...zarBanālās ziņas (sievietes-emocionālas, mājas, vardarbība.., vīrieši –mediju pamats) Tēmas, kas tradicionāli saistāmas ar „sieviešu auditoriju/jomu”-attiecības, ķermeņa skaistums, mājasdarbi ir pārnestas sabiedriskajā sfērā. Tā ir diskutabla tēma, vai tas ir labs gājiens, jo šīs tēmas par kurām diskutēs neieņem/ nav paredzētas ‘publisku/sabiedrisku’ statusu. Šādas tēmas novērš sabiedrības uzmanību no svarīgām publiskām tēmām kā valdības darbs, oficiālu valsts pārstāvju izteikumiem utt. Politiskās dzīves dabību, valsts pārvaldes niansēm. Tādu vērtību un darbību, kas reiz skaitījās ekskluzīvas privātajā fērā ielušanās publisko jomu laukā ietekmēs publiskās sfēras adekvātumu un apdraudēs diskursa efektivitāti. Medijiem, feminizējoties, ziņās parādās arvien vairāk slavenību un publiski atpazīstamu personu skandāli, tenkas. Sabiedrībā izceļot tādus jautājumus, kas skar izvarošanu, vardarbību pret sievieti u.c., sievietes var dalīties savā pieredzē, pasniedzot to kā sabiedrisku problēmu, lai mainītu šādas situācijas. Izceļot ļaunprātības, pastāv iespēja tās apturēt sabiedrības mērogā. (šādas ziņas ir audzinoša rakstura-mainīt lietas, kārtības) Attiecības, mājasdarbi, bērnu audzināšana ir daļa no cilvēku sabiedrības un ir nepieciešama atpazīt. Sākotnēji vīriešu un sieviešu interesējošās tematikas medijos būtiski atšķīrās, bet nu mūsdienu medijos tās saplūst. Banālas un niecīgas ziņas par slavenībām, citām nepolitiskām personām, pamatojoties uz Connell, strādā, kā sabiedrības...
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...Essay Designing a Security Strategy Geo-Probe Inc. (GPI) 20 years in business, a company with constant growth and success. GPI provides construction management, engineering design, programming and environmental planning, and other A-E projects in support of a, industry, different government and commercial clients. GPI has 300 employees and ten branch office locations. GPI has many computers and network device attach to their network like any other business. Here is GPI Current network topology. Computer networked devices and peripheral is most overlooked and common security threat to corporate assets. (Darb, 2010). Multifunction copiers and digital devices are very intelligent machines complete with their OS, hard drives, and supportive subsystems (Darb, 2010). Every time you scan, copy or faxed something the image is stay behind on the system device. When employees scan a file documents to a server or any other source from a multifunction copiers may also not knowingly sending files across the network unprotected (Posey, 2008). The data is at risk as much as getting hacked from outside. Geo-Probe Inc. purchases innovative multifunction devices because they can consolidate multiple copiers into a single device (Posey, 2008). Also, these multifunction devices deliver cost saving in printing services, and maintenance. However, these devices poses security threat and fall in the radar screen of IT department security strategies (Posey, 2008). From a network standpoint GPI...
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...Kredītrisks ir zaudējumu rašanās iespēja gadījumā, ja darījuma partneris nespēs vai atteiksies pildīt līguma nosacījumiem atbilstošās saistības pret banku.( http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=203168&from=off) Kaut gan kredītrisks piemīt visiem darījumiem , kur vienai pusei rodas finanšu aktīvi, bet otrai finanšu saistības, bankām šīs risks ir it īpaši aktuāls, jo galvenais banku ienākumu pamats ir tieši kredītu izsniegšana, kas pēc savas būtības jau ir paaugstināta riska darījums, jo prasti tiek noslēgts uz īsāku vai garāku laika posmu, kura gaitā kredītņēmēja finansiāls stāvokli var krasi mainīties. Tāpēc bankām ir ļoti svarīgi kvalitatīvi veikt šī riska pārvaldību, kas ir jebkuras komercbankas veiksmīgas attīstības pamats. Pārvaldība Latvijas komercbankās pirmkārt notiek Kredītiestāžu likuma ietvaros , otrkārt, balstoties uz Kredītriska pārvaldīšanas ieteikumiem, kas ietver sevī Bāzeles Banku uzraudzības komitejas "Kredītriska pārvaldīšanas principus" un saskaņā ar Finansu un kapitāla tirgus komisijas "Ieteikumiem iekšējās kontroles sistēmas izveidošanai" (http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=55790&from=off) un treškārt, pašu banku iekšējie dokumenti un procedūras (kredītpolitikas, iekšējās procedūras – piem., zini savu klientu, izsniegto kredītu kontrolēšanas procedūras) Runājot par kreditēšanas procesu, var izšķirt trīs procesus: 1. Klienta novērtēšana – cik klients ir drošs, kāda ir bijusi viņa kredītvēsture, vai ir uzkrātais kapitāls, viņa esošie ienākumi un perspektīvas darba...
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...projects include but are not limited to: o Leading, managing, supervising and leading the exhibition and conference. o Managing, recruiting and supervising the team of 20 employees for the conference and exhibition. o Preparing, managing and controlling the financial overview of the project. o Prepared the project concept, milestones and master-plan. o Setting the agency’s performance objectives and monitoring the progress towards achieving them. o Supervising, leading and monitoring Sales / Media and Marketing / Operations / Accounting departments (Conference and Exhibition). (More details on the job description upon request) Project Manager for the following projects: • Qatar National Day – Corniche Celebrations 2011 • Qatar National Day – Darb Al Saai Celebrations 2012 • Qatar Career Fair 2012: Vodafone Stand • Vodafone Stand at QITCOM 2012 • National Sports Day 2012 Curriculum Vitae – Rinal Chaaban______________________ __________...
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...Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome Reģ. Nr.40008009084 Raiņa bulvāris 19-144, LV-1586, Rīga, Latvija Tālrunis 67034317, Fakss 67034316, E-pasts: lusp@lusp.lv Apstiprināts Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padomes 08.10.2012. sēdē (protokols Nr. 1-3/KS-9) Latvijas Universitātes Radio NABA raidījumu konkurss NOLIKUMS 1. Vispārīgie noteikumi 1. Latvijas Universitātes Radio Naba (turpmāk tekstā – Radio) raidījumu konkursu (turpmāk tekstā – konkurss) organizē Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome (LU SP) un Latvijas Universitātes Sabiedrisko attiecību departaments (LU SAD). 2. Konkurss tiek atklāts 2012.gada 9. oktobrī un noslēgsies 2012.gada 30. novembrī. 2. Konkursa mērķi 1. Veidojot raidījumus Radio programmā,veicināt studentu interesi par raidījumu veidošanas procesu, pielietot un papildināt jau iegūtās zināšanas. 2. Bagātināt LU kultūras dzīvi, stiprināt studentu piederības sajūtu LU. 3. Sniegt iespēju LU studentiem aktīvi līdzdarboties Radio programmas veidošanā. Iesaistīt LU studentus Radio programmas veidošanā – raidījumu, ziņu vadīšanā un/vai producēšanā. 3. Konkursa norise 1. Konkurss notiek valsts valodā. 2. Konkursa dalībnieks (turpmāk tekstā - Dalībnieks) izveido idejas aprakstu. Aprakstā norādot, ko vēlas īstenot Radio programmā un iesniedz to rakstiski saskaņā ar nolikuma nosacījumiem. 3. LU SP, LU SAD konkursa ietvaros Dalībniekam nodrošina informācijas, dažādu resursu (radio studija...
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...Managing Archaeological Sites Essay 1 Given that the involvement of local communities is important in the management of archaeological sites, what could be done to encourage their participation? Despite periodic and geographical fluctuations in participation rates throughout the history of the discipline, local communities have always formed the pulse of archaeological developments across the globe, weaving the past with the present to form a living tradition paradosi (the transmission of tangible and intangible particles of a still evolving history), as opposed to kleronomia (heritage, or things inherited from a dead relative) (Lekakis 2008, 315). The histories excavated and dusted off by archaeologists belong to these communities, who not only give them context and meaning, but also support and fund the process of restoration, and it is their participation and endorsement that guarantees the longevity and sustainability of that process. This essay will first examine the theoretical implications of defining ‘the local community’ – in various ways – upon its relationship with the heritage industry, and, by extension, upon its levels of participation. It will then attempt to answer the question of whether these local communities should be included in the decision making process as a means to sustain archaeology, or if in fact archaeology should be harnessed as a tool to rehabilitate and develop local communities in a self-sustainable manner, while cultivating a healthy, heuristic...
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...1. Par „The Body Shop” «The Body Shop» 1976.gadā Lielbritānijā dibināja Anita Rodika (Anita Roddick), izveidojot nelielu mājās gatavotas kosmētikas ražotni. Pateicoties unikālai uzņēmuma filosofijai, «The Body Shop» izveidojies par starptautisku kosmētikas uzņēmumu, kas pašlaik darbojas 60 pasaules valstīs. Atšķirībā no daudzām citām kompānijām šīs kosmētikas industrijas pārstāvji pauž savu nostāju ētikas normu ievērošanā. Produkcijas ražošana balstās uz pieciem principiem: * neviena kosmētiskās produkcijas sastāvdaļa netiek testēta uz dzīvniekiem; arī iepērkot kādas sastāvdaļas no citām kompānijām, šis princips tiek pārbaudīts un ievērots; * tirdzniecības veicināšana ar trūcīgajām kopienām pasaulē, tādējādi palīdzot to ekonomiskajā attīstībā. Izejvielas iepērk gan Afrikā, gan arī attīstīto valstu trūcīgajos rajonos. Piemēram, Somijas ziemeļos ievāc mellenes, ko izmanto krēmu ražošanā. Šiem ļaudīm piedāvā cilvēka cienīgu samaksu; * cilvēka pašapziņas celšana. «The Body Shop» piedāvā sievietēm, vīriešiem un bērniem paredzētus ādas kopšanas līdzekļus, matu kosmētiku un dekoratīvo kosmētiku. Tā ir prestiža masu produkcija un ražota galvenokārt no dabīgām izejvielām. Kosmētikas firma nodarbojas arī ar labdarību, tiek rīkotas dažādas akcijas, kampaņas un semināri pret vardarbību un cilvēktiesību neievērošanu; * vēršanās pret planētas piesārņojumu. «The Body Shop» produkcija tiek iepildīta vienkāršos plastmasas trauciņos, kas ir otrreiz pārstrādājami. Veikalā...
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...Rīgas Pedagoģijas un izglītības vadības akadēmijas 1. V kursa studenta Autora Vārds un uzvārds referāts Ekonomikā BUDŽETS Rīga, 2011. SATURS BUDŽETA DEFINĪCIJA 3 BUDŽETA RAŠANĀS VĒSTURE 3 BUDŽETA GATAVOŠANAS MĒRĶI 4 BUDŽETU VEIDI 4 ELASTĪGAIS BUDŽETS 5 FIKSĒTAIS BUDŽETS 5 BUDŽETU TIPI 6 VALSTS BUDŽETS 7 IZMANTOTĀ LITERATŪRA 8 BUDŽETA DEFINĪCIJA Budžets – (franču bougette – maks, soma) – vispārīgā nozīmē ir ieņēmumu un izdevumu plāns noteiktam laika posmam, darbam, pasākumam vai funkcijai. Budžetu plaši pielieto ģimenes (mājsaimniecības), uzņēmumi, valstis, pašvaldības u.t.t. Budžets tiek plānots arī īstenojot dažādus projektus. Budžets ir finansu plāns konkrētam laika periodam, kas ir sadalīts naudas vienībās. Laiku, kuram plāns sastādīts, sauc par budžeta periodu. Budžeta nosaukums radies 18.gadsimta Francijā – karaļa Luija XVI laikā. Par budžetu (bougette) sauca ādas somu, kurā valsts mantzinis nesa karalim uz izskatīšanu valsts ieņēmumu un izdevumu aprēķinus. BUDŽETA RAŠANĀS VĒSTURE Mūsdienu valsts finanšu sitēmas viens no galvenajiem elementiem ir budžets, kuru pēc tā sastādīšanas apstiprina valsts augstākais likumdošanas orgāns un kuram pēc tā pieņemšanas ir likuma spēks. Mūsdienu valsts...
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...web: http://navakal.org, e-mail- navakal.1923@gmail.com df©-91 A§H$-202 _w§~B© ewH«$dma 27 gßQ>|~a 2013 g§nmXH$ … gm¡. O`lr Im{S>bH$a-nm§S>o nmZo-12 qH$‘V:< 4 RNI Regd No. 1814/57 REGD. No. MH/MR/SOUTH-143/2012-14 EH$‘od ñdV§Ì X¡{ZH$ EH$ Midi X¡{ZH$ "ZdmH$mi'Mr Img ^oQ> nmM VéUtMm ‘oH$Amoìha! A˶§V à{gÕ ã¶w{Q>{e¶Z {Xár XodmZr "ZdmH$mi'À¶m dmMH$ Agboë¶m nmM VéUtMm ‘mo’$V ‘oH$Amoìha H$ê$Z XoUma Amho. hoAaH$Q>, hm¶bmB©Q>, ‘oH$An Ago ~aoM H$mhr H$ê$Z Vw‘Mo ê$nM A{YH$ AmH$f©H$ Ho$bo OmB©b. ¶mgmR>r Vw‘Mm gܶmMm ’$moQ>mo, d¶, {ejU, nÎmm nwT>rb B-‘obda bdH$amV bdH$a nmR>dm Am{U ^m½¶d§V ~Zm. (Á¶m VéUtMm ‘oH$Amoìha Ho$bm OmB©b ˶m§Mo AmYrMo d ‘oH$Amoìha Z§VaMo ’$moQ>mo "ZdmH$mi'‘ܶo à{gÕ Ho$bo OmVrb. nmMhr VéUtÀ¶m {ZdS>rMo gdm©{YH$mar "ZdmH$mi' g§nmXH$m§H$S>o amhVrb. ‘oH$Amoìha Z§Va H$moU˶mhr àH$maMr VH«$ma H$aVm ¶oUma Zmhr ¶mMr Zm|X ¿¶mdr) Ëdam H$am : ’$moQ>mo nmR>dm B-‘ob - youngbuzz2013@gmail.com dH$sb åhUVmV, Amamonr nimbm Y¸$mXm¶H$ KQ>Zm R>mUo Ooba åhUVmV {gamO H«$mB©‘ ~«°ÝMH$S>o eº$s {‘b‘ܶo A˶mMma H$aUmam à‘wI Amamonr Amho Hw$R>o? ‘w§~B©, Jwédma - 22 dfu¶ N>m¶m{MÌH$ma VéUrda eº$s {‘b H§$nmD§$S>‘ܶo gm‘y{hH$ ~bmËH$ma H$aUmè¶m ZamY‘m§Zm Ad¿¶m 36 Vmgm§V Ooa~§X H$ê$Z ‘w§~B© nmo{bgm§Zr gmè¶m OJmMr dmhìdm {‘i{dbr hmoVr. ‘mÌ, AmO ñH$m°Q>b±S> ¶mS>©À¶m Z§Va ZmdmOë¶m OmUmè¶m ‘w§~B© nmobrg XbmMr nma ~oB‚mV Pmbr. AmO eº$s {‘b‘ܶo gm‘y{hH$ ~bmËH$ma H$aUmè¶m ZamY‘m§Mm åhmoa³¶m {gamO aoh‘mZ ImZ hm ~onÎmm Agë¶mMr ‘m{hVr {deof gaH$mar dH$sb C‚db {ZH$‘ ¶m§Zr gÌ...
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..._ëb {dÚoMo nmoqeXo - amOfu emhÿ _hmamO àm.S>m°. eoIa Zm. {eagmR> emar[aH$ {ejU Am{U H«$sS>m {d^mJà_wI, Xod{Jar _hm{dÚmb`, Am¡a§Jm~mX. shekhar_shirsath@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------amOfu emhÿ _hmamO ho Ho$di _„{dÚoMo nmoqeXo ZìhVo Va Vo ñdV:hr nÅ>rMo n¡bdmZ hmoVo. åhUyZM Ë`m§Mm H$mbI§S> AmYw{ZH$ ^maVr` Hw$ñVr na§naogmR>r gwdU©`wJ R>abm Amho. emhÿ _hmamO ho {Zð>md§V ~bmonmgH$ hmoVo. 1894 gmbr Ë`m§Mm gÎmmamohU g_ma§^ Pmbm. H$a{da ZJarbm EH$ ^¸$_ H¥$VrMm, gw{ejrV Am{U ì`gZa{hV amOm {_imbm. amÁ`H$ma^mamV JT>boë`m amOmbm _mÌ ~bmonmgZoMm {dga nS>bm Zmhr. amÁ`mamohU : emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr amÁ`mamohU{Z{_Îm 1894 gmbr H$moëhmnyabm EH$ Hw$ñË`mMo O§Jr _¡XmZ ^a{dbo. Ë`m _¡XmZmbm _„{dXoÀ`m joÌmV EH$ Eo{Vhm{gH$ _hÎd Amho. {dO`r _„mà_mUoM nam^yV _„m§Zmhr _hmamOm§Zr ^aKmog ~{jgo {Xbr. H$moU qOH$bo AWdm H$moU habo, `mÀ`mnojm H$moU H$go bT>bo `mbm A{YH$ _hÎd Amho. EImXm n¡bdmZ habm åhUOo Vmo H$_r XOm©Mm _„ hmoVmo hr {dMmagaUr emhÿ _hmamOm§Zm _mÝ` ZìhVr. habobm _„ {dO`r _„mBVH$m H$gXma, X_Xma Am{U H$m¡eë`nyU© Agy eH$Vmo. åhUyZ {dO`r n¡bdmZm§à_mUoM nam^yV n¡bdmZm§Zmhr nm[aVmo{fHo$ àXmZ H$ê$Z Ë`mMr H$Xa H$am`Mm hm ZdrZ nm`§S>m emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr nmS>bm. Ë`m§Zr nmS>boë`m ZdrZ nm`§S>çm_wio Hw$ñVr {dH$mgmbm JVr {_imbr. Hw$ñVr~amo~aM ì`m`m_mMohr _hÎd dmT>{dÊ`mMm àm_m{UH$ à`ËZ emhÿ _hmamOm§Zr Ama§^ Ho$bm. Ë`mgmR>r Amnë`m OwÝ`m amOdmS>çmVM "_moVr~mJ' Vmbr_ gwê$ Ho$br. Vmb_rda Ë`m§Zr ñdhñVo EH$ \$bH$ bmdbm. Ë`mda {b{hbo hmoVo, ""n{hbo eara g§nÎmr, Xwgar nwÌ g§nÎmr d {Vgar...
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...call kuffaar to Islam by means of religious songs (nasheeds) accompanied by musical instruments When we want to attract Christians to Islam, is it permissible to use religious songs accompanied by music? Is it permissible to have a group called a religious group because they sing religious songs accompanied by musical instruments? Praise be to Allaah. In my opinion there is no need to attract people in this manner; you should use permissible means such as listening to Qur’aan with proper tajweed and tarteel (correct recitation) and listening to eloquent ahaadeeth which move the listener, and beneficial, moving poems (qaseedahs) and nasheeds. You can also provide clear proof of what is good about Islam and explain its teachings and noble aims which will demonstrate that it is the religion that befits the natural inclinations of man (deen al-fitrah) and encompasses all the interests of mankind. Whoever can only be attracted by things that include forbidden elements such as singing, instruments and music is no good and I do not think that he can be attracted to Islam at all. And Allaah knows best. From al-Lu’lu’ al-Makeen min Fataawaa Ibn Jibreen, p. 28 Organizing singing parties and soirees In some cities and regions it is very common to people to organize singing parties and soirees where they listen to songs and trilling songs or verses from the local area and elsewhere, or to stage series of plays in some literary clubs, to which they invite singers and actors...
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...1.1 Origin of the Report: This Internship Report has been prepared under the Internship program, an indispensable part of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program. For the internship purpose, I chose Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL), Mirpur-10 Branch and prepare this report on the investment related activities of the organization. 1.2 Objective of the Study The primary objective of this report is to observe the investment related activities for the Investment Department of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Mirpur-10 Branch. The other objectives include: • To understand the different modes of investment of IBBL, Mirpur-10 Branch. • To familiarize with the various investment schemes offered by Mirpur-10 Branch. • To get the practical exposure of the banking activities. • To adapt with the corporate environment. 1.3 Scope of the Study In this report I have focused on all the qualitative which include profiles of IBBL, investment modes like Bai mode, Profit & loss sharing, bearing mode, Rent sharing mode, different schemes of investment such as household durable schemes, housing investment scheme, transport investment scheme, car investment scheme, investment scheme for doctors small business investment scheme, rural development scheme, etc. and lastly financial performances have been depicted. 1.4 Methodology of the Study The data required for this study were collected from both primary and secondary sources; however, majority of the information...
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...General Banking Operations General banking provides the foundation of banker – customer relation ship through openingaccount. This is the busiest department and the daily transactions of concerned to thecustomers for drawing or depository money , selling of the instrument to them for remittance purpose, collection of their instruments providing other services to them and keep customer section busy.Usually the following sections/departments are involved to perform the general bankingoperations: ˃ Cash Section ˃ Bills & Remittance Section ˃ Clearing and Collection Section ˃ Accounts Section Mudaraba The word 'Mudaraba' has been derived from Arabic word 'Darb'/'Darbun' which means“Travel”. Thus the word ‘Mudaraba’ means travel for undertaking business.Mudaraba is a form of partnership in profit whereby one party provides capital and the other party provides skill and labour.The provider of capital is called ‘Shahib-al-Mal’ or the ‘Rabb-ul-Mal’ (the financier or owner of the fund) and acts like a sleeping or dormant partner while the provider of skill and labour is called ‘Mudarib’ (entrepreneur/organizer) who provides the entrepreneurship andmanagement for carrying on any venture, trade, industry or service with the objectives of earning profits.Both the parties share the profit as per pre-agreed ratio and the losses, if any, being borne bythe provider of capital i.e. ‘Shahib-al-Mal’ except if it is due to breach of trust, misconduct,negligence or violation of the...
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...INTRODUCTION 1.1 Origin Of The Study Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a specialized course on Business Administration. International Business Administration and Information System University (IBAISU) provide this specialized program to contribute efficient professionals in the business sector. IBAISU had designed this program with an excellent combination of practical and theoretical aspect. The whole program is divided in to twelve (12th) semesters. Out of the twelve semesters last semester (12th semester) is assigned for practical orientation. As a student of BBA with the requirement of my program I completed my internship program with the Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL). I have tried my best to use this opportunity to enrich my knowledge on banking system. I have taken this opportunity to apply my knowledge, which I have learnt from my theoretical classes. I have tried my level best to present my experience of the practical orientation in this report. This report is also a requirement of my BBA program. 1.2 Objective of the Study Broad Objectives 1. The objective of the study is to gather practical knowledge regarding banking systems and operations, especially for loan and advances. 2. To gather the knowledge and idea about the business arena where there...
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...Different Modes of Investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited [pic] Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Date of submission: 19th May, 2011 Different Modes of Investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Kawran Bazar Branch and Its Performance Prepared By www.AssignmentPoint.com Student Declaration I hereby declare that report entitled Different Modes of Investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Kawran Bazar Branch and Its Investment Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) Is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other Degree, Diploma Fellowship or other similar title or prizes ________________________________ www.AssignmentPoint.com Certification This is to certify that the internship Report titled Different Modes of Investment of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Kawran Bazar Branch and Its Investment Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is approved and accepted in form and quality. ________________ ____________________ Supervisor ...
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