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Definition Essay: What Is Happiness In Me?

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Happiness is something every person needs to feel. Without happiness this place would look dark and emotionless. The aroma in the air would give you a feeling of sadness or depression. You can make a clear blue sky look like its about to turn into a blizzard. Happiness can have infinite kinds of meanings, but no one can give you an exact definition of what it means since everyone is different. It is what an individual makes the word happiness, feel so real and magical. It is not in things, but in you. You are the only one that knows what happy feels like.
 Playing soccer in a bright sunny day around sixty degrees makes me happy because it is the perfect weather a soccer player loves to play in. Not to hot where you get tired easily and not to cold that you can barely move your body. I get lost in the beautiful game surrounded by my fans just outside the sidelines watching me play and stunning them all by doing what none of them thought I could do. …show more content…
My steps to success, family and my boyfriend completes it all. I made good choices to do well in school. The reason for that is, here I am today. My first year in college, a big step to reach my career status. Now I am a little away to pursuing my dream of becoming a business woman. That makes me happy. All the hard work is actually paying off and I can feel the feeling of accomplishment. I can not have done this on my own. I have family members who love me and know that I will be the first generation to graduate college. Without the help of my family and my boyfriend this would have been impossible to do. Their motivation and attention helped me strive to become a bright intelligent young lady. Their kindness and touch of sincere love, makes me feel alive. Without this touch or feeling I wouldn’t be happy. With seeing their smile and positive attitude towards me, my day starts off with a great vibe every time. I know for a fact, this can not only be

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