Premium Essay



Submitted By shopnogupto
Words 2269
Pages 10
Definition: “Individual gathered towards under the similar circumstances to achieve common goals”.
“Organizational are the social or UN social arrangements for the collective goals”.
Organization structure
Every organization should have Organization structure because it tells about the level of hierarchy that who is responsible to whom and also shows position of a person. Organization structure consists of vital pillars of an organization which the organization is composed of.
Frame of Organizational Structure:-
Work Specialization:-
Work specialization is a key factor of organization structure. In the organization there are several jobs along their workers. So the workers perform individually their tasks so they are performing that activity again and again then they trained and work specialized on their field. This factor is gives advantage and disadvantage both e.g. In a Honda company these are many portions every worker is specialize on their portion by doing one job. He could be more accurate, takes less time

In less input will give more output and the disadvantage is that if the work specialized person is absent so the production will be stop. By doing the same job he might be bore so the moral will be down...
Though departmentalization jobs are divided into the specialize work and they perform the tasks in a groups the following are the forms of departmentalization
Customer Departmentalization
Geographical Departmentalization
Functional Departmentalization
Product Departmentalization
Process Departmentalization
Chain of Command:-
Chain of command is the responsibility, proper line of authority in the organization. Classical theory explains hierarchy or chart structure that who reports to whom, and clarifies the ranks it tells about the duties, responsible assignments in organization. In some of the organization is

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