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Database Ist7000


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IST 7000 DIS B1T01 Data Management Alexander, Lisa K. N/A 00:00 AM - 00:00 AM Room-NoRm 3 Book title: MODERN DATABASE MGMT Ed:11 Yr:13 Author: HOFFER Publisher: PEARSON EDUCATION ISBN: 978-0-13-266225-3
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Wilmu : 207 Book title: MODERN DATABASE MGMT (E-BOOK) Ed:11 Yr:13 Author: HOFFER Publisher: PEARSON EDUCATION ISBN: 978-0-13-266226-0

IST 7020 DIS B2T01 Analysis, Modeling, and Design Youngs, Robert A. N/A 00:00 AM - 00:00 AM Room-NoRm 3 Book title: SYSTEMS ANALYSIS & DESIGN (BOOK ONLY) Ed:9 Yr:12 Author: SHELLY Publisher: CENGAGE ISBN: 978-1-133-27463-6

IST 7040 DIS B1T01 Data Communications and Networking Salb, James A. N/A 00:00 AM - 00:00 AM Room-NoRm 3 Book title: DATA COMMUNICATIONS & COMPUTER NETWORKS Ed:7 Yr:12 Author: WHITE Publisher: CENGAGE ISBN: 978-1-133-62646-6
Book title: DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS (E-BOOK) Yr:13 Author: WHITE Publisher: UNKNOWN ISBN: 978-1-133-82881-5
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IST 7060 DIS B2T01 Project and Change Management Dande, Fredrick R. N/A 00:00 AM - 00:00 AM Room-NoRm 3 Book title: PROJECT MANAGEMENT (W/CD) Ed:5 Yr:11 Author: LARSON Publisher: MCGRAW-HILL EDUCATION ISBN: 978-0-07-742692-7

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