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Five Star Meal

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America has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. Millions of inmates in the United States are serving lengthy sentences with inadequate nutrition. For many, this fits along with the nature of their consequences, but the fact that behind the crimes are humans that require proper nutrition to live is undeniable.
Prisons have a duty to provide balanced meals accompanied with the public responsibility to keep it under a minimal budget. A balanced meal consists of five groups of foods: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. I am not suggesting that prisoners ought to be fed a five star meal because frankly that is paid for by taxpayers. But by changing food high in sodium, carbohydrates and sugar your money would be spared …show more content…
The human body is very sensitive to changes in what is consumed, and when a prisoners diet suddenly changes in jail it can bring a whole host of health problems.. The Marshall Project, a nonprofit journalism organization focused solely on criminal justice outlined in an article what a typical inmate eats for a day in prisons around the country. (Marshall Project: What’s in a Prison Meal). Needless to say the results were shocking and in some cases criminal. Two of the most extreme examples come from one, inmates at Georgia's Gordon County Jail. There the prisoners are, “fed twice a day, about 10 to 14 hours apart. And while the jail maintains they are providing sufficient calories , prisoners said they combated their hunger by licking syrup packets and drinking excessive amounts of water.”( Marshall Project). The prison reported that inmates were receiving adequate nutrition and calories but the inmates reported much smaller portions than the sheriff was reporting. Many of the inmates reported losing substantial amounts of weight while incarcerated, while others described a myriad of different health issues. Ranging from epidermal issues to a loss of energy and suicidal thoughts. At another prison in Morgan County, Alabama investigated by The Marshall Project, they uncovered another reason why prisoners might suffer from a lack of nutrition. False reporting. Sheriff Greg Bartlett, the man responsible for overseeing the meals supplied to the inmates under his care was caught reducing the amount of food that the prisoners received per day. He was able to cut the cost of each meal to 58 cents per day, while depositing the savings into his own personal bank account. (Marshall Project). The inmates were seen as less than deserving of a proper meal and their lack of power allowed this continue for a prolonged amount of time. This was not in

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