as floods and cyclones, make the country extremely vulnerable to natural hazards becoming natural disasters. During the last ten years, 12 major natural disasters have impacted upon millions of people in Bangladesh, including floods in 2004, which affected 36 million people, and Cyclone Sidr in 2007, which affected over nine million people. Since 2000, US$430 million has been raised for disaster response with over half of it allocated to the humanitarian operation following Cyclone Sidr. Aside from a history of natural disasters, an estimated 300,000 refugees of the Muslim minority Rohinga ethnic group have fled from neighbouring Myanmar since being stripped of their citizenship in 1982, and are now resident in Bangladesh. Tens of thousands live in official and informal refugee settlements, while a far larger number live as ‘illegal economic migrants’ throughout Bangladesh. The Rohinga refugee crisis is often considered a ‘forgotten’ crisis. The frequency of disasters has prompted a strong domestic capacity working to prevent...
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...Term Paper on “Climate Change and Bangladesh” Submitted by 1.Quazi Nizam Uddin, ID-5176 2.Kazi Golam Quddus,ID-5168 MBA(F) 4th Batch , Fall semister-2010 Submitted for Mohammad Jahangir Alam Asst Professor , Jahangir Nagar University & South East University Quantitative Analysis for Business decision (Bus-5119) Introduction As a part of our MBA course program we have to submit a term paper. As our course teacher selected the topics “Climate Change and Bangladesh”. Accordingly we have to write on this topic. Climate change is a long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in the average weather conditions or a change in the distribution of weather events with respect to an average, for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events. Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth. In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as global warming or anthropogenic global warming Bangladesh is frequently cited as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change because of its disadvantageous geographic location, flat and low-lying topography...
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...Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics, 2011;2(2): 4-19 RIVERBANK EROSION DISPLACEES IN BANGLADESH: NEED FOR INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSE AND POLICY INTERVENTION MD Fakrul Islam, Ph.D, and A.N.M. Bazlur Rashid, Ph.D. 1. Professor, Department of Social works, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh 2. University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh ABSTRACT: Environmental refugees are one of the most burning issues at this time throughout the world. Bangladesh, a riverine country, is suffering from acquit riverbank erosion which compels millions of her population to be displaced from their place of origin. As such, 283 locations, 85 towns and growth centers, along with 2400 kilometers of riverbank line in Bangladesh are vulnerable to erosion. The major rivers e.g., the Padma, the Jamuna, and the Meghna, erode several thousand hectares of floodplain making thousands of people landless and homeless every year. Along with the floodplain, Bangladesh loses several kilometers of roads, railways, and flood-control embankments annually. No other disaster is as disastrous as riverbank erosion and ‘Internally Displaced Populations’ (IDP) face many unavoidable problems at different stages of displacement. Displacement marginalized them in respect of livelihood patterns and psycho-physical troubles. Such forty million homeless people in Bangladesh are compelled to lead a floating life. Riverbank erosion plays a major role in socio-environmental changes. The displaced people of riverbank erosion experience substantial...
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...Vulnerability of Aila 2009 Affected Women, Ailapur, Khulna, Bangladesh. Atikul Islam Department of Sociology. University of Dhaka. March, 2011. Contents: Introduction: Causes of Aila: Aila of May, 2009: Consequences of Aila: Present situation of Ailapur Village Women: Housing and habitation: Loss of Livelihoods: Change in Livelihoods: Food Crisis: Drinking Water Crisis: Warm cloths crisis: Cold wave and diseases: Sanitation problem: Water borne Diseases: Women specific health problem: Hypertension. Reproductive Health. Gender Violence: Conclusion: Introduction: The Bay of Bengal, a northern and extended arm of the Indian Ocean and covering about 510,000 square km, is probably the "rebellious daughter" of the ocean who often turns too angry and smashes the lives of thousands along its huge coastlines particularly in the months of May and October each year. Actually, the coast of Bangladesh is known as a zone of multiple vulnerabilities. It is prone to severe natural disasters, such as cyclones, storm surges, and floods(The daily star, June 1, 2009). Aila of May 2009 is one of the most vulnerable disasters that causes hundreds of people’s death, massive damage of crops, domestic animals etc. Evan after two years of Aila, Aila affected people particularly women are in vulnerable situation. Their vulnerability are discussed in the below. Sources of data and methodology: The data for this study have been collected from the field Using qualitative...
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...Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim International Islamic University Chittagong Department of ELL An assignment on Climate change and its effect on Bangladesh Course code: URBS-4802 Course title: Bangladesh Studies Prepared for: Mohammad Tawhidul Islam Lecturer Department of CEN-URC International Islamic University Chittagong Prepared by: Mohammad Sahidul Islam Matric no: N081025 Department of ELL International Islamic University Chittagong Date of submission: 21st January, 2012 Introduction: The coastal areas of Bangladesh are different from rest of the country because of their unique geo-physical characteristics and different socio-political consequences that often limit people’s access to endowed resources and perpetuate risk and vulnerabilities. Bangladesh’s coast is the biggest victim to natural disasters and highly affected by climate change with problems including salinity and water logging, soil erosion, flooding and cyclones. A dramatic increase in the level of interest and concern relating to the impact of “Climate Change” on Bangladesh is readily apparent. The consequential high level of visibility of this issue within Government, Civil Society and the international community...
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...Bangladeshi local NGOs and their documents in related sea level rise. Sea level rise: Impacts on Bangladesh and the role of NGOs Introduction: climate change is one of the most raising issues in contemporary world. Global warming is an important cause if climate change. The temperature of the world is increasing day by day. As a result the ice of arctic areas is melting. And this is raising the sea level. Though the temperature is increasing equally all over the world but all the countries of the world are not equally affected by this global warming. Usually costal areas, islands, and lower lands are mostly affected by this sea level rise. They are flooded badly each year because of this sea level rise. Global warming not only affects the environmental life but also they affect the political economic and infrastructural basis. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries of sea level rise. As it is a costal and lower land, so here lives and properties are at a severe risk. One of the island of Bangladesh, named South Talpatti Island has already sank because of sea level rise. NGOs role is very important for Bangladesh. NGOs can play vital role in many ways. NGOs can supply knowledge and information through research which is essential for making strategy and action plan for Bangladesh Government....
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...Excerpt from PAI working paper Nabil Haque Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Bangladesh Development Policies Connecting the dots with Population Pressure A great number of assessments studied the vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate change impacts due to its unique geographic location, dominance of floodplains, low elevation, high population density, high levels of poverty, and overwhelming dependence on natural resources and services. The country has a history of extreme climatic events claiming millions of lives and destroying past development gains. Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of such events like floods and cyclones. Bangladesh has come a long way in developing national adaptation strategies and is currently leading this approach among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Adaptation is now an integral part of development strategies, and given the scale of the impacts, most ministries are gearing up for sector-wise adaptation. 1 Significant steps have been taken after the publication of National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) in 2005, where immediate and urgent needs of adaptation have been identified. In 2008, a supplement to the NAPA was introduced called “The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan”, which is built on six pillars – five of them related to impact management and one related to mitigation through low carbon development. The government has solely focused its adaptation approach to livelihood...
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...CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND BD PERSPECTIVE INTRODUCTION 1. Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. A change of climate which is attributed/influenced directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate changeability observed over comparable time periods. In the latter sense it may be qualified as anthropogenic change of climate, more generally known as "global warming" or "Anthropogenic Global Warming" (AGW). 2. Presently this rapid climate change has become the major catastrophe and the greatest threat of the 21st century. No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change. Appreciating the consequences, many a times heads of frontier states, Heads of Governments, Ministers, and other heads of delegations sited together and formed various international agreements to bring down the carbon emission to a level to keep the planet liveable. But the summit concluded without expected consensus/agreement. 3. In pursuant to the present context of climate change, this paper will endeavour to highlight the various causes of world climate change, effects of it and summary of recent Copenhagen accord, analysis, criticism and cause of failure of the accord and the remedial measures to combat climate change in the suffering countries. AIM 4. The aim of this paper...
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...the coastal areas of Bangladesh, and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (Equitybd) is an advocacy and campaign component of COAST Trust. We have strong advocacy and campaigning program on coastal livelihood development, climate change and environment. We are trying to provide technical and financial support to the coastal poor people to improve their livelihoods. COAST implements its entire advocacy program with Community Led Approach (CLP). Under its Social Justice section COAST works to develop People’s Organization or Community Based Organizations (CBO) with the participation or leadership of the poor themselves. The main aim of the social justice section is to ensure social justice, in other words empowerment for the coastal people. As one of the core division of COAST, Social Justice (SJ) division is aiming to build counter leadership from the poor at local level who has the capacity for demand mediation, ability to organize local issue-based movement, empowers to challenge any irregularity. SJ also act as catalyst for having public service and rights in between public agencies and people; strengthening local government institution; action and awareness on human rights issues; support to protect violence against women (VAW) and acid throwing; political reform; and enhance capacity of democratic institutions at local level. 2. Coastal Area of Bangladesh, Climate Change Issue And Fishermen Communities: Bangladesh is sloping gently from...
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...China and Bangladesh signed a series of agreements on oil, gas, mineral and agricultural cooperation during a four-day official visit to China by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The two countries issued a joint statement in Beijing, in which both sides agreed to build a “closer comprehensive partnership of cooperation” to better contribute to regional and world peace and counter global challenges. China is to provide preferential tariff treatment to more Bangladeshi products, while Bangladesh would encourage more enterprises to participate in the Shanghai World Expo and other commodity fairs in China to boost exports, the statement said. The two countries also signed agreements on a concessional loan offered by China to Bangladesh and the construction of the seventh Bangladesh-China Friendship Bridge at Kajirtek. The two countries would carry out cooperation in hybrid rice cultivation technology, farm products processing and technical personnel training, according to the statement. Moreover, both sides decided to strengthen cooperation on flood control, disaster alleviation, water resources management and hydrological data sharing, it said. Bangladesh hoped China would launch a communications satellite for Bangladesh in the near future and China expressed interest in cooperating, said the statement. A team of Chinese medical experts would visit Bangladesh to offer free medical treatment to cataract patients. China agreed to increase the number of scholarships...
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