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Day Out Zookeepers

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Day in and day out zookeepers provide care thats zoo animals so desperately need. Some of the day to day care includes cooking and cleaning for lions and tigers as if they were their own children. Zookeepers not only get to treat the animals like their own children, they also get to teach about their animals to children and other guests. In some cases they even get to help scientist study animals. The amount of physical strength needed to be a zookeeper is crazy, they have to lift the heavy sacks of food for the animals and sometimes on occasion they have to lift the animals himself. On top of being physically strong you also have to have a vast amount to mental strength and stability to cope with the loses of animals you get connected to and …show more content…
In high school you’re going to want to take as many science classes you can. Also in your high school career you’re going to want to join clubs like 4-H not only for educational purposes. Being involved in clubs in high school will better your chances of getting into a four year college that you want, but being in 4-H will also help you with your resume when you’re trying to get a job at a zoo when you graduate college (Ferguson’s 160). It’s also important to take language classes in high school like english and spanish seriously because talking to groups of people is also a big part of what you do in being a zookeeper.
Nowadays you can't just graduate high school and get a job being a zookeeper you’re going to have to go to college and get a four year bachelor’s degree. Your best bet is to get a degree in some science like biology or animal behavior (“Zookeepers” 886 & 887). No certification or license is needed to be a zookeeper (Ferguson’s 157). With a four year degree in an animal science you could, in theory, get a job at a zoo. Once you get a job at a zoo, it is possible to advance and get more zoo to cover, but it’s harder than most jobs that require a college education (“Zookeepers”

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