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Decreasing Ethical Decisions

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In the article Decreasing Unethical Decisions: The Role of Morality-Based Individual Differences by Rachel Sturm Published in the Journal of business ethics.She explores the idea the individuals make an ethical decisions because they're not morally aware of the situation. furthermore she goes on to explain that there can be numerous reasons as to why ‘‘good’’ individuals make unethical choices.This article was a research-based article trying to find the reason why unethical decisions occur the findings of her research concluded that there are many conscious and unconscious factors that go into making ethical decisions But ultimately if one doesn't think the decision has an moral component when they're more likely to make an unethical decision, those who have a high moral awareness of a given situation are more likely to identify the ethical aspects of that situation before turning their thoughts into …show more content…
The brings in the question of ethics and morality which is a very personal because it's It's entirely up to the individuals values that being said values are greatly shaped by way of culture and society. Sturm goes on to say “ the research suggests that organizational ethics initiatives that include individuals (e.g., leaders) modeling a set of ethical values, which ultimately become internalized by employees (e.g., part of their ethical prototypes)” (Sturm 2017)
People follow leaders because past experiences and ideas of what a leader role is. When a individual has characteristics that are consistent with characteristics with the leaders ethical values and characteristics , then this individual will be perceived them as leader. which may seen as a form of making an ethical decisions because perhaps the lack the awareness to fully understand that that leader is toxic to begin

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