...Corruption and Indian Politics. Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech said, that there is no magic wand to erase corruption from our country. President, a day earlier to him, through the medium of Doordarshan said that there is no single remedy to fight against corruption. Well I live in an India where the two most supreme authorities in Indian Polity seem to have given up or are helpless on the issue of corruption. Well I also live in an India where a 74 year old man like Shri.Anna Hazare dares to raise his voice against corruption,but is being called uncivil and undemocratic. A very good morning to respected judges, honourable dignitaries and my fellow colleagues,I Viren Vesuwala would like to address the issue Corruption and Indian Politics. I introduce myself as one of the youth of India who is proud to say that, 1. I am one among the youth who hail from a country which has a glorious heritage of thousands of years. 2. I am one among the youth who is proud of people like JRD Tata, Narayan Murthy, Ambani etc who have crossed the oceans and marked their presence globally. 3. I am one among the youth who is proud of great intellectuals and political leaders of past like Mahatma Gandhi,Dr.B.R.Ambedkar,Sardar Vallabhai Patel,Swami Vivekanand etc. At the same time, 1. I am one among the youth who knows that 41% of people of India live in poverty. 2. I am one among the youth who has to keep my head down in front of a foreigner when speaking...
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...50 Corruption in India Andrew Sanchez The momentum of last year’s hunger strike by the anti-corruption campaigner Kisan ‘Anna’ Hazare currently sees India’s parliament wrestling with the formation of a national corruption ombudsman. Hazare’s campaign rests upon the proposition that the democratic ideals with which the Indian state was formed in 1947 are all too often subverted by the self-interest of public servants. Hazare’s supporters argue that this process has two primary effects. First, corruption allows wealthier citizens to access resources and preferential state treatment to which they are not entitled. Second, corruption constitutes a drain on the coffers of many ordinary Indians, in the form of demands for bribes by state functionaries, without which their services cannot necessarily be procured. Hazare’s formulation is largely correct, and if popular support for his campaign is any indication, he has articulated a political frustration with bribery that is unique in spanning the regional, ethnic and religious divisions of Indian society. However, the discontent which Hazare’s movement expresses relates to a corruption that is broader than bribery alone. ‘Corruption’ in this context encompasses a more pernicious subversion of the Indian state that has seen substantial numbers of often violent career criminals enter parliament since the 1970s, and has consequently weakened popular faith in governmental institutions. The current relationship between politics...
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...of perception of corruption * As with many developing nations, corruption is widespread in India. * India is ranked 72 out of a 179 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, although its score has improved consistently from 2.7 in 2002 to 3.5 in 2008. * Corruption has taken the role of a persistent aspect of Indian politics and administration. Corruption In Politics * Criminalization of Indian politics is a main problem. * In July 2008 Washington Times reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder". * At state level, things are often worse. The List of Scams in INDIA * A funny picture of how funds are going to divided among people. Corruption In administration * A 2009 survey of the leading economies of Asia, revealed Indian administration to be not just least efficient out of Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Philippines and Indonesia.. * Further it was also found that working with the India's civil servants was a "slow and painful" process. * Officials often steal state property like land, food (which is for poor) etc. * In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non availability of medicines (or duplicate medicines), getting admission and consultations with doctors Corruption In Judiciary ...
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...Indian Politics and Politicians Indian Politics refers to the activities of the political parties associated with the governance of India as a country. A Politician is person who is professionally involved in politics. It is to be said politics is the art and technique of government. Every idea contains an intention, similarly political idea also contains intention for implementation, but recently people observe negative sense. Introduction to Indian Politics Mahatma Gandhi stated regarding the place of ethics in politics. He told that politics without ethics and principles were not desirable. The principles are the moral principles. According to his philosophy political, life should be governed by truth, morality and self-purification. Gandhiji’s politics were bound up with truth and non-violence. He also prescribed that country should concern with the morals of her leaders. Devotion to truth was drawn by him to half corruption. He had no intention to indulge the religious matter. He interpreted that religious matter is a death-trap because it kills the soul. He also expressed that “For me there is no politics without religion, not the religion of the superstitions or the blind religion that hates and fights, but the universal religion of toleration”. Roles and responsibilities of Politicians The role of the Politicians is to deal with national issues and are driving the country in full gear. It is the duty of the Politicians to check Corruption, nepotism, crisis in...
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...like politics in India, said ADR. Obviously, politics has turned into very lucrative business in India. Does this augur good or bad for India, its economy and the markets, especially BRICs country? Explain your position. From the facts of the case, it can be clearly seen that politicians thrive in India irrespective of rising inflation and slowing economy. Emerging countries will account for a large chunk of the world’s growth. These countries promise new and unexplored markets to the world with their rising levels of consumption and cheap labor. However, markets such as India pose unique risks for the businesses and hence impact its economy. Business risks are provoked because of influence of government in transactions which are expected to be purely commercial in the developed countries. State plays a very important role in planning of its economy and if the resources are used by the politicians for their “business” then economy is bound to fall flat. Financial crises are attributed to misbehavior of some kind, greed, fraud and cronyism. As is widely known, political influence is very essential to start a business in India. This is a key concern for the Indian markets. Corruption has serious repercussions on India’s businesses and political environment. Every time a scandal occurs it damages the credibility of the government. The following are the implications of corruption on India’s economy and markets: Corruption reduces competition and efficiency in the Indian economy...
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...they are in the shadows and sidelines. Bad people have swamped the stage. Their doings have reduced the faith of people in the Administrative machinery in India. Even intellectuals and ideologues are feeling that with such inefficient and largely dishonest machinery, there is little hope of bringing about any progress or economic development. The preamble to the Indian Constitution says: “We the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute INDIA into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens, Justice, Social, Economic and Political… equality of Status and opportunity… in our Constituent Assembly this Twenty Sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution.” In the directive principles of the Constitution, the State shall strive to promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting a Social order with justice, economic and political, in all Institutions of National life. How difficult it is to achieve this task of reaching these lofty goals set by the founding fathers of our Constitution with corruption prone Administrative machinery? We believed in ‘Simple living and High thinking’. We are seeing now ‘High living and simple thinking’. We were taught eating in public and easing in private; it is the opposite now. Newspeak has coined expressions like ‘Speed money’ ‘Hush money’ ‘Slush money’ and so on. A static...
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...Integrity and probity in public life are the standards that society expects those elected or appointed to public office to observe and maintain in the conduct of the public affairs to which they have been entrusted. These standards are what safeguard the nation from corruption by politicians and public officials who have been given almost unrestricted access to public resources together with the power to take decisions that impact on the lives of everyone and the nation as a whole. It follows that those in positions of power can use these positions to take decisions that are solely in the public interest or they can use them to benefit themselves, friends, and in the case of politicians, their party supporters to the exclusion of others. There is mounting evidence, documented by Transparency International among others, that given their privileged position those in power can and sometimes do inflict immense, often irreparable, damage on the country by acting in any other than in the public interest. This, essentially, is the rationale for the legislative and other measures that countries take to govern the behaviour of their public officials. The absence of integrity and probity in public life is manifested in corruption which is a worldwide phenomenon. But its impact is strongest and most pervasive in small states that already suffer from all the known disadvantages that characterise smallness such as unfavourable economies of scale, high per capita cost of government, remoteness...
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...reservations. This marked the beginning of a long term cultural warfare alluded to by George and James that latter led to labor differences between the rich and the poor in modern day America, (George, and James, 1) “Thunderheart” movie tactfully captures real activities that took place in the reservations that led to the shaping of modern day American Culture. This paper seeks to scrutinize a number of planning issues that have helped shape the modern day America. These planning issues include: cultural discrimination, assimilation, corruption and lawlessness. This paper puts into perspective the lives of Indigenous Americans as presented in thunderheart and in harmony with literal documents. This is done to give explanation to the shaping of a modern America. The paper also explores cultural changes between the 20th and 21st Century as presented by Michael Apted The film features themes such as corruption, cultural discrimination, politics and power as well as...
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...Many countries in the world today follow the democratic form of government. Democracy depends on the following conditions (i) coexistence of ideas and of parties; (ii) the right to free discussion; (iii) universal adult suffrage; and (iv) periodic elections. Indian is the largest democracy in the world. The Constitution of Indian was enforced on 26 January, 1950. It ushered in the age pf democracy. India became a democratic republic infused with the spirit of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. The Preamble, the Directive Principles of State Policy and the Fundamental Rights reflect the Indian ideology as well as the caste, creed, religion, property, or sex have the right to cast their vote. After and election, the majority party or coalition forms the government and its leader become the Prime Minister. Political parties are the vehicles of ideas. Parties act as the bridge between social thought and political decision in democracy. The Indian politics system is a multiparty system. However, gradually politics has become a game of opportunism and corruption. Most political parties are only interested in coming to power. Every party adopts different caste politics. Some try to influence the people thought caste politics. Some try to raise the religious sentiments of the people. The...
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...the democratic form of government. Democracy depends on the following conditions (i) co-existence of ideas and of parties; (ii) the right to free discussion; (iii) universal adult suffrage; and (iv) periodic elections. Indian is the largest democracy in the world. The Constitution of Indian was enforced on 26 January, 1950. It ushered in the age pf democracy. India became a democratic republic infused with the spirit of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. The Preamble, the Directive Principles of State Policy and the Fundamental Rights reflect the Indian ideology as well as the caste, creed, religion, property, or sex have the right to cast their vote. After and election, the majority party or coalition forms the government and its leader become the Prime Minister. Political parties are the vehicles of ideas. Parties act as the bridge between social thought and political decision in democracy. The Indian politics system is a multiparty system. However, gradually politics has become a game of opportunism and corruption. Most political parties are only interested in coming to power. Every party adopts different caste politics. Some try to influence the people thought caste politics. Some try to raise the religious sentiments of the people. The Indian ideology...
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...Politics in India takes place within the framework of a constitution. India is a federal parliamentary democratic republic in which the President of India is head of state and the Prime Minister of India is the head of government. India follow the dual polity, i.e. double government which consists of the union at the Centre and states at the periphery. The constitution defines the organization, powers and limitations of both central and state governments, it is written, rigid and supreme, i.e. laws of the nation must conform to it. The governments, union or state, are formed through elections held every five years, by having the majority of members in their respective lower houses. CORRUPTION IS WIDESPREAD IN INDIA, SAYS THE US REPORT…. Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affects its economy. A study conducted by Transparency International in year 2005 found that more than 62% of Indians had firsthand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully. In its study conducted in year 2008, Transparency International reports about 40% of Indians had firsthand experience of paying bribes or using a contact to get a job done in public office.[4] In 2012 India has ranked 94th out of 176 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, tied with Benin, Colombia, Djibouti, Greece, Moldova, Mongolia, and Senegal. Most of the largest sources of corruption in India are entitlement...
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...follow the democratic form of government. Democracy depends on the following conditions (i) co-existence of ideas and of parties; (ii) the right to free discussion; (iii) universal adult suffrage; and (iv) periodic elections. Indian is the largest democracy in the world. The Constitution of Indian was enforced on 26 January, 1950. It ushered in the age pf democracy. India became a democratic republic infused with the spirit of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. The Preamble, the Directive Principles of State Policy and the Fundamental Rights reflect the Indian ideology as well as the caste, creed, religion, property, or sex have the right to cast their vote. After and election, the majority party or coalition forms the government and its leader become the Prime Minister. Political parties are the vehicles of ideas. Parties act as the bridge between social thought and political decision in democracy. The Indian politics system is a multiparty system. However, gradually politics has become a game of opportunism and corruption. Most political parties are only interested in coming to power. Every party adopts different caste politics. Some try to influence the people thought caste politics. Some try to raise the religious sentiments of the people. The Indian ideology today is...
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...Arvind Kejriwal (born 16 August 1968) is an Indian politician and former civil servant who was the 7th Chief Minister of Delhi from 28 December 2013 to 14 February 2014. He is the National Convener of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Kejriwal is a Mechanical Engineering graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and worked for the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) as a Joint Commissioner in the Income Tax Department. In 2006, Kejriwal was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Emergent Leadership recognising his involvement in a grassroots movement (Parivartan) using right-to-information legislation in a campaign against corruption. The same year, after resigning from the IRS, he donated his Magsaysay award money as a corpus fund to found the Public Cause Research Foundation, a non-governmental organisation (NGO). In 2012, he launched the Aam Aadmi Party, and defeated Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit in the 2013 Delhi Legislative Assembly election. Following the election, he took office as the Chief Minister of Delhi on 28 December 2013. He resigned 49 days later, on 14 February 2014, stating he did so because of his government's inability to pass his proposed anti-corruption legislation due to a lack of support from other political parties. Early life Kejriwal was born in a middle-class family in Siwani, Bhiwani district, Haryana on 16 August 1968, the first of the three children of Gobind Ram Kejriwal and Gita Devii. His father was an electrical engineer who graduated...
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...Plunder of India India now is witnessing not mere corruption, but national plunder. --Brahma Challeny, The Hindu, Dec 6, 2010 ESTIMATE OF DEPOSITS IN SAFE HAVENS Top 5 in the world India - $1456 billion (1.4 Trillion dollars) Russia - $470 billion UK $390 billion Ukraine - $100 billion China $96 billion Note: While these numbers are not substantiated because of secrecy, it does reflect the magnitude. Conservative Estimate by Global Financial Integrity India’s standing per Transparency International India’s Corruption Perception Index: 3.3 Scale of 0 to10 10 (highly clean), 0 (highly corrupt) India The Republic of Scams India, Republic of Scams 2G Spectrum Allocation Fraud, 1.76 lakh crores (40 billion dollars) Classic example of collusion between politicians, industrialists and media with high powered brokers. Indian Government refuses to constitute a joint parliamentary committee of all parties to investigate the scam (that resulted in total deadlock in entire last parliamentary session). India, Republic of Scams 2G Spectrum Allocation Fraud(2010) India Today Jan 3, 2010 No tolerance for corruption or deception? Govt refused Joint Parliamentary committee because based on proportion of MPs there will be majority representatives from other parties who will be able expose those who actually received money and deposited in swiss and other safe havens? Who are they protecting? According to Dr. Swamy, Sonia has taken a big share of...
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...Corruption is spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. Corruption in India is a major issue that adversely affects its economy. According to my view it is also a big threat to our democracy. In 2012 India was ranked 94th out of 176 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, this is very poor considering that we are the largest democracy in this world. Scandinavian countries dominate this chart with Denmark being the least corrupt followed by Finland, Sweden and Norway. In year 2008, Transparency International reports about 40% of Indians had firsthand experience of paying bribes or using a contact to get a job done in public office. This is in fact a direct attack on our democratic framework since our institution believes in right against exploitation and this clearly a breach of that right. Our control of corruption percentile is just 36% and it is very minimal considering that how much of attention we give to it. A democracy like ours cannot function like this for too long before a mass movement comes and engulfs it. Who knows we might even be struck with a military coup like our neighbour Pakistan, which would be the most disastrous. The government efforts and just not enough to curb this humongous problem. In fact the government functioning itself raises many questions whether it is committed towards it. People have to bribe for every legal document procurement, even a single stamp of an officer costs hundreds of thousands of rupees...
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