...everyone knows what it is when they hear the word spoken. As Diane Ackerman puts it in her essay Love’s vocabulary “I believed what I had been told: that the idea of love was invented by the Greeks, and romantic love began in the Middle Ages. I know now how misguided such hearsay is. We can find romantic love in the earliest writings of our kind. Much of the vocabulary of love, and the imagery lovers use, has not changed for thousands of years” This shows that the idea of love has been around for thousands of years and even at the beginning of time. This could be considered an aspect of love. There are many aspects of love but like the quote “ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” love is up to what the person feeling it wants it to be and this is why an aspect is that love has no perceivable definition. This is an aspect because, love can be interpreted in many ways, it can be identified in any time period or era and it can affect people in both a positive and negative manner. A key point in the aspect that love has no perceivable definition is that it can be interpreted many ways. For example Ackerman states that, “What is my goddaughter to think when she hears her mother say: “I love Ben & Jerry’s Cherry...
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...All about me, me and me Woosh. Woosh. Woosh. The fan spins in my excessively hot room. Sweat is dripping off my forehead and I feel like I might pass outtttttttttttttttttttt. Sorry just did right there. Oh fuck! I have to finish this essay tonight and what do I have? Zero inspiration to write something that’s all about me. It seems really easy but damn, my writer’s block is really kicking in. The heat is killing me. I’m sitting in my my room with a refreshing glass of water with two ice cubes, not crushed ice, I hate that shit. I mean why would you want crushed? The pieces are so small you’ll just start to swallow ice. I also have some bad for you poisonous shit chips to my left, but they taste soooo good. I’m listening and singing to some of Coldplay’s great hits on my small little amp. The most notable songs that catch my attention at the moment are: Viva La Vida, Lovers In Japan and Strawberry Swing. Sometimes I try to imagine that there is a strawberry swing on a rolling green hill with the markings of a strawberry on the wood seat of the swing. I love to put myself in the image of what the singer is describing. The lyrics are paint on the canvas of my mind. Thinking about being in someone’s song comforts me. Songs help me get through writing this difficult essay that I wish I weren’t doing at the moment. Wow! I’m almost at two pages. Don’t quit now. Damn. Game of Thrones is on my television. I have to resist! It’s so cool though; I can’t. I get up and turn my television...
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...In this essay topic I will be examining the roles of Hitchcock and Kubrick in their films. I will not be only explaining what an auteur is but the origin and why it is so significant to me and to everyone nowadays and why both of these directors are considered auteurs. The roles that both Hitchcock and Kubrick play in this essay are why that is so important for them to be considered auteurs. In my topic I will be arguing that Hitchcock and Kubrick were both Auteurs, but couldn't every director be an auteur isn't the definition of an Auteur a film director who is considered the primary creative force in the picture. Why are Hitchcock and Kubrick so special I am going to argue that they are great auteurs, how I'm going to do this is by viewing two hitchcock movies and two Kubrick movies and compare them to movies I have recently watched in the movie theaters. The two Hitchcock films I'll review watching are vertigo and to catch a thief . I choose these films because vertigo is the very first Alfred Hitchcock movie I watched and it was very interesting to watch such an old movie that was so entertaining. The way Hitchcock used the music and the way he is able to build the suspense and keep the suspense going even when without the music made it very shocking to me. And then in to catch a thief how Hitchcock was able to put an ordinary man in such bizarre events made it fun to watch. Two movies I have chosen for Stanley Kubrick are the shining and 2001 a space Odyssey. I choose...
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...standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment” (Merriam-Webster, 2017). The sociological definition is “an oversimplified, generally over-exaggerated belief that all members of a certain group act and think in the same fashion“ (Publishing, 2017). I believe there is a commonly missed component in those definitions that can create unexpected and unforeseen issues. Often with these issues, one can find misunderstandings, as well as the perpetuation of issues like racism. These problems...
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...Thesis: The same path taken will not lead to the same destination This thesis is important to me. It is a commentary on our humanity and both our common and disparate journeys. In our collective sojourns not everyone will arrive at the same destination even though the same path was taken. Is this statement altruistic or naïve? I think this comment is about humanity at its best. Conformity is not an answer but a compromise. Mediocrity is another outcome of taking the same path with the expectation of arriving at the same destination. The same path will not lead to the same destination, and for one, I am thankful. My perspective about the path. The metaphor here is life. We often compare and contrast life with being a journey. In his essay “The World as I see it” by Einstein (1931) he stated,”How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn, for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it.” (This is a marvelous essay by the way!) Even a short sojourn is still a life. Life for each person is an experience unto itself. I shall not be another person and they shall not be me. Even though the path I tread on stones worn smooth by the passage of time, I shall not reach the same destination as those many others who came along this way headed for the same destination. The Path. As a journey or by definition: “an act of traveling from one place to another”. This analogy merits comment. Going from one point to...
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...American culture is a topic that not many people talk about. American Culture is set upon beliefs and norms of daily life. Everyone wants justice, and everyone wants peace, but what people want the most is change. I live in a world where most Americans tend to judge a person because of his or her skin tone, personality, or intelligence. Growing up, I never knew that my culture was disrespected by a person with a different color of skin or even judged. Everyday, I have to worry about my goals, my background, and my future; I struggle to follow my dream every single day no matter how hard it may be. It is not that easy to be an American. In reference to Lupe in the story of "The Professor Is a Dropout". Her experience is somewhat similar...
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...Sofianos Essay Assignment What is the difference between strict and limited inerrancy? Which seems more convincing? Why? What is the significance of seeing different genres in the Bible? In this module, we look at the Christian view of the scriptures, and revelation sections. Here they discuss the problems with revelations, the definition of a scripture, the problems with scriptures, etc. My take on this, is that the scriptures are all witness testimony, which means they are opinionated. To some, that could be the problem. The difference between strict and limited inerrancy is with strict inerrancy, it demonstrates the view that there are no mistakes in the bible, while limited inerrancy leaves room for the possibility of mistakes within the scriptures. The significance of seeing different genres in the bible is to see scripture readings with a fresh eye, and to discover the different ways that testimonies were put together. The genre of the bible is basically biblical answers. “Inerrant” is a word that means “incapable” of making a mistake. And it refers to the belief that God protected the biblical authors from making mistakes (pg. 212). I don’t really agree with this because I believe that everything in the bible (well scripture wise anyways) is a witness testimony. John, Paul, Matthew and Luke all wrote down the events of what happened, and its how they took things. Twenty people could view the same event, and all record it differently. That’s what is beautiful...
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...THE RULES OF THE GAME: NOUVELLE EDITION FRANCAISE/THE KOBAL COLLECTION DEEP FOCUS CANON FODDER As the sun finally sets on the century of cinema, by what criteria do we determine its masterworks? BY PAU L SC H RA D E R Top guns (and dogs): the #1 The Rules of the Game September-October 2006 FILM COMMENT 33 Sunrise PREFACE THE BOOK I DIDN’T WRITE I n march 2003 i was having dinner in london with Faber and Faber’s editor of film books, Walter Donohue, and several others when the conversation turned to the current state of film criticism and lack of knowledge of film history in general. I remarked on a former assistant who, when told to look up Montgomery Clift, returned some minutes later asking, “Where is that?” I replied that I thought it was in the Hollywood Hills, and he returned to his search engine. Yes, we agreed, there are too many films, too much history, for today’s student to master. “Someone should write a film version of Harold Bloom’s The Western Canon,” a writer from The Independent suggested, and “the person who should write it,” he said, looking at me, “is you.” I looked to Walter, who replied, “If you write it, I’ll publish it.” And the die was cast. Faber offered a contract, and I set to work. Following the Bloom model I decided it should be an elitist canon, not populist, raising the bar so high that only a handful of films would pass over. I proceeded to compile a list of essential films, attempting, as best I could, to...
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...To the reader, I bet you are wondering what this is all about, or perhaps who I even am. Let us start with a greeting, shall we? Hi, I’m Celina Gonzales, a college freshman taking up BS Legal Management. This E-portfolio encapsulates my entire writing journey of sorts in my ENGLCOM (Basic Communication and Study Skills) course throughout the second term of my first year in university. In here, you will be able to read about various ideas—from the meaning of the word “infinite” beyond the concept taught to us in our Math classes, to the causes of the Philippines’ lagged progress (no, it is not solely due to corruption), and, well, Korean Pop. With all these topics mentioned, I hope you appreciate how much I have grown in terms of flexibility, as I was never comfortable with writing beyond my interests. The entire journey was a roller coaster, thanks to the great deal of papers that came with strict deadlines, high standards, along with numerous revisions inked in either pink, green, red, or blue. However, I believe that all those days figuring out how exactly my professors want me to revise parts of my papers and whatnot are worth it—The innumerable scratch papers that I was armed with in the beginning of the term are gone. I can now write an article of great quality without having to frantically jot down my ideas on a separate sheet of paper. I believe that this growth of mine is impossible without my professors. Therefore, I would like to extend my gratitude to them: To...
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...What Does Diversity Mean to You, and What Does a Diverse Insurance Industry Look Like? By Amanda M. White, CPCU, API As I was preparing to start thinking about the topic of diversity, I did what most of us do these days. I did an internet search on the term. The search results were overwhelming and easily set a picture of what diversity is, without even having to click on a single link. But, while the search results may provide a definition of diversity, those results do not reflect the importance of diversity in the insurance industry and the role of insurance professionals in its development. Diversity is so much more than just the surface qualities of race or gender. It encompasses all qualities that make us unique, as an individual or as part of a group. And it’s acceptance, respect, and understanding of those unique qualities. As today’s economy and business world continues to expand globally, diversity moves to the forefront. There will be more cultures, personalities, and talents at play. In order to be successful, a company must understand how all of those qualities affect motivation, communication, and performance. When it does, it will benefit from better communication and teamwork, enhanced morale, and a higher level of creativity. Now that I’ve given the formal explanation, let me try to answer the first half of the question posed. What does diversity mean to me? In simple terms, I believe that diversity is learning from others that aren’t the same as me. I grew up...
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...English 101 Outcomes Assessment Essay Spring 2012 Convenience of Technological Entertainment As I think back on my childhood, one memory seems to be constant—my dad as he dusted off vinyl records. Gently, he would unsheathe them from their delicate sleeves. In the same room I would sit and sift through Nintendo video game boxes and relive each monumental triumph as I read the game titles on the cartridges. I couldn’t help but smile. The conveniently placed game console meant instant gratification, and through today’s technologies, similar consoles continue to mean the same thing. Technological entertainment and its convenience factor are major heartbeats in today’s civilization. But there will be a time when these sensations mean nothing. There will be an entire generation with new “things” to obsess about. Maybe they won’t be “things” at all. Maybe they won’t care about past generations’ obsessions with video games and electronic media. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe we need to ditch the concept of “instant gratification” and appreciate other types of entertainment. Once upon a time, we valued our entertainment—we would fall in love it. We appreciated and respected media, and we sought out quality in entertainment and beyond. We would absorb live performances and go to the single theater in town. We used to spend quiet evenings playing parlor games with the family, and we considered that genuine entertainment. But for better or worse, we became fans of things, of objects...
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...WRTG 101S Definition Essay We Are Our Own People I grew up in an urban city in Southern California where Caucasians were the minorities and a person who did not speak Spanish was often made fun of. The barrios, or neighborhoods, were home to thousands of Mexican immigrants who’d come to the United Sates in hopes of better lives for their children. The chavalitos, or children, of these people were first generation American and were Chicanos, that is, American children born of full-blooded Mexican parents. I always considered myself a Chicana; I never called myself Mexican or American. To me, this was normal because I had never been around people who were different. When I left my hometown, I realized that most people outside of the Mexican-American community did not fully understand what it meant to be a Chicano or had no idea what the word meant. The word Chicano traces back to the pre-Columbian era, when Mexico was still Meshico. It stems from Meshicano, an ancient Nahuatl word used by the Aztecs meaning “native.” The natives referred to themselves as Meshicanos, and even Shicanos, thus giving birth to the term “Chicano”. The term made its appearance in America, and was used to identify children born on American soil of Mexican descent. Our forefathers came to America seeking better lives and new opportunities for their children. With them, they brought their culture: music, food, customs and traditions. The combination of this with mainstream...
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...THE MEANING OF 'INDEPENDENT WOMAN'' IN MUSIC MiA MOODY Introduction Rapper Roxanne Shanté's 1989 rendition of "Independent Woman," explored relationships and admonished women not to dote on partners who do not reciprocate or to buy into the fairytale dream that a man would always take care of them. The definition of an "Independent Woman" in the Urban Dictionary, a predominantly African American written and defined Web site, is "A woman who pays her own bills, buys her own things, and does not allow a man to affect her stability or self-confidence. She supports herself on her own entirely and is proud to be able to do so." Another depiction of independence is found in Tina Portis' video clip titled the "Deception of the Independent Woman" posted to YouTube in 2010. Portis, an entrepreneur and former single mother, offers her opinion on statistics showing 42% of U.S. black women have never been married and are "independent" because they focus on achievement, often waiting too long to compete for the small number of black men who are equal in status (Johnson, 2010). In the video, she asserts that independent women do not need a pat on the back for doing what grownups are supposed to do: pay their bills, buy houses and cars, etc. She adds that independence discourages relationships as people begin to believe they can do everything alone, so they do not need a mate. Mia Moody, PhD, is a professor of journalism at Baylor University. She is the author of ...
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...Class: Foundation of Music Education (fall 11) Prof: Dr. Williams My teaching Strategy Considering the downfall of the music education today, it is important that educators rethink of a new perspective that could not only motivate music students and educators but give the audience, parents, and principals a good reason to support our vocation. There are a great number of people that graduated from high school, some are still college students that would keep following the path they started years ago in high school when they were playing on a concert band, orchestra or marching band, singing on a choir and become great and successful musicians if at least they had a teacher who could inspire them, someone who could guide them to find the freedom of expressing themselves and play music the way they feel and see it. As a future teacher, I am already concern on how and what I will give my student as tools. So, it is my responsibility to start thinking and planning of a good strategy first to get my students’ attention, motivate them and show them good ways to develop their music skills according to their inspiration. In life, there are different types of people when it comes to desire and what they want to do. Some people just try and if anything works, they just let go. Some people in the other hand, push really far until they can satisfy their desires. This is what we often call Persistence. From my experience on the music field, persistence is what brings me at this level because...
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...simple, often finding that our sexual identity, is ever changing most of our lives. I have given my own identity some thought and I find for me it wasn’t easy. In this essay I will be discussing my own identity and my reasons for coming to the conclusions that I have come to, and why I came to them (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2005) Sexuality is and will always be a natural and healthy part of living. All of us have different values or strong beliefs. Our sexuality is like a beautiful diamond being multifaceted with different ethical, emotional, psychological, and physical dimensions. Regardless, there are effects and consequences for any sexual decision we make (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2005) I was a reckless teenager never taking into consideration the consequences of my actions by being so promiscuous. After looking over the different sexual values in our text it seem that when I was younger I favored hedonism because I was more into the pleasure that I received from it (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2005) I can relate to more than one sexual value system(s). Legalism for example, because I come from a very religious family and my father was a minister; grandfather a deacon and my brothers are ministers and deacons also (Rathus, Nevid, & Fichner-Rathus, 2005) I can relate to is relativism because me and my husband did cohabitate before we got married and since my divorce I have cohabited and decided that marriage is not my “forte” now. I...
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