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Data and Privacy


Submitted By jarenyach
Words 2264
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Data Privacy and Security

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Why Protection 4
Computer Virus 4
How Viruses Infect Computer 5
How People Hack Computer Systems 6
How to Keep Computers Safe from Online Predators 7
Conclusion 10

The role of computer systems is very vital in our daily lives. Since computers help us to deal with approximately all the major functions of our lives as well as are so inevitable that spending even a day or two away from the computer can leave us feeling powerless. In this prospect, many people control their routine lives by means of their personal computers. However, at the present computer security has become a very critical issue. Additionally, security refers to the technique to discover as well as stop illicit utilization of our secret information or computer. In this scenario, some preventive measures enable us to stop criminal users (as well known as "intruders") from accessing and using some part of our computer system. In addition, recognition of such intrusions helps us in deciding whether or not somebody tried to gain access into our computer system, if they were successful in their attempt, as well as what they could have acquired from the system (ComputerSecurityService, 2011), (Armor2net Software Ltd., 2004) and (Norton, 2001).
In addition, the term “computer security” is very commonly used, though; the information and data saved on a computer are in danger to few risks unless the computer is connected to other systems using a network. In view of the fact that the use of computer networks, particularly the Internet (largest network of the networks), has turned out to be persistent. The thought of a computer security system has extended to point out problems covered in the way of networked use of computers and their information and data resources (Kinkus, 2002). This outlines the important points and vital aspects of computer security. This paper will cover the answers of various questions such as how can viruses contaminate computers, how computer systems are hacked by people, and how to keep computers secure from online predators.
Why Protection?
In the case of computer systems and information technology, integrity and privacy are considered as the most frightening factors for a computer user. For the daily internet users, the security and privacy of a computer is considered as the most vital area of computer security. However, when a user is registering themselves with any internet service or a website, they can suffer from having nothing keep secret. Security on the internet is concerning when saving someone's data and information even if the information does not appear crucial. It is significant that individuals are able to sustain influence over what information is gathered concerning them, how it is engaged, who is authorized to utilize it, and for which reason it is used (Kinkus, 2002) and (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005).
Computer Virus
Computer virus or simply bug is a type of software application or program that is developed to copy itself as well as extend to further machines. In most scenarios, the application is "malicious”, which outlines it is designed to cause the computer to malfunction in different ways. However, in many cases the term "computer virus" encompasses all the types of "malware," or malicious software. In place of sniffles and a fever, a number of widespread signs of a computer viral infection include data and information loss, sluggish performance, and sometimes the system stops working. However, a lot of the latest viruses were developed to stay unseen and undetected on a computer and not aware its user, consequently malware infected systems can extend silently. In this scenario, the first computer virus was Elk Cloner, which was introduced in 1981. This virus was developed by human programmers and the basic purpose of this virus was to damage others' computers (Chuks, 2011).
How Viruses Infect Computer
There exist thousands of viruses these days, as well as new viruses that are coming out with every passing day. Additionally, it is terribly difficult to offer the computer users a standard clarification of how viruses work, for the reason that they all have dissimilarities in the way they contaminate or the technique they used to spread from one computer to another. In this scenario, file viruses are some sort of programming code that connect themselves to driver files, .exe files or compressed files, as well as they are activated when the host application is run by the system users. Additionally, once the virus file or parasitic virus is started, it can spread by linking with new applications in the computer system, and can as well carry out the bad actions for which it was programmed. In addition, a large number of file/parasitic viruses reach through loading themselves in the computer’s main memory, as well as they begin searching space used for extra programs available on the drive. In addition, by spreading themselves from one system to another, these virus programs as well hold a variety of pessimistic elements that could be turned on instantly or through a specific ‘trigger’. The triggers could encompass probably be precise dates, or the figure of times the virus has been simulated, or something evenly small (TechiesGuide, 2011).
How People Hack Computer Systems
The idea of 'computer security' is used in many forms; the content stored on a computer could be vulnerable simply through few risks apart from the computer that is linked to others on a network. Seeing that the utilization of computer networks (particularly the Internet) has increased radically in last two decades, in this scenario, the idea of computer security is employed to explain issues referring to the networked utilization of computers and their resources (Molie, 2007). Additionally, it is significant for the system user to get computer security management into their hands. In addition, we require placing it in position, where systems that will facilitate in detecting and stopping vulnerabilities from being taken advantage of, in its place of just assuming that our network is protected and that we do not require securing our computers for ourselves (Molie, 2007) and (ComputerSecurityService, 2011).
From the above discussion we can perceive that the primary step in computer security management is to make sure that we have extremely good passwords that comprise a blend of letters, numbers as well as symbols. In this scenario, some extra efficient client verification methods can make you feel at ease. A firewall is a fundamental and absolute requirement for each computer. It permits the system users to simply access those services for which they are authorized. These basic mechanisms are the necessary foundation of a computer security administration, however these mechanisms are not effective to deal with and stop the entire kinds of threats. Additionally, discovering high-quality software might appear daunting if we are not familiar with exactly what we are searching for. Another solution is antispyware that is also considered as an extremely high-quality addition to our computer security arrangement. Therefore, once we know that we have the software in position to safeguard our computer from worms, viruses, trojan horses and additional malware we should turn to an additional feature of computer safety management. Furthermore, protecting and backing-up our important data and files is the most excellent method to keep away from the destruction that could happen if our computer system has been hacked (Molie, 2007) and (ComputerSecurityService, 2011).
In addition, it is significant for the computer user to have the essential layers of computer and network security prepared to protect their data and computer. Since malware spreads and modifies itself constantly, there is need to update our software frequently. As well, while we are without doubt assuring beside an attack, we cannot essentially be positive one will never take place. However, in case it takes place, making backups of the entire data and information at another place is an outstanding method to safeguard our information (Molie, 2007) and (ComputerSecurityService, 2011).
How to Keep Computers Safe from Online Predators
Hacking is the process of entering into network or computer systems, normally with illegal intension (i.e. to change or alter on hand settings). Occasionally malicious in nature, it can create serious problems for the networks or computer systems. In this scenario, people with malicious intentions are frequently referred to as "crackers because they "crack" network or personal computer systems. However, currently the majority of businesses as well as individuals make use of different network-based and host-based safety software to identify malicious actions, defend systems and data, as well as up-hold event response attempts. In this way, security software could be referred as a foundation of computer safety log data (Hinders, 2011), (CampusActivism, 2011), (Mitchell, 2011) and (NIST, 2010). Some important ways to protect computers are presented below:
The majority of available antimalware software is known as antivirus applications that normally keep record of viruses and check malware, file and system disinfection efforts and file quarantines. In addition, antivirus software can keep records of information such as when the process of malware detection was carried out and when software updates or antivirus signature occurred (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005) and (Norton, 2001).
Another important technique for computer security is known as intrusion prevention and intrusion detection systems. For implementing computer security intrusion detection and intrusion prevention, systems record comprehensive data and information on doubtful behavior as well as check for attacks, and some events intrusion anticipation systems carried out to prevent malicious action in progress. In this scenario, a number of intrusion detection applications, like that file reliability checking software, execute occasionally in place of incessantly, consequently they produce log entries in batches in its place of on a continuing basis (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005) and (Norton, 2001).
Remote Access Software is also one of the most important solutions that are aimed at approving and securing the virtual private networks (VPNs). Additionally, virtual private networking systems normally keep the record of successful and failed login attempts, in addition to the dates and times every user used the network, along with the amount of data sent and received in every user session (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005) and (Norton, 2001).
Vulnerability Management Software is a high quality solution for the corporate network security management. In the scenario of computer security, vulnerability management software comprises patch management application and vulnerability assessment application, which is used to record and maintain the patch system history and vulnerability status of every host, that comprises recognized vulnerabilities and missing software updates (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005) and (Norton, 2001).
Authentication Servers are aimed to ensure the computer security. For this purpose they comprise directory servers and single sign-on servers, normally log every verification attempt, comprises its source, username, achievement or stoppage, as well as date and time (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005) and (Norton, 2001).
System Firewalls can be used to track the position of network traffic and carry out content assessment. In addition, firewalls are inclined to encompass extra complex policies and generate extra detailed logs of action than routers (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 2005) and (Norton, 2001).

The term “computer security” is very commonly used, though; the information and data saved on a computer are in danger to few risks unless the computer is connected to other systems using a network. In view of the fact that the use of computer networks, particularly the internet (largest network of the networks), has turned out to be persistent, the thought of computer security system has extended to point out problems covered in the way of networked use of computers and their information and data resources. For the daily internet users the security and privacy of computer is considered as the most vital area of computer security. This paper has presented some of the important aspects of computer security management. This research has outlined some of the important features of computer security of those needed to be maintained for the sake of effective security management. This paper has discussed the ways viruses and hackers enter into system and cause damage.

Armor2net Software Ltd. (2004). Why is the computer security important? Retrieved July 12, 2011, from
CampusActivism. (2011). What is Hacking? Retrieved July 13, 2011, from
Chuks, A. (2011). How a Virus Infect Your Computer. Retrieved July 12, 2011, from
ComputerSecurityService. (2011). Taking Charge Of Your Computer Security Management . Retrieved July 13, 2011, from
Hinders, D. (2011, July 09). What is Computer Hacking? Retrieved July 12, 2011, from
Kinkus, J. F. (2002). Science and Technology Resources on the Internet: Computer Security. Retrieved July 12, 2011, from
Mitchell, B. (2011). What is a Hacker? Retrieved July 12, 2011, from
Molie, C. (2007, July 19). Computer Security - What Exactly Is It? . Retrieved July 10, 2011, from
NIST. (2010). Computer Security. Retrieved July 12, 2011, from
Norton, P. (2001). Introduction to Computers, Fourth Edition. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat. (2005). Discovering Computers 2005. Boston: Thomson Course Technology.
TechiesGuide. (2011). How does a Computer Virus Work . Retrieved July 13, 2011, from

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