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Why Football Is Important To Me Research Paper

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When I get older I wanna do some with my life. That’s why I am trying very hard with my life to play football and get my grades up. So I can actually make it to the NFL one day, so I can make my family proud and make them happy for once. Because it may not seem like it but I really do love my family. Even though sometimes they get on my nerves I still love them.But, I’d rather play football because that’s my dream. I will be making $1,690,105 just for playing in two games. I’ll will have enough to supply my family just by riding the bench for one year.The advantages of me playing in the NFL is that I’ve played for 7 years already so no matter where they put me I’ve more then likely played their. Because I’ve played in a lot of places especially on defense for example I’ve played nose guard, left and right …show more content…
I wanna see my dad in the Tennessee Stadium cheering me on and my mom and my family. Because they are the reason that I play football. On average I will be making at least $1,000,000 just for playing the sport. I chose football because that is my dream. I’ve always wanted to play football on the big screen. Not because I can but because people told me I can’t and I wanna prove all of them wrong. They think that because I’m a lil guy or so I’m told , but to be honest I’m not scared to hit anybody out their. I don’t wanna play for Alabama or for Auburn I wanna play for Tennessee, So I can actually get play time and show up the people that said I would never make it well I’m gonna prove all of them wrong. A little bit about my job is that it’s gonna be a National Football League. They are a bunch of teams from all over the U.S.A. and they all make up the NFL. A bunch of football teams in the United States of America play each other during fall and summer for our entertainment. And I wanna be one of those

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